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Presentation on theme: "T EST C OORDINATORS T RAINING (R EQUIRED FOR DTC S & STC S )"— Presentation transcript:


2 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Big Picture Objectives  Understand the roles and responsibilities of district and school test coordinators  Understand resources available to effectively train test administrators  Understand how to use the Test Administration Manual to understand requirements and ensure secure test administration and valid test results  Learn about additional resources and tools

3 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Training Overview Training will cover the following topics:  Test Coordinator Roles & Responsibilities  Test Administrator Training  Accessibility Supports  Test Security  Smarter Balanced Administration  OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences Administration  ELPA21 Administration Primary source: Test Administration Manual

4 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Organized into short modules  Designed to be delivered to district and school staff  Focus on orienting test coordinators to the Test Administration Manual Training Format

5 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING OAKS System Components Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) Student demographic information collected Student test settings entered Test Delivery System (TDS): TA Interface Test sessions created Students approved to test _______________ Test Delivery System (TDS): Student Interface Students log into tests Students take tests Online Reporting System (ORS) Test results reported Item Tracking System (ITS) Test questions created reviewed, and edited Questions assembled into tests

6 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Test administration and security training  Coordinate access to OAKS System and testing data  Coordinate testing logistics  Coordinate student testing options  Investigate and report any test improprieties to ODE District Test Coordinator (DTC)’s Role TAM, Section 1.4: User Roles

7 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Ensure all TAs in your school are trained  Ensure that all students in your school participate in required assessments  Coordinate testing logistics and school- imposed test windows for your school  Coordinate student testing options for students in your school  Support DTCs in investigating test improprieties School Test Coordinator (STC)’s Role TAM, Section 1.4: User Roles

8 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Ensure that all STCs and TAs:  Receive annual training  Read and understand the Test Administration Manual  Sign assurance of test security form  Disseminate ODE-issued testing updates and alerts to staff involved in state testing  Respond to questions from staff using Regional Assessment support partners when necessary Ensuring All Staff Are Trained TAM, Section 1.5: Training Requirements

9 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Module 2: TA Training  Module 3: Accessibility Supports  Module 4: Test Security  Module 5: Smarter Balanced  Module 6: OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences  Module 7: ELPA21 Test Administrator (TA) Training: Reminder of Requirements TAM, Section 1.5: Training Requirements Required for all TAs Required for TAs based on the test(s) they will administer

10 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING In addition to Test Administration and Security Training, ensure that:  All Braille Interface TAs in your building receive additional ODE-provided training specific to configuring the Braille Interface  All Extended Assessment TAs in your building receive additional ODE-provided Qualified Trainer or Qualified Assessor training  All Kindergarten Assessment TAs in your building receive separate Kindergarten Assessment Training using ODE-provided modules. TA Training (cont’d) : Reminder of Requirements TAM, Section 1.5: Training Requirements

11 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Creating District and School Level User Accounts in TIDE  One “DTC” allowed per district, with multiple “District Level User” roles permitted  DTC creates district- and school-level accounts:  District Level Users  District Report Viewers  School Test Coordinators  School Report Viewers  Test Administrators  Test Technicians TIDE User Guide

12 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Student Test Options: Scenarios and Resources  Assigning embedded designated supports and accommodations in TIDE  Targeting students up to a higher grade level  Allowed for Smarter Balanced Math & ELA and OAKS Online Science & Social Sciences  Not allowed for KA, Extended, or ELPA21 OAM, Appendix A; TAM, Appendix B: Student Inclusion; TIDE User Guide

13 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Student Test Options: Scenarios and Resources (Cont’d)  Managing test formats and restricting access  (Example: Extended vs. Online testing)  Managing retests  OAKS Online Science & Social Sciences  Grade 12 Smarter Balanced retest opportunity  Managing parent-requested exemptions  Smarter Balanced uses new HB 2655 opt-out process  Exemptions for all other assessments must be based on disability or religion TAM, Section 5.3 Parent Requests for Exemption; TAM, Appendix B: Student Inclusion; TIDE User Guide

14 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  2015-16 Essential Skills and Local Performance Assessment Manual posted on the Essential Skills homepage October 5 th.  Required reading for DTCs; recommended resource for educators.  Note: Grade 12 opportunity on Smarter Balanced Assessment available for 2015-16. Essential Skills and Local Performance Assessment Manual: Reminder of Requirements

15 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Smarter Balanced  Grades 3 – 82/9 – 6/10  High School2/9 – 6/10  OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences 1/5 – 6/10  ELPA212/2 – 4/12  Extended Assessment 2/18 – 4/28  Kindergarten Assessment8/10 – 10/22  PSAT/NMSQT 10/14 or 10/28  NAEP1/25 – 3/4 Statewide Test Schedule TAM, Appendix A: Statewide Test Schedule

