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8TH GRADE FITNESS Mr. Misch. TYPES OF EXERCISE Isometric & Isotonic.

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2 TYPES OF EXERCISE Isometric & Isotonic

3 ISOMETRIC EXERCISE An exercise where a muscle has contraction in which no movement occurs Example- holding a plank or pushing your hands together.

4 ISOTONIC EXERCISE An exercise that involves contractions in which the body parts move Examples- the bench press or arm curl (the muscles lengthens and shortens)

5 LIFTING WEIGHTS AND PROPER FORM When you use proper form- 1) you will get maximum benefits 2) you prevent injury (safety)

6 BENCH PRESS Bench Press works the chest (Pectoralis) 1) make sure you can do 12 reps 2) always have a spotter 3) lower the bar just above your chest (keep breathing) 4) lift slow and under control

7 SQUATS 1) make sure you can to 12 reps 2) lower the body until you have a 90 degree bend at the knees 3) keep a straight back 4) in class, only use dumbells 5) lift slow an under control (always breath)

8 SMART GOALS (S)pecific (M)easurable (A)ttainable (R)easonable (T)imely

9 Specific- activity you are going to do Measurable- amount of time and number of days each week Attainable- pick out a plan you can carry out Reasonable- pick out a plan that you can do on a regular basis Timely- activities you choose are good for meeting your fitness needs

10 HEALTH RELATED FITNESS COMPONENTS Cardiovascular Fitness Muscular Strength Muscular Endurance Flexibility Body Composition

11 UNKNOWN MUSCLES 1) Bracioradialis- the forearm A good exercise to exercise it is the hand grips 2) Gastrocnemius- the calf A good exercise to work it is toe (calf) raises

12 Cardiovascular Fitness- the ability of the heart, lungs, blood vessels and blood to work efficiently and to supply the body with oxygen. Muscular Strength- the ability of muscles to lift heavy weight or exert a lot of force. Muscular Endurance- the ability to use muscles for a long period of time.

13 Flexibility- the ability to move all body parts and joints freely. Body Composition- the combination of all tissues that make up the body such as bones, muscles, organs and body fat.

14 CHRONIC DISEASES Heart disease Stroke Cancer Diabetes Osteoporosis Obesity

15 HEART DISEASE It is a cardiovascular disease. It exists when the arteries in the heart become clogged. Exercise can help prevent this disease by burning off fat that otherwise could build up on the artery walls.

16 STROKE It is a cardiovascular disease. It is when oxygen in the blood supply to the brain is severely reduced or cut off. This is from fat build up in the artery walls in or leading to the brain. Exercise can help prevent this disease by burning of fat that otherwise could build up on the artery walls.

17 CANCER It is a disease characterized by the uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells. Cancers uncontrollable cells invade normal cells, steal their nutrition with the cells normal function Exercise can help prevent cancer by increasing the body's immune system. A strong immune system has a better chance of fighting disease.

18 DIABETES It is when a persons body cannot regulate sugar levels. Over time diabetes can damage blood vessels, heart kidneys and eyes. Exercise will burn off sugar and fat in the body. Exercise helps regulate sugar levels.

19 BONE DISEASE (OSTEOPOROSIS) When the structure of the bones deteriorates and the bones become weak. When you exercise, you build bone mass and increase density of bone.

20 OBESITY It is a condition in which a person has a high percentage of body fat. This contributes to other diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Exercise will burn off fat in the body. The goal is to burn off as many calories as you take in from eating.

21 BENEFITS OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY 1) stress reduction 2) decrease in cholesterol 3) decrease in Body Mass Index (BMI) 4) decrease Hyper Tension (blood pressure) 5) you become stronger 6) you feel better 7) you can become smarter

22 OPPOSING MUSCLE GROUPS Muscles that are on opposite sides of a bone that work together. If one contracts, the other muscle relaxes. Examples- (bicep & triceps) and (quadriceps & hamstring)

23 STATIC STRETCHING Stretching slowly as far as possible without pain for 10 to 30 seconds.

24 DYNAMIC STRETCHING (Ballistic Stretching) A series of quick but gentle bouncing or bobbing motions designed to stretch muscles. Example- arm circles

25 HARD TO REMEMBER MUSCLES 1) Bracioradialis- the forearm A good exercise to exercise it is the hand grips 2) Gastrocnemius- the calf A good exercise to work it is toe (calf) raises

26 BODY MASS INDEX BMI uses a formula to help determine if you are overweight. Measure your height and weight without shoes and subtract 2 pounds for clothing. BMI = weight in pounds/(height in inches) X 2 X 703 note: you can also look at the chart to look up BMI

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