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FUN GYM Cambridge Nationals R001. FUN GYM REMEMBER The Question Paper Duration: 1 hour or 60 Minutes 2 Sections: Section A and Section B Total marks available:

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1 FUN GYM Cambridge Nationals R001

2 FUN GYM REMEMBER The Question Paper Duration: 1 hour or 60 Minutes 2 Sections: Section A and Section B Total marks available: 60 marks Section A: Brief and simple answer questions: 30 Marks available Section A: 4 Questions at 7 minutes per question Section B: Detailed and lengthy answers: 30 Marks available Section B: 4 Questions at 7 minutes per question Tips for the Long Answer Question Always give both sides of the argument (for and against) Aim to give at least 2- 3 points for each side Use full sentences, even if you have a bulleted list Use some relevant ICT key terms


4 FUN GYM HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE Hardware are the Physical pieces of equipment that makes up a computer system. Either inside the computer or connected to the computer. Software are the Programs, Applications (App’s) and procedures which can be run on a computer system. Software usually has to be installed on to a computer.

5 FUN GYM COMPUTING DEVICES Hardware devices – Portable & Non-Portable (desktop Computer systems) Desktop computer systems are usually found in office environments. They are usually to large and heavy to move from place to place. Portable devices are computer devices that allow you to work on the go. They tend to be small and lightweight; easy to carry around.


7 FUN GYM SMARTPHONES Smartphone is a portable or mobile computer system that combines features such as telephone, text messaging, PDA, web browser, media player, digital cameral, GPS system, apps, etc. Benefits:  Small, light and portable  Ideal for communication while away from the doctors’ practice.  Can be used to research Disadvantages  Cannot carry out many office tasks  Too small for easy typing and viewing documents  More care needs to be taken to keep data secure  Can be easily lost or stolen

8 FUN GYM THE 4 WAYS TO TRANSFER DATA: Wired: network connection Wireless (wi-fi, wi-max, bluetooth) Mobile data: 3g, 4g Internet Transmission: Email, Cloud, P2P, Torrents

9 FUN GYM WIRED NETWORK If you save a file to your area or open a file from the shared area you are transferring data on a wired network. Wired networks connect all devices together using a wire. This connection allows the sending of files down a cable, to other computers connected to the same network. E.g. data, documents, files, etc. A FILE SERVER is a computer attached to a network that has the primary purpose of providing a location for shared disk access, i.e. shared storage of computer files. Along with this it holds all the persons account information (i.e. Usernames and Passwords). A network can be over a Wide are (WAN) or a small Local area (LAN). Fun Gym would use a LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) to allow computers to be able to communicate with each other.

10 FUN GYM WIRED NETWORK Advantages: 1. Wired networks can work at very high speeds. 2. Allows information to be passed from one computer to another. 3. Allows sharing peripherals (printers etc.). Disadvantages: 1. Can be expensive to set up (installation & cost of cables etc.). 2. Needs an expert to set up. 3. Cables can be unsightly in homes etc.

11 FUN GYM WIRELESS NETWORKS A Modem converts digital signals to electronic signals, so information can be transmitted over phone lines or fibre optic lines. The Wireless network is transmitted by a Wireless Access this will allow any device to access a network as it transmits all information over radio waves. To connect to a wireless network the device will need a wireless network card. These are usually built into the device when they are made. The card will be able to read any radio waves that are being used to transfer Information Wirelessly. Wireless networks transmit it’s signal with a unique name, this is known as an SSD. The SSD allows users to recognise the wireless that they want to use.

12 FUN GYM WIRELESS NETWORKS Advantages: 1. Easy to set up 2. Laptops & smartphones have built-in wireless network cards and can easily connect to wireless networks. 3. No wires – so devices can be moved around and used anywhere in range of a wireless access point (WAP) Disadvantages: 1. Slower data transfer speeds than wired networks 2. Harder to make secure than wired networks

13 FUN GYM MOBILE COMMUNICATION Mobile phones, smartphones and other portable devices can also use the mobile phone telecommunications networks to connect to networks and the internet. 3G = third generation 4G = fourth generation Often much slower speed than wired or wireless networks. The Gym could use mobile communications to pass messages, information and emails to their staff.