16 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Designed to ensure that testing occurs at the appropriate time in relation to student instruction  Provides districts and schools local flexibility to manage resources  For Smarter Balanced (grades 3 – 8 and 11 ) schools must wait until 66% of the school’s annual instructional days have been completed before testing (leaving an approximately 12-week test window) School-Level Test Windows: Reminder of Requirements TAM, Section 5.2: School-Level Test Windows

17 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Managing School-Level Test Windows: Resources  District-level users may optionally set school-level test windows by grade and subject in TIDE  TDS will only list tests for TAs to include in a test session during that test’s school-level test window  Recommended (but not required) to help districts ensure that the right tests are administered at the right time

18 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING P OLICY C ONTACTS Derek Brown, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Assessment & Accountability o Essential Skills Implementation o, (503)947-5841 Holly Carter, Interim Director of Assessment o Test Security and Administration Policies o, (503)947-5739 Jon Wiens, Manager of Accountability & Reporting o Accountability and Reporting o, (503)947-5764 Beth LaDuca, NAEP State Coordinator o, (503) Brad Lenhardt, Monitoring, Assessment, & Accommodations Specialist o Accessibility & Accommodations o Alternate Assessment o, (503)947-5755 Kathleen Vanderwall, Manager of Test Design o Test Development o, (503)947-5721 Test Improprieties o Regional ESD Helpdesks: assessmenthelp

19 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  ODE will provide information through DTC listserv and Regional ESD helpdesks  Regional ESDs are the best source for assessment support  The state has been divided into three regions: Willamette ESD, Douglas ESD, and InterMountain ESD  Regional ESD contact information online Regional Support Structure

20 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Related Reading Requirements by Role User RoleDescription District Test Coordinator  Sections 1 – 14 of the TAM  Appendices A – F of TAM  The Oregon Accessibility Manual (OAM) School Test Coordinator  Sections 1 – 12 of the TAM  Appendices A – F of the TAM  The OAM

21 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  ODE staff contact information:  Assessment and Accountability webpage:  Regional ESD Helpdesk contacts:  Test Administration Manual and Best Practices Guide:  Accommodations Manual and Webpage:  Extended Assessment Updates:  Extended Assessment Manual:  Promising Practices:  Training Modules:  Test Security Forms: Online Resources


23 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Understand the roles and responsibilities of test administrators  Understand how to use the Test Administration Manual to understand requirements and validly administer tests  Be aware of what’s new this year in the statewide assessment system  Learn where to find test administration resources and tools Big Picture Objectives

24 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Training will cover the following topics :  Test Administrator Training  Accessibility Supports  Test Security  Smarter Balanced Administration*  OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences Administration*  ELPA21 Administration* *Only required for TAs administering this assessment Training Overview Primary source: Test Administration Manual

25 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING TA R OLES AND R ESPONSIBILITIES : R EMINDER OF R EQUIREMENTS  Before testing:  Provide students with an opportunity to become familiar with the test format and procedures  Review student IEPs or education plans to identify appropriate test formats and accessibility supports  Make arrangements for students who are not testing  Review Test Administration Manual (TAM), Oregon Accessibility Manual (OAM), and training notes  During testing:  Ensure that students receive the appropriate test  Enforce test environment requirements TAM, Section 6 Planning for Test Administration

26  Smarter Balanced Math and English Language Arts (ELA) Assessments  OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences Assessments  English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21 st Century (ELPA21)  Kindergarten Assessment  Extended Assessments Ensuring All Students Participate in Required Assessments: Reminder of Requirements TAM, Sections 7 Smarter Balanced, 8 OAKS Online, 9 ELPA21, 10 Kindergarten Assessment, and 11 Extended

27 Ensuring All Students Participate in Required Assessments: Reminder of Requirements  Know how many opportunities are available for the test you’ll be administering  Know when your school is administering each test so your students take the right test at the right time  Know what test settings your students need before testing begins  Check IEPs and 504 Plans what supports are identified  Check TIDE to see what settings are assigned TAM, Section 6 Planning for Test Administration; TIDE User Guide

28 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING T EST E NVIRONMENT R EQUIREMENTS  Supervision at all times by a trained TA  Quiet environment void of distractions  Only accessibility supports listed in OAM made available to students  Limited interaction with students  Read student directions  Administer accessibility supports appropriately  No coaching TAM, Section 2.2 Security of the Test Environment

