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Learning Disability Services The Next Steps in Acknowledgement & Inclusion Robin Miller, Deputy Director August 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Disability Services The Next Steps in Acknowledgement & Inclusion Robin Miller, Deputy Director August 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Disability Services The Next Steps in Acknowledgement & Inclusion Robin Miller, Deputy Director August 2008.

2 Purpose of Report Update on progress against previous action plans Gain approval for Learning Disabilities Improvement Programme

3 National Context Valuing people and Valuing People Now A life like no other Improving chances of disabled people National Health & Social Care Indicators Changing demographic & needs

4 Local Context Acknowledgement & Inclusion Strategy (2007) Solihull Learning Disability Audit (2007) Health Care Commission Inspection (2007) Residential Care Home Reprovision Operational Plan (2008/09)

5 Matters for Consideration 1. Progress against previous action plans

6 Integrated Service Achieved :- Integrated management structure Single referral pathway Efficient and robust funding process for packages Further Action :- Launch of access & information service and website pages Pooled budget arrangement to be formalised Continuing Health Care process to be clarified

7 Quality & Safeguarding Achieved:- Reg 26 process introduced to all units (including non-registered) Safeguarding procedures tightened CRB’s and POVA’s completed on all staff Quality assurance framework developed for all providers Further action:- Accessible complaint leaflet for Trust Action plans by providers in relation to QAF

8 Accommodation Achieved :- Care Trust is now registered body for Care Homes provided in Partnership with Bromford Approved list of LD providers has been developed Outreach team for people with complex needs (in partnership with south b’ham) Further Action:-

9 Accommodation (continued) Achieved:- Community Team Capacity & expertise is extended New sheltered scheme has been delivered and additional ones on stream PCP’s completed for people in campus provision Further Action:- Provider service to be registered as Dom Care Service Alternative accommodation and support to be delivered for people in campus provision Reprovision programme to be delivered

10 User & Carer Voice Achieved:- Increased capacity in advocacy services Expert by Experience review of homes Learning Disability specific worker in carers centre Person centred planning strategy Further Action:- Involvement strategy for Learning Disability to be developed (in line with Trust User Engagement Strategy)

11 Employment Achieved:- Lead strategy post within Employability Team Support Service commissioned in work related day services Further Action:- Action plan to be developed for in- house within MBC and CT Action plan to include wider employers More people into employment

12 Other Achieved:- Partnership Broad reviewed and given new direction and purpose Further Action:- Clarity of how P.Board fits into partnership structure Workforce strategy Commissioning plan

13 Matters for consideration 2. Approval of Programme

14 Need for programme Still work to be completed in relation to previous action plans Delivery of Operational Plan Implementation of ‘Acknowledgement & Inclusion’ in relation to Health & Social Care Services and Valuing People Now

15 Learning Disability “Acknowledgement & Inclusion” Programme Board LD1 Community Learning Disability Team Development Lead - Sue Jobbins LD3 Health Facilitation Lead - Robin Miller LD5 Commissioning Strategy Lead - Catherine Nolan LD7 Short Breaks Lead - Catherine Nolan LD9 Provision Development Lead - Karen James LD2 Accommodation Strategy Lead - Robin Miller LD4 User & Carer Involvement & Engagement Lead - Robin Miller LD6 Person Centred Approaches and Planning Lead - Paul Chamberlain LD8 Promoting Employment Lead - Robin Miller Learning Disability Programme Appendix 3

16 Learning Disability Programme Board Reporting Structure Cabinet Member Care Trust Board Health & Wellbeing Board Learning Disability Programme Board Provider Board Learning Disability Programme Appendix 6 Learning Disability Partnership Board

17 Financial Impacts Remodelling of services Demographic changes and new expectations Residential Care reprovision Sufficient finance support will therefore be vital to ensure successful delivery

18 Other Risks Human Resources User views Reputation Performance (if programme changes are delayed)

19 Decisions To note progress against recommendations of previous inspections and action plans Approve development of ‘Acknowledgement & Inclusion Programme’ and underpinning commissioning strategy

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