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Some cognitive implications of using corpora in teaching Business English by Tatiana Tolstova Liverpool 2013 Samara State Aerospace University.

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Presentation on theme: "Some cognitive implications of using corpora in teaching Business English by Tatiana Tolstova Liverpool 2013 Samara State Aerospace University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some cognitive implications of using corpora in teaching Business English by Tatiana Tolstova Liverpool 2013 Samara State Aerospace University

2 Using a corpus in ELT: authenticity autonomy research approach creativity technology project work

3 Possible applications guiding learners to acquire new notions without the help of the native language; discovering the culture-determined combinatory ability of some words; developing learners’ sensitivity to the cognitive structure of certain text types.

4 A corpus is a large, systematic collection of texts stored on computer.

5 Noscitur a sociis ‘ a word is known by its company’

6 A small corpus of business articles





11 Digitisation of manufacture

12 A small corpus of business articles

13 Digitisation + manufacture: 3D printing technology rapid manufacturing 3D modelling additive manufacturing 3D digitization computer-aided design and manufacture

14 A small corpus of business articles Digitisation + manufacture: technologies that create objects through a sequential layering process, a process of making a three-dimensional solid object of virtually any shape from a digital model

15 A corpus of business letters - VOBEC




19 VOBEC PLACE + ORDER PLACE (25) However, to take full advantage of these special summer sales offers, we advise you to place your order promptly. PLACED (12) We agreed at the time you placed your order, reference number, that you would provide payment in advance. PLACING (6) Perhaps you would consider placing a trial order to provide you with an opportunity to test its efficiency.

20 VOBEC BUSINESS (297) DO + BUSINESS (38) gerund (3): Thank you for doing business with us. infinitive (2): I like the quality of your goods and would welcome the opportunity to do business with you. finite forms (23): During the past two years that I have been doing business with Lamberte Company, my experiences have been unsatisfactory.

21 VOBEC DO + BUSINESS + TOGETHER (6) As we have not previously done business together, you will appreciate that I must request either the usual trade…

22 TEXT STRUCTURING LETTERS OF APOLOGY (134) Move 1 – The First Apology Move 2 – Giving Reasons Move 3 – Informing of Actions taken/to be taken Move 4 – The Second Apology

23 TEXT STRUCTURING Move 1 – The First Apology We are sorry to learn from your letter of 10 May of the difficulties you are having with the pens supplied to your order number 8562.

24 TEXT STRUCTURING Move 2 – Giving Reasons All our pens are manufactured to be identical in design and performance and we cannot understand why some of them should have given trouble to your customers. It is normal practice for each pen to be individually examined by our Inspection Department before being passed into store. However, from what you say, it would seem that a number of the pens included in the latest batch escaped the usual examination.

25 TEXT STRUCTURING Move 3 – Informing of Actions taken/to be taken We sympathise with your problem but regret that we cannot accept your suggestion to take back all the unsold stock from the batch concerned. Indeed there should be no need for this since it is unlikely that the number of faulty pens can be very large. We will gladly replace any pen found to be unsatisfactory, and on this particular batch are prepared to allow you a special discount of 5% to compensate for your inconvenience.

26 TEXT STRUCTURING Move 4 – The Second Apology We trust you will accept this as being a fair and reasonable solution of this matter. With my apologise once again,

27 TEXT STRUCTURING Move 1 – The First Apology The Passive Voice (37) We are sorry to inform you that high income tax was taken for the shipment of your order. Unfortunately it does not depend on our company.

28 TEXT STRUCTURING Move 2 – Giving Reasons modals to be able (10)/to be unable (20) We have not been able to identify your subscription from the information provided. We are unable to go any higher than 7 %.

29 TEXT STRUCTURING Move 3 – Informing of Actions taken/to be taken Future Simple (16) We apologise for any inconvenience and we will send you the order immediately.



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