29 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING OAKS S YSTEM C OMPONENTS Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) Student demographic information collected Student test settings entered Test Delivery System (TDS): TA Interface Test sessions created Students approved to test _______________ Test Delivery System (TDS): Student Interface Students log into tests Students take tests Online Reporting System (ORS) Test results reported Item Tracking System (ITS) Test questions created reviewed, and edited Questions assembled into tests

30 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING A CCESSING THE OAKS P ORTAL  OAKS Portal URL:  Register to receive alerts when announcements or resources are posted on the portal  Provides access to:  TIDE (view and edit student test settings)  TA Interface (used to administer tests)  Online Reporting System (view participation and performance reports) TIDE, TA, and ORS User Guides

31 Updating Student Test Settings: Reminder of Process  Student test settings managed through the Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE)  Created and updated daily based on updates to the SSID record  Governs which tests students can access and the accessibility options they receive TIDE User Guide

32 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING TA Interface  Administer online tests, track progress, and manage students testing in your session  Adjust test settings for individual students before they are approved to start the test  Approve and submit print requests from students Student Interface  Secure online test that must be accessed via a secure browser  General Education Student Interface  Braille Interface Overview of Test Delivery System : Reminder of Process TA User Guide

33 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Used to create and manage test sessions and approve students  All information is visible on one screen  Test Session ID  Students needing approval to start testing  Students with tests in progress  Print requests TA Interface at A Glance : Reminder of Process TA User Guide

34 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Create and Manage Test Sessions  List of available tests automatically displays upon logging in  Click Expand All to see more detail  Select the tests for inclusion in the session and click [Start Session]  System generates a Session ID that students will use to log in  Test sessions automatically expire upon TA logout  Sessions cannot be resumed  Students may resume a paused test in any new test session that includes the applicable test subject and grade  Example: TA creates a test session for students on Tuesday. To resume testing on Wednesday, the TA will create another test session for students to resume testing TA Interface (cont’d) : Reminder of Process TA User Guide

35 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  The number in red next to the Approvals button shows the number of students waiting for approval  Clicking on the Approvals button brings up the list of students who need to be approved to test. TA Interface (cont’d) : Reminder of Process Student Test Settings and Approvals TA User Guide

36 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING TA Interface (cont’d) : Reminder of Process Student Test Settings and Approvals (cont’d) TA User Guide

37 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Student Login 1.Log in using First Name, SSID, Session ID 2.Confirm identity – “Is This You?” screen – First Name (same as in SSID upload), Enrolled Grade, DOB, School, SSID 3.Select Test – Student will see available tests by subject 4.TA Approval required to start test 5.Confirm test -- “Is this your test?” screen 1 Student Log-in 2 3 4 5 TA User Guide

38 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Test Administration Manual  Oregon Accessibility Manual  Best Practices Guide  Promising Testing Practices  TA User Guide  Practice and Training Tests http:// Test Administration Resources

39 Related Reading Requirements by Role User RoleDescription Test Administrator  Sections 1 – 4 of the TAM  Sections 6 – 12 of the TAM based on the tests the TA will administer  Appendix A: Statewide Test Schedule of the TAM  The Oregon Accessibility Manual (OAM)

40 ACCESSIBILITY SUPPORTS (Universal tools, designated supports, & accommodations) (REQUIRED FOR DTCS, STCS, AND TAS)

41 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Understand the purpose of the statewide assessment accessibility supports  Assigning Student Test Settings in TIDE  Knowledge of current updates to Student and Test Administrator Interfaces Big Picture Objectives


43 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING P RACTICE T ESTS  Allow teachers, students, parents and other interested parties to experience a range of item types Smarter Balanced ELA and Math, as well as Performance Tasks)  Assist IEP/504 teams to determine which universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations are needed for each individual student to be successful on the assessments.  Please Note: New Practice tests will be available Oct. 20, 2015 at


45 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING C ALCULATORS Scientific/Graphing/Regression Basic Scientific


47 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Oregon’s Statewide Assessment Accessibility Supports


49 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Know the differences between the following categories of accessibility supports as well as the specific supports that are available for each statewide assessment:  Universal Tools  Designated Supports  Accommodations Know the Options

50 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Figure 1: Conceptual Model Underlying the Oregon Accessibility Manual.

