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“If we teach our children as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.”- John Dewey.

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Presentation on theme: "“If we teach our children as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.”- John Dewey."— Presentation transcript:

1 “If we teach our children as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.”- John Dewey

2 Saint Peter’s College North Plainfield Regional Center Phase II Class project Creating a challenge-based, instructional, cross-content, collaborative, Web 2.0 unit of study through the lens of a core ethical value (character education).

3 Your emerging learning styles emerging educational Web 2.0 resources Leverage your current devices with teaching and learning. What is a challenge-based learning unit?

4 A sample outline for a unit from Mac Learning.

5 Member photos here with content area listed Alex Newton 8th Grade Science Responsibility Haxia Torres 6th Grade Science Telia Bennett 6th & 8th Grade ELA David Venezia 7th Grade ESL

6 THE SIX PILLARS OF CHARACTER EDUCATION / PROFICIENCIES TRUSTWORTHINESS Students will develop appreciation of trustworthiness. Students will understand that genuine sincerity; personal morality and trust in deeds and words must be realized in order to demonstrate trustworthiness. CIVIC VIRTUE / CITIZENSHIP Students will develop appreciation of civic virtue and citizenship. Students will understand the importance of not only knowledge and respect for the law, but the duty to give to society more than one takes. RESPONSIBILITY Students will develop an appreciation of responsibility. Students will understand how all behaviors are accountable and those rights require responsibilities to participate as active citizens in our democratic constitutional system of government RESPECT Students will develop appreciation of respect. Students will understand that genuine respect requires that we all have a moral obligation to honor the essential worth and dignity of the individual, including oneself. We have a responsibility to be the best we can be in all situations. CARING Students will develop appreciation of caring. Students will understand that caring is the heart of ethics and is demonstrated in how we show our emotional concern toward all people. JUSTICE / FAIRNESS Students will develop appreciation of justice and fairness. Students will understand that a just and fair person considers all points of view, listens to others and balances truths in light of evidence.

7 Duration of Unit Middle School Urban School District Students will be able to express what responsibility means to them through online media, posters, and writing, meeting basic standard of proficiency on established rubric. Students will demonstrate active citizenship through group participation and utilize the lesson’s significance for life and career preparation. Unit Assessment 2 MC and 2 OEQ for each content area within the unit

8 8th Grade Science


10 1. Anticipatory Set (focus) - A short activity, question or prompt that focuses the students' attention before the actual lesson begins. 2. Purpose (objective) - The purpose of today's lesson, why the students need to learn it, what they will be able to "do", and how they will show learning as a result are made clear by the teacher. 3. Input - The vocabulary, skills, and concepts the teacher will impart to the students 4. Modeling (show) - The teacher shows in graphic form or demonstrates what the finished product looks like - a picture worth a thousand words. 5. Guided Practice (follow me) - The teacher leads the students through the steps necessary to perform the skill using the trimodal approach - hear/see/do. 6. Checking For Understanding (CFU) - The teacher uses a variety of questioning strategies to determine "Got it yet?" and to pace the lesson - move forward?/back up? 7. Independent Practice - The teacher releases students to practice on their own based on #3-#6. 8. Closure - A review or wrap-up of the lesson - "Tell me/show me what you have learned today". Hunter Model

11 1. Anticipatory Set (focus) - Students will be watching a video about bridge building and what it takes to build a bridge

12 Purpose (objective) - Students will be able to explore responsibility by contributing to the completion of a bridge. Students will research, write, and mathematically calculate a specifically assigned piece of the bridge based on the standard rubric. Students will also be relating their work to being responsible through writing prompts.

13 Teamwork Do your part! Responsibility - the opportunity or ability to act independently and make decisions without authorization and the state or fact of being accountable.

14 Be Proud of your work!

15 Students will be following a teacher instructed packet that takes them step by step through the research process.

16 Checking For Understanding (CFU) - Students will be frequently reflecting in their journal about how the steps assigned are essential to the final project.

17 Independent Practice Group Manager Organizes the groups work Time Keeper Makes sure all the work the group manager organized is handed in on time. Lead Builder Makes sure the building process of the bridge is going smoothly Media Specialist Gets the presentation together and that the “crew” gets vital information to build the bridge Materials Manager Gathers the right materials for presentation and bridge building

18 - Final Built bridge - Presentation with poster

19 Rubric

20 Sally Ride: First American Woman in Space 6th Grade Science-Mrs. Torres

21 Develop a Wordle that includes elements of the unit per respective content area

22 Keep in Mind =) *This is the second lesson about Space Exploration/2 Blocks of 80 minutes. *Last class students created a timeline about the main events in the last 50 years of Space Exploration History. *A short video about the life of Sally Ride was already posted on EDpuzzle and Google Classroom, some of the online resources used in 6 th Grade Torres Science Class. *March is Women’s History Month.