14 FUN GYM Advantages: 1. If no WIFI is available you can use your mobile or smartphone to download content using the mobile 3 or 4G network, like images and videos. Disadvantages: 1. Mobile 3G data networks are much slower than wired or wireless networks (although 4G mobile networks are much quicker) MOBILE COMMUNICATION

15 FUN GYM BANDWIDTH: HOW YOUR INTERNET SPEED IS AFFECTED The term bandwidth refers to the speed at which information is passed over a network like the internet. The higher the bandwidth the more information can be passed through a network at once. Imagine your internet connection is like a bottle neck or a pipe. The faster the internet connection, the bigger the pipe – so more can fit down it.

16 FUN GYM DIFFERENT INTERNET SPEEDS 56Kbps Dial Up (Slow) Analogue signal comes down phone line, Very slow and not used much now ISDN (256Kbps Medium) DSL Broadband (20Mbps Fast) Digital Signals that come down your phone line, much faster and widely used now Fibre Optic Broadband (40Mbps Super-fast) Digital Signal converted to light and passed down “Glass cable” Mobile Broadband using 3G/4G signal 5Mbps and getting faster with new 4G

17 FUN GYM PERIPHERALS Peripherals are devices (such as printers, scanners, mobile phones, tablets cameras etc.) that are attached to a computer system but are not actually part of it. These can be connected by a wire or wirelessly. USB (Universal Serial Bus) is the standard way to connect peripherals. It allows for fast transmitting of files. Fire wire is another wired connection. It is a high speed connection similar to USB. More expensive and less popular Wireless allows the peripheral to access the network with a wireless network card and pass files to another device. These could be ways used by BRIDGET to place pictures from her camera onto the computer for the website. Tom may use this to take pictures and move them to the computer for his posters, or pass his music to a storage device.

18 FUN GYM INPUT/OUTPUT/STORAGE/CONNECTIVITY DEVICES INPUT DEVICES- allow you to enter data into a computer system OUTPUT DEVICES- allow you to get information from a computer system STORAGE DEVICES- These allow you to save work created on a computer system CONNECTIVITY DEVICES- These allow computer system to connect up to a network such as the Internet.



21 FUN GYM INPUT DEVICES There are other input devices. The ones mentioned on the previous slide are all manual; that means the user has to use them to get data in. There are things called ‘sensors’ which are used all around us to allow us to get the information into the computer without someone entering them in. Fun Gym could use sensors in their building to check for temperature to raise or lower the heating. Or to check movement and switch on the lights if someone walks into a room.

22 FUN GYM OUTPUT DEVICES An output device is something which is used to display or return information to a user. This could be in the form of an image on screen, music from speakers or even a print out from a printer. Screen, Used for displaying information. Printer, Used for producing a hard copy of information which can be taken away from a computer Touch Screen, (Can be both Input and Output)Used for interacting with a computer Projector, Displaying information from a computer for an audience on a large screen Speakers, Used for hearing sounds, music.

23 FUN GYM OUTPUT DEVICES Fun Gym could use output devices such as monitors so staff can use the website, work on files. Speakers to listen to music in the studios. Flat screen TV’s can be used as monitors around the studio’s to show information about the gym. Printers can be used by staff to print out information for staff or members (i.e. posters, bills, booking orders etc.).


25 FUN GYM BUSINESS COMMUNICATION A businesses can communicate with employees and others working remotely, i.e.: voice telephones, SMS, instant messaging, email, chat rooms, forums, bulletin boards, Voice- over-IP (VoIP), video conferencing, webcams, blogs, social networking.

26 FUN GYM EXAM QUESTIONS Explain one reason why a trainer in a leisure centre would prefer to use a tablet rather than a desktop computer. (2 marks)

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