51 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Any practice or procedure that compromises the intent of the assessment through a change in the learning expectations, construct, or content that is to be measured, grade-level standard, or measured outcome of the assessment and is not listed in Oregon’s Accessibility Manual (OAM).  Please note: Assessments taken under any modified condition are counted as non-participants in all state and federal accountability measures and reports. Modification

52 TIDE Changes for the 2015-16 School Year

53 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING S TUDENT T EST S ETTINGS  To align the organization and terminology with the Oregon Accessibility Manual, the TIDE Student Settings screen has been updated and streamlined, including:  Student demographics and ethnicity fields have been removed  Settings are organized by category: Embedded Designated Supports, Embedded Accommodations, and Test Access  Non-embedded Designated Supports and the (Optional) Accommodation Code fields have been removed  Terminology of supports are aligned to the terminology in the Oregon Accessibility Manual  Student Settings upload template has been updated to align with the terminology in the Oregon Accessibility Manual

54 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING V IEW /E DIT S TUDENTS IN TIDE  All users can view student settings  Users can only update test settings if their role in TIDE permits  All settings except ELPA21 domain exemptions can be mass uploaded using a template provided through TIDE

55 S TUDENT I NTERFACE Changes for the 2015-16 School Year

56 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING U PDATED S KIN AND I TEM T OOLS M ENU Tools now available through menu icon rather than requiring right-click (see next slide for details) Navigation buttons now clear, allowing color contrast/overlay settings to apply

57 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING I TEM T OOLS M ENU  All tools now consolidated in a single location under an industry-standard menu button in the top right corner of the item.  Turning on this feature also turns on strikethrough mode which enables a student to quickly and easily strike multiple options without having to right click on each and every one.

58 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING S CRUBBER FOR E MBEDDED A UDIO  Enables a student to drag to the desired position in the audio for pre-recorded audio. ( Note : This is not available for text-to-speech)

59 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING T EXT - TO -S PEECH S ETTINGS  Allows the student to adjust the volume, rate (speed), and pitch for text-to-speech from inside the secure browser (Note: voice pack selection must still be done outside of the secure browser)

60 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING R ESPONSE R ECOVERY  Enables a student to recover a previous draft from the current test session.  All drafts are ordered from most recent to oldest and grouped by sitting (each time the student logged in and tested) ( Note : available as a universal tool but may be turned off from the TA Interface)

61 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING P AGINATED I TEM G ROUPS *  Single item display within item groups  Students can navigate to individual items within an item group  Checkmarks show which items the student has answered  Enhanced security if pausing for 20+ minutes:  If student pauses for more than 20 minutes without having answered all items in the item group, answered items will be “locked down”  Students may still review but may not revise response to previously answered items in the item group * For all tests except Smarter Balanced Math PT

62 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING P ERSISTING H IGHLIGHTING * *Highlighting will persist between segments on PTs and between testing sessions. *Highlighting will only persist if a student tests on the same operating system and platform.

63 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING L INE R EADER (OAKS & ELPA21) o The student is able to use this feature as a guide when reading text.

64 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Oregon Test Administration Manual (required reading) and Webpage:  Oregon’s Statewide Assessment Accessibility Webpage & Manual (required reading):  Smarter Practice/Training Tests  Promising Practices: Online Resources


66 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Objectives  Understand how to use the Test Administration Manual to:  Implement the principles of secure test administration  Maintain security of printed test materials  Avoid and respond to test improprieties


68  Security refers to:  Who has access to secure test materials  What students can see and hear while testing  What resources students can access while testing  Why security is important:  Ensure that each student’s responses are a valid representation of what that student knows and can do  Ensure the assessment data used for accountability purposes are valid and accurate  Ensure that test items can be used across years to allow for year- to-year comparability and to protect investments in test development A secure environment refers to the conditions under which tests are administered, not a specific location Secure Testing Environment: Reminder of Requirements TAM, Section 2.2 Security of the Test Environment

69 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Security refers to:  Who has access to secure test materials  What students can see and hear while testing  What resources students can access while testing  Why security is important:  Ensure that each student’s responses are a valid representation of what that student knows and can do  Ensure the assessment data used for accountability purposes are valid and accurate  Ensure that test items can be used across years to allow for year- to-year comparability and to protect investments in test development A secure environment refers to the conditions under which tests are administered, not a specific location Secure Testing Environment: Reminder of Requirements TAM, Section 2.2 Security of the Test Environment

70 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Ensure only the student and authorized staff have access  Maintain chain of custody from printing to shredding, using consistent protocols to collect and inventory all materials  Ensure all materials are securely destroyed  At the end of each test session (printed items and stimuli, notes, and scratch paper)  Upon test completion (for student drafts for ELPA21 and Smarter Balanced PT and constructed response items) Handling Secure Printed Test Materials: Reminder of Requirements TAM, Section 2.4 Secure Handling of Printed Test Materials

71 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Identifying and Preventing Improprieties: Reminder of Requirements  Definition: Behaviors prohibited because they give students an unfair advantage or compromise the security or validity of the test  Improprieties can be:  Committed by a student or an adult  Intentional or accidental  Affect a single student or a group of students  Strategies to prevent improprieties:  Know the rules and make sure students know the rules  Check the test environment to make sure it meets the security criteria  Ensure the test environment and the students are closely supervised When in doubt, check the TAM and seek clarification before testing! TAM, Section 3 Test Improprieties