23 Anticipatory Set Life size cutout of Sally Ride’s face will be located at the classroom’s main entrance. A student will be greeting other classmates assuming the role of Dr. Ride.

24 Anticipatory Set Students will complete the first two sections of a K W L Chart about Sally Ride. A timer for 5 minutes will be shown on the Promethean.

25 Objective Through the revision of online media, SWBAT express their understanding of Responsibility and its significance for Space Exploration by completing the lesson packet and writing a letter to the Sally Ride Foundation, meeting basic standard of proficiency on established rubric.

26 Interdisciplinary Connection Social Studies and ELA

27 Responsibility: “...The state or fact of having a duty to deal with something, explain it, and advise of its usefulness, benefits, dangers and disadvantages...” This video was posted on Edpuzzle and Google Classroom for students as a homework assignment, so students could be prepared for this lesson.

28 Students need to complete the following survey based on the video- Google Classroom. Was Sally Ride a Responsible Person? TRUE OR FALSE (T or F) ____ She did what needed to be done ____ She was reliable and dependable ____ She was accountable for her actions; She didn’t make excuses or blame others. ____ She fulfilled her work obligations. _____ She used good judgment and thought the consequences of her actions. ____ She exercised self control. I think Sally Ride was/wasn’t a responsible person because: ……….

29 Students need to complete the same survey about themselves- Google Classroom Are YOU a Responsible Person? TRUE OR FALSE (T or F) ____ YOU do what needed to be done ____ YOU are reliable and dependable ____ YOU are accountable for your actions; YOU don’t make excuses or blame others. ____ YOU fulfilled your school obligations. ____ YOU use good judgment and thought the consequences of YOUR actions. ____ YOU exercise self control. I think I AM/AMN’T a responsible person because:...

30 Modeling (BrainPOP) Lesson Packet: True or False, Think About It, and Vocabulary.

31 Guided Practice (Follow Me)

32 Checking For Understanding (CFU) *Participation in Discussions. *Teacher will walk around class, helping and answering questions. *Question and Answer session. *Thumbs up/Thumbs down.

33 *Students will write the FIRST DRAFT of the letter to the Sally Ride’s Science Foundation. *Letter writing basics need to be applied: a. Heading b. Date c. Introduction d. Body e. Conclusion f. Closing g. Signature Independent Practice

34 Drafts will be collected, revised, and returned the following class. Students at home will rewrite the letter with the teacher’s corrections and returned it as a Final Draft. Best letters will be sent to: Sally Ride Science Foundation 9191 Towne Centre Drive Suite L101 San Diego, CA 92122

35 Closure Students will complete the last section “What I’ve LEARNED” of the KWL chart, and it will be collected and graded.

36 Adaptations/Modifications 1. During the videos, the closed captioning option will be on, so students will be able to hear and see what is being said. 2. The videos will be paused any time for further explanation and easy note taking. The video will be shown twice if need it. 3. Students may watch the video using their tablets, they also will be allowed to work in pairs (peer to peer review), and copies of handouts will be available if need it. 4. Students will be given more time and special place during any activity during class if needed. 5. Students will be assigned different or less BrainPOP activities according to their Class Tiering. 6. Students will be offered additional tutoring time from Tuesday to Friday 3pm to 4pm.

37 Behavior Rubric

38 Letter-Writing Rubric

39 6th & 8th Grade ELA


41 1. Anticipatory Set (focus) - A short activity, question or prompt that focuses the students' attention before the actual lesson begins. 2. Purpose (objective) - The purpose of today's lesson, why the students need to learn it, what they will be able to "do", and how they will show learning as a result are made clear by the teacher. 3. Input - The vocabulary, skills, and concepts the teacher will impart to the students 4. Modeling (show) - The teacher shows in graphic form or demonstrates what the finished product looks like - a picture worth a thousand words. 5. Guided Practice (follow me) - The teacher leads the students through the steps necessary to perform the skill using the trimodal approach - hear/see/do. 6. Checking For Understanding (CFU) - The teacher uses a variety of questioning strategies to determine "Got it yet?" and to pace the lesson - move forward?/back up? 7. Independent Practice - The teacher releases students to practice on their own based on #3-#6. 8. Closure - A review or wrap-up of the lesson - "Tell me/show me what you have learned today". Hunter Model

42 ANTICIPATORY SET Crumbled Paper Exercise 1.Each student will take out a blank sheet of paper and write words that describe the paper (e.g., clean, smooth, empty, etc.) 1.Ask students to crumble the paper, step on it, and get the paper as dirty and crumbled as possible without ripping the paper 1.Direct students to try their best to return their paper to its original state. Any student who is unable to return his or her paper to its original state should apologize to the paper. 1.Ask the class whether their apology made the paper like new. 1.Ask students to reflect on the fact that, even though they did all they could to return the paper to its original state, because the paper is so fragile, it will never be as it was before. 1.Explain to the class that this is the same principle that applies to people who have been bullied. Even if the apology is heartfelt and sincere, the person who is bullied will have emotional scars that may never heal.

