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Minorities in the Work Force - issues and possible solutions Elina Vipule Tuğba Morkoç Jana Russner Zanda Liepina Nicolas Woehrel Filip Kuc.

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Presentation on theme: "Minorities in the Work Force - issues and possible solutions Elina Vipule Tuğba Morkoç Jana Russner Zanda Liepina Nicolas Woehrel Filip Kuc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minorities in the Work Force - issues and possible solutions Elina Vipule Tuğba Morkoç Jana Russner Zanda Liepina Nicolas Woehrel Filip Kuc

2 AGENDA 1. Introduction 2. Minority issues in the work force 3. A comparison between France and the USA 4. Possible solutions 5. Conclusion 6. Discussion

3 Minority can be defined as a culturally, ethnically, or racially distinct group that coexists with but is subordinate to a more dominant group. As a minority can be recognized also as a LGBT society.

4 Glass ceiling - a gender or racial inequality in the chances of advancement into higher levels

5 Diffrent backgrounds of minorities Racialy Ethnic Sexual Religious Disability

6 Minority Issues in the Workplace Direct and indirect discrimination Racism Different prejudices

7 Comparison between France and the USA

8 Ethnical minorities In France : France does not recognize these little groups of people. In French civil status there are no "ethnic" features mentioned. The government make an effort to integrate “Roms “ people. In the USA :

9 Religious minorities In France : In the USA :

10 People with disabilities In France : Companies of more than 50 employees have to employ 6% of disabled people and if it is not the case they have to pay some taxes. The percentage is 61% of the companies respect this law and 39% of the companies don’t respect this law. In the USA:

11 Gender Minorities

12 Suggestions for avoiding discrimination in companies Verbally inform everyone that Discrimination and harassment will not be tolerated under any circumstances, Disciplinary action will be taken against any employee, who harasses a co-worker, client, customer, contractor, etc. Provide all staff with brochures containing information on harassment.

13 Conclusion Differences in the population present new challenges Demografic change The global marketplace Government-sponsored programs

14 Examples of Discrimination National or Ethnic Origin Race Color Gender Age Religion Disability

15 Minorities Need to carefully assess and identify barriers they set for themselves Work on resolving them

16 It is not fair to behave differently to the same statues people and behave same way to different statues people, although we should be fair no matter what their statues are.

17 Solutions Discuss with the employer Promote cultural programs Diverse group of employees

18 Discussion

19 „Diversity in the work force is a company’s greatest fortune”

20 „Too many cooks spoil the broth”

21 Thank you for attention

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