72 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Impacted tests may be invalidated, meaning the student loses their test opportunity  In rare cases, tests may be reset  Significant breaches of security could result in disciplinary action by the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) or the district Potential Consequences: Reminder of Requirements TAM, Section 3.5 Consequences of Test Improprieties

73 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Immediately report all potential test improprieties, even if you are unsure of the exact situation  PAUSE the student’s test pending the DTC’s investigation and authorization from ODE  DTC sends Test Impropriety Report to: Reporting Improprieties: Reminder of Requirements TAM, Section 3.6 Reporting Test Improprieties

74 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Test Administration Manual:  Oregon Accessibility Manual  Promising Practices to Avoid Improprieties:  Test Security Forms: Online Resources

75 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Related Reading Requirements by Role User RoleDescription District Test Coordinator  Sections 2 and 3 of the TAM  Appendices D and E of TAM  The Oregon Accessibility Manual (OAM) School Test Coordinator  Sections 2 and 3 of the TAM  Appendices D and E of the TAM  The OAM Test Administrator  Sections 2 and 3 of the TAM  Sections 6 – 12 of the TAM based on the tests the TA will administer  The OAM


77 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Administer the Smarter Balanced Assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics appropriately  Recognize key changes in the Smarter Balanced Assessments in terms of format, features, and testing procedures.  Prepare teachers/test administrators to provide students with the best testing experience possible. Objectives

78 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING 2015-16 Smarter Balanced Test Windows  Administration Window: February 9- June10  Within that window, schools may set their own testing schedule. This may be done through TIDE.  Testing, including at the high school level, should occur after 66% of instructional days have been completed. Schedule (TAM: Appendix A)

79 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING S MARTER B ALANCED A SSESSMENTS  SB Retest Opportunity for Grade 12 this year  Only one opportunity in each content area  Each test opportunity is subject to a 45- day expiration period from the start date.  Each PT test opportunity is subject to a 20-day expiration period from the start date. (TAM: 5.1 Testing Time and Recommended Order of Administration)

80 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Smarter Balanced Test Documents  Test Blueprints  Number of items  Score points (weighting)  Depth of knowledge  Content Specifications  List of all Assessment Targets  Identify which CCSS each Target assesses  Item Specifications  Broken out by grade level, Claim, and Target  Contains Task Models  Appropriate Stems balanced-assessments/


82 Key Elements for Math  Smarter Balanced assesses content standards and standards for mathematical practice.  Resources formerly available during the test may no longer be (e.g., manipulatives, formula sheet, grades 3-5 calculator); check the Oregon Accessibility Manual for specific allowable supports. (  Students at ALL tested grades will be doing a Performance Task which will require them to demonstrate autonomous chains of mathematical reasoning.

83 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Key Elements for ELA  Smarter Balanced combines four elements of English language arts into one test: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Research; there will be an overall score for ELA and sub-scores for each of those four elements.  Listening items will require each student to have headphones.  Resources formerly available during the test may no longer be (e.g., spelling lists, graphic organizers, scoring guides); check the Oregon Accessibility Manual for specific allowable supports.  Students at ALL tested grades will be doing a Performance Task which will require them to write an essay.

84 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Access and download information about the Classroom Activity assigned to your school.  Identify students to be tested and determine their test settings  Make sure you have the correct SSID for each student  Identify students who would benefit from accessibility tools.  Provide students with opportunities to become familiar with the test format and technology; both the training and the practice tests contain the same features as the operational assessment: Before Testing

85 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Smarter Balanced Summative Components  CAT Test (Computer Adaptive Test)  Item Types:  Selected Response (Multiple Choice)  Technology-Enhanced/Enabled Items  Short Constructed Response  Performance Task  Two-day event in ELA; recommended single- day in Mathematics  Classroom Activity  ELA will access multiple resources  Short answer questions provide scaffolding (TAM: 7.1 Components of the Smarter Balanced Assessments)

86 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Smarter Balanced Assessments  The CAT and the PT sections of the test should be given on separate days; finish one before starting the other.  It is recommended, but not required, that the CAT (or non- performance task items) be administered first.  The Classroom Activity must take place 1 to 3 days prior to students engaging in the Performance Task; the Classroom Activity may take place the same day students begin the Performance Task.  ELA Performance Tasks may be given over multiple sessions; Math is recommended to be completed in one session.  Neither portion of the test is timed; students should be allowed to continue working as long as they are making progress. (TAM: 7.1 Components of the Smarter Balanced Assessments)