43 OBJECTIVE Using print and online informational texts, students will be able to support argumentative claims with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate and credible sources, scoring 4 or above in Ideas and Organization on the 6+1 Writing Traits Rubric.

44 INPUT Vocabulary: ●Bystander ●Cyberbully ●Trolling Key Concepts: ●Social Responsibility ●Community Skills: ●Social Tolerance and Respect: You don’t have to “like” everyone, but learn to respect each other’s differences

45 MODELING Argument Writing School's starting soon. Last year I bullied this boy. (I'm a girl). I attacked him even though he's stronger because I knew he wouldn't hit a girl. I insulted him. I humiliated him every chance I got. I want to start over. I want to apologize but I don't know how. I feel awful for doing this. He doesn't trust me. How do I show him I changed?  Jess Display a writing sample that provides a response to the student’s request for help. Response will include Introduction (with compelling hook) that clearly states claim, one reason with supporting evidence, potential counterclaim with evidence to debunk, and conclusion

46 GUIDED PRACTICE Paired Argument Writing Yesterday my friend told me something about a girl in my class and I told a sophomore I know, but then today I found out it was a rumor and it's not true. Now I feel guilty because it's spreading around the school. Is there anything I can do to stop it?  Brooke There is this girl at school, and we don't really get along. She keeps spreading rumors about me and people are turning against me. What should I do?  Sam Students will pair up. Each will take turns as the student needing advice and the advice-giver. Students will use a graphic organizer to make note of their claim, reason, counterclaim and conclusion.


48 CHECKING FOR UNDERSTANDING Graphic organizers will be evaluated to determine if students have proficient understanding of the basic components of an argumentative essay, and the concept of responsibility in the face of bullying

49 INDEPENDENT PRACTICE 1.Watch the PBS clip: Bad Behavior Online: Bullying, Trolling & Free Speech 1.Once you have finished watching the clip, consider the following thought question, complete a graphic organizer, and write a FOUR paragraph response in standard argumentative format: Is a person who laughs or sits quiet while another person is being victimized (bullied) equally responsible for the damage to the victim as the aggressor (bully)? Why, or why not? B

50 EXIT TICKET Students will be asked to go to our classroom padlet to anonymously post what they learned today about their responsibility in the fight against bullying. I will save a screen-shot of each class’s padlet to display on my classroom bulletin board. HOMEWORK Finish essay

51 STANDARDS CCCS:08.W.01.A - Introduce claim(s), acknowledge and distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence logically CCCS:08.W.01.B - Support claims with logical reasoning and relevant evidence using accurate and credible sources, and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text CCCS:08.RI.03 - Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between individuals, ideas, or events. INTERDISCIPLINARY CONNECTIONS Social Studies Science/Psychology


53 ESL

54 Responsibility Essential Question: Do we have a responsibility to help people? Do now (five minutes): When you see someone in trouble, do you feel a responsibility to help them? Why or why not? (Write your answer in two or three sentences) Objective: Learners will be able to engage in critical thinking about a moral dilemma and express thei about this dilemma through speaking and writing.

55 ESL in critical thinking about a moral dilemma and express their opinions about this dilemma through speaking and writing. Watch last two mintues of video: Hot Seat. A Responsibility Project Film.

56 ESL (5-10 mins) Hot Seat is a film without dialogue or narration. Teacher guides learners through last two minutes of film, eliciting language and descriptions from learners along the way. Ex/What is the rabbit doing now? What is s/he thinking? Language frames and descriptions are written in brainstorming form on board. Learners copy brainstorming terms in notebooks.

57 ESL Practice (10 minutes): Did the rabbit have a responsibility to help his friends? Learners get 45 seconds to prepare a response. Then teacher goes around classroom and each learner speaks for twenty seconds about the rabbit’s responsibility. Teacher gives feedback in the form of recasts in General American English.

58 ESL Teacher writes sentence frame on board: The rabbit has/does not have a responsibility to help his friends, because… Independent practice (10 minutes): Learners write response to question “Does the rabbit have a responsibility to help his friends?” in notebooks, providing at least two reasons for their claim.

59 ESL Closure: (5 mintues)Teacher displays his/her response to prompt, and breaks it down for learners. Exit slips. Write down three things you learned today on a post it note and stick the note to the door on your way out.

60 Group determines which best standard(s) is aligned with the unit plan.

61 Group develops a survey of 2 MC and 2 OEQ’s, sends to another group for results and posts them on the a slide.

62 Rubric for the project created by group. RUBISTAR.COM

63 Why stop about....... Special education modifications to unit Cooperative learning in lessons reading strategies Developmental theories cited Questioning techniques Multiple intelligences applied Mentoring log citation (Danielson) podcast resource in lessons

64 How to get started....... Upload this presentation into Google Doc’s from our class resource folder, share with members develop an online dialogue.......Skype with group...record and place in project....

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