87 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Pause Rules  Tests can be paused at any time; students get a warning message to verify they want to pause.  If a CAT test is paused less than 20 minutes, students may review questions already answered.  If a CAT test is paused more than 20 minutes, students may not review or change questions already answered.  When resuming after a pause, the student sees the first page that has unanswered questions.  If a test is idle for over 20 minutes, the system will automatically pause the test and log the student out.  There are no pause limits for the performance task portion of Smarter Balanced tests. (TAM: 5.1 Testing Time and Recommended Order of Administration; OAM: Table 1: SB Embedded Universal Tools)

88 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Smarter Balanced Student Interface


90 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Print on Request OAM, Table 3: Embedded Designated Supports


92 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Scrubber for Embedded Audio Enables a student to drag to the desired position in the audio for pre-recorded audio (Note: does not apply to text-to-speech)

93 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Click to adjust the volume Volume Control: Text to Speech Click to adjust the volume (OAM, Table 3 Embedded Designated Supports for Math or ELA items; Table 5: Embedded Accommodations for ELA stimuli)

94 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING ASL Video (OAM, Table 5: Embedded Accommodations)

95 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Expanding Passages (OAM, Table 1: Embedded Universal Tools)

96 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Streamlined Mode (OAM, Table 5: Embedded Accommodations)

97 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING English/Spanish Stacked Translations (OAM, Table 3: Embedded Designated Supports for Math)

98 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Masking (OAM, Table 3: Embedded Designated Support)

99 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Glossary (OAM, Table 1: Embedded Universal Tools for ELA items; Table 3: Embedded Designated Supports for Math Translations)

100 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Smarter Balanced Performance Tasks Session 1: Classroom Activity  Purpose is to “level the playing field” or “ground” students in the general topic (context)  Classroom Activities are pre-assigned; activities are accessed through the OAKS Portal ( and should be downloaded by the STC at least 1-2 days in advance of testing.  Designed to be given in a single session and to take no more than 30 minutes  Does not reveal the specific content of the performance assessment (TAM: 7.2 Classroom Activity Administration Guidelines)

101 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Classroom Activity  Classroom Activities come with a script that must be closely followed during administration  Although classroom activity materials are not subject to the same security protocols as other testing materials, student/group work generated during the Classroom Activity may not be used during the PT and should be securely disposed of.  All students should have the opportunity to interact with teachers or TAs, and, as appropriate, with peers.  Schedule a make up session for absent students that will provide them with an experience similar to their peers. (TAM: 7.2 Classroom Activity Administration Guidelines)

102 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Classroom Activity (cont’d)  Any tables, graphs, formulas or other information may be displayed for students.  TA may write notes for students to see, such as on a chalkboard or dry-erase board.  Computers, projectors, or other technology may be used during the Classroom Activity.  Each Classroom Activity includes strategies that teachers or other TAs may use to address students with special needs and increase accessibility. (TAM: 7.2 Classroom Activity Administration Guidelines)

103 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING From Classroom Activity to Performance Task  Performance Task work may begin the same day as the Classroom Activity is completed, but:  Students may NOT be logged into any part of the SB test while the CA is being completed.  All visuals created for CA must be removed or covered before starting the Performance Task.  Students may NOT have access to notes taken during the CA while working on the PT.  A secure environment must be created prior to starting the PT (cell phones collected, books and papers put away, etc…).  If not begun on the same day, the PT should be started within 1 to 3 days of Classroom Activity (TAM: 7.3 Classroom Activity/Performance Tasks)

104 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING ELA Performance Tasks Embedded Tools  Dictionary  Notepad  Formatting features  Bold, italic, underline, remove format  Insert numbers or bullets  Indent, outdent features  Cut, copy, paste  Undo, bring back  Spell Check (must click on icon to activate and again to exit.) (OAM, Table 1: Embedded Universal Tools)

105 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Notepad in the ELA Performance Task (OAM, Table 1: Embedded Universal Tools)

106 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Dictionary (OAM, Table 1: Embedded Universal Tools)

107 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Math Performance Tasks Embedded Tools  Calculator (grades 6-11)  Digital notepad  Math tools Non-embedded Tools  Scratch Paper  Graph Paper (OAM, Table 1: Embedded Universal Tools)

108 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Calculators (Scientific, Graphing, & Regression)

109 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Smarter Balanced Practice Training Test  Organized by grade band 3-5, 6-8, and high school  14-15 questions includes all item types  Includes all embedded universal tools, designated supports, accommodations, and language supports Practice Test  Organized by grade  Approximately 30 items of varying difficulty  Includes a Performance task  Includes all embedded universal tools, designated supports, accommodations, and language supports (OAKS Portal:

110 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Training Tests vs. Practice Tests Use the training test if  You want to familiarize students how to navigate the test and learn how to complete the different item types  Your intent is NOT to look at grade level content or items at the appropriate level of difficulty. Use the practice test if  You want students to see grade level items and practice responses to them.  You want students to experience items across all claim areas.  You want students to have practice on the Performance Task.

111 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  2015-2016 Test Administration Manual  2015-2016 Oregon Accessibility Manual  OAKS Portal (Practice & Training Test)  Test Specifications and Blueprints Online Resources


113 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Administer OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences Objective

114 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  2015-16 OAKS Online Test Window: January 5 – June 10  Each test opportunity is subject to a 45- day expiration period Test Schedule (TAM: Appendix A)

115 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  For students in grades 5 and 8, there are two OAKS Science and Social Sciences test opportunities per subject  Retesting students in grades 5 and 8 who have already met requires explicit parental consent  Three test opportunities for students in High School per year; no restriction on retesting Test Opportunities (TAM: Sec 5.1: Testing Time and Recommended Order of Administration)


117  Review Section 8.0 Administering the OAKS Online Assessments  Identify students taking the Extended Assessment  Identify students to be tested and their test settings  Make sure you have the correct SSID for each student  Identify students who need stacked Spanish/English or Braille format  Identify students who need accessibility supports  Provide students with opportunities to become familiar with the test format and technology Before Testing

118 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Monitor to ensure that students only have access to the accessibility supports listed in the Oregon Accessibility Manual (OAM) (OAM: pg. 26, Accessibility Supports for OAKS Science and Social Sciences Assessments)  If breaking up the test into multiple sessions, allow students to finish all presented items on the screen before pausing the test. (TAM: Sec 8.3, Testing Over Multiple Sessions or Days)  If students pause the test for more than 20 minutes, they will no longer be able to return to previously answered or marked items when they log back in. (TAM: Sec 6.4, Pause Rules and Test Expirations) Test Administration

119 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Periodic Table (Grade 8 and High School) (ODE Provided Resources- Paper Copy)

120 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Calculators (4-Function, Scientific, Graphing, & Regression)

121 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Required Reading by Role User RoleDescription District Test Coordinator  Sections 1 – 14 of the Test Administration Manual  Appendices A – F of the Test Administration Manual  The Oregon Accessibility Manual (see OAM for role-specific reading requirements) ( School Test Coordinator  Sections 1 – 12 of the Test Administration Manual  Appendices A – F of the Test Administration Manual  The Oregon Accessibility Manual (see OAM for role-specific reading requirements) ( OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences Test Administrators  Sections 1 - 4 of the Test Administration Manual  Section 8 of the TAM  Appendix A of the Test Administration Manual  The Oregon Accessibility Manual (see OAM for role-specific reading requirements) (

122 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Test Administration Manual  Oregon Accessibility Manual:  OAKS Online User Guides  OAKS Portal (Practice Tests) Online Resources

123 English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21 st Century (E L P A 21) (Required for DTCs, STCs, and ELPA21 TAs)

124 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Understand the definition and purpose of the English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21 st Century (ELPA21)  Administer the ELPA21 appropriately Objectives

125 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  The ELPA21 (English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21 st Century) measures the proficiency of English Learners (ELs) in reading, writing, speaking and listening English based on Oregon’s 2013 English Language Proficiency Standards.  Used as part of Title I accountability to document which students are Limited English Proficient and as part of Title III Accountability incorporated into the Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO).  Required for all students eligible to receive English Language Development (ELD) services. Purpose and Use

126 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  2015-16 ELPA21 test window: Feb. 2 – April 12 (TAM Appendix A)  Each test opportunity is subject to a 45-day expiration period and expired assessments are not re-opened. (TAM, Sec. 9.5)  There is a 60-minute pause rule for ELPA21. This is a change from the previous Oregon ELPA to the new ELPA21. (TAM, Sec. 9.5)  As we transition to this new summative assessment, no ELPA21 scores will be available during school year 2015-16. Test Schedule and Scoring

127 ELPA21: S ECTION 9.0

128 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Review Section 9 of the Test Administration Manual and your training notes  Identify students to be tested  Make sure you have the correct SSID for each student  Make sure each student’s LEP flag is set to “Y” in TIDE  Verify that any 2015-16 domain exemptions are programmed in TIDE before starting the test (TAM, Sec. 9.4)  Provide students with opportunities to become familiar with the test format and technology  Check headsets to ensure they are properly installed and functioning correctly (Use the Practice Test to check headsets) Before Testing

129 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  In 2015-16, ELPA21 is administered as one fixed form test, with the speaking domain segmented at the end.  The Kindergarten and the 1 st Grade tests are now separated in single grade bands  Both the Kindergarten and 1 st grade ELPA21 includes a paper/pencil writing section. (TAM, Sec. 9.1)  While the ELPA21 is not timed, we estimate that it will take from 60 to 120 minutes to complete, depending on grade level. (TAM, Sec. 5.1)  In 2015-16, ELPA21 is supported on iPads and Chromebooks, in addition to desktops and laptops.  No Android Tablets or iPad Mini for 2015-16 Test Administration

130 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  Monitor to ensure that students only have access to the allowable resources listed in the Oregon Accessibility Manual (OAM) (TAM, Sec. 6.2)  If breaking up the test into multiple sessions, allow students to finish all presented items on the screen before pausing the test. ( TAM, Sec. 9.5)  This year, ELPA21 has a 60-minute pause rule. If breaking the test into multiple sessions, students must review all previous responses before pausing, as those responses will be “locked” and will not be changeable upon the log-in, unless it occurs prior to 60 minutes.  ELPA21 is divided into 2 main segments: Segment 1 is the Listening, Reading and Writing domains with one TA approval, then the Speaking segment with a 2 nd TA approval. Once the 1 st segment is submitted, students cannot go back to review or change answers. Test Administration ( cont’d)

131 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  For the ELPA21 Speaking segment, students may receive a pop-up warning if their recorded response is too soft. Students can play back their responses to verify before moving on and can re- record if necessary.  For students whose IEP or 504 Plan exempts them from a domain, enter domain exemption in TIDE as a restricted resource prior to approving the student to test. When in doubt, don’t start the ELPA21. Always check the exemptions first. (TAM, Sec. 9.3)  Remember: All domain exemptions that were programmed during 2014-15 were removed from TIDE on October 1, 2015. Any 2015-16 exemptions must be freshly programmed, prior to the start of the ELPA21 for that student, based on updated IEPs or 504 plans. Test Administration ( cont’d)

132 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING If a student arrived at a U.S. school: On or before May 1, 2015, the student must take the ELPA21 and all state assessments: ELA, Math, and Science (as appropriate for his/her grade).  After May 1, 2015, the student must take the ELPA21 and state assessments in Math and Science (as appropriate for his/her grade).  Between April 1 and April 30, 2016, the student must take the assessments in Math and Science (as appropriate for his/her grade) but is not required to take the ELPA21 (unless the student is enrolled and officially identified as an EL on or before April 12, 2016).  On or after May 1, 2016, the student is not required to test. Please note: if a Newcomer misses the ELPA21 window AND is not required to take the ELA assessment, they will be considered a non-participant for that AMO. (TAM Appendix B, Table 21) Important dates to remember

133 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  An identified EL cannot be exempted from taking ELPA21. All identified ELs must participate. Schools must use the ELPA21 for ALL students eligible for services under the ESEA criteria for an English Learner, regardless of whether the student actually receives services.  Reclassified students in Year 1 or Year 2 of monitor status should not participate in the ELPA21unless they were reclassified “late.”  The late-exit date for 2015-16 was September 18, 2015.  No ELPA21 test items should ever be translated or read aloud. Key Administration Points

134 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING Best Practice Reminders  Familiarize yourself and your students ahead of testing about available accommodations and supports, especially for newcomer ELs.  Use Table 19 to assist students who are not familiar with technology/computer operations. (TAM, Sec. 9.2)  The ELPA21 Consortium recommends smaller testing groups while students acclimate to the new assessment. The recommended ratios are:

135 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  You may have students pause the ELPA21 at the beginning of the speaking domain and have the student resume later, being sure to keep in mind the 45-day test expiration period (expired ELPA21s are not re-opened).  You might choose to provide students with a name tag with picture to avoid confusion during the log-in process. Best Practices (cont’d)

136 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING User RoleDescription District Test Coordinator  Sections 1 – 14 of the Test Administration Manual  Appendices A – F of the Test Administration Manual  The Oregon Accessibility Manual (see OAM for role-specific reading requirements) ( School Test Coordinator  Sections 1 – 12 of the Test Administration Manual  Appendices A – F of the Test Administration Manual  The Oregon Accessibility Manual (see OAM for role-specific reading requirements) ( ELPA21 Test Administrators  Sections 1 - 4 of the Test Administration Manual  Section 9 of the TAM  Appendix A of the Test Administration Manual  The Oregon Accessibility Manual (see OAM for role-specific reading requirements) (

137 T EST C OORDINATOR T RAINING  ELPA21 Webpage  Test Administration Manual, Section 9  Promising Practices:  OAKS Portal and Practice Tests:  Oregon Accessibility Manual: Online Resources


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