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SSI Summer Test Administrator Training. This training does NOT take the place of reading and following the appropriate manuals All personnel must be trained.

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Presentation on theme: "SSI Summer Test Administrator Training. This training does NOT take the place of reading and following the appropriate manuals All personnel must be trained."— Presentation transcript:

1 SSI Summer Test Administrator Training

2 This training does NOT take the place of reading and following the appropriate manuals All personnel must be trained by June 17


4 Who tests? Students who did not pass Math and/or Reading during the May administration (including all LEP students and students taking STAAR A) Students new to Texas, from a private school or homeschool who did not test in May Students who were absent during the March/May administration

5 Test Versions & Form Numbers STAAR STAAR A and L STAAR Spanish (5 th only) There are no form numbers on re-test booklets

6 Time Limits Each student is allowed four hours to complete the test A clock or timer should be used to monitor test time Time starts after the test administrator has read all of the directions and tells students: “…you may begin” or “You may now put on your headphones” Test administrators must communicate orally or in writing the amount of time left to test (one hour intervals then smaller increments) Students with Extended Time as an accommodation must start testing as soon as possible START and STOP times MUST be recorded on the seating chart for each student Late students must test if there is enough time left in the summer school day

7 Breaks Breaks included in the time limit (not allowed to stop the time clock) –Water breaks –Restroom breaks –Snack breaks –Short physical or mental breaks Breaks NOT included in the time limit (required to stop and restart the time clock; STOP & RESTART times must be recorded on the seating chart) –Meals –Emergency situations that significantly interrupt testing –Consolidation –Medical breaks

8 Allowable Procedures & Materials The following test procedures and materials are NOT accommodations. They may be provided based on individual student need. It is not necessary to indicate the use of these on a student answer document. Signing or translating test administration directions Reading aloud or signing the writing prompt upon request Minimize distractions Small group or individual administrations Remind students to stay on task Scratch paper (must be collected) Colored overlays Blank place markers Highlighters Page 13 Manual Page O-13DCCM

9 CTC Responsibilities You are the contact person for all test-related communications at your campus You are responsible for the planning, training and execution of testing You are required to read and be familiar with all manuals You are responsible for test security of materials You must supervise and actively monitor testing You must report testing irregularities and violations immediately to the DTC You are responsible for supervising the verification of precoded test materials by campus personnel You are responsible for the accounting of all test material and for the accurate completion of all answer documents

10 CTC Responsibilities Attend test coordinator trainings and train campus test administrators Receive, manage and secure testing materials Prepare answer documents for testing, this includes checking that the student’s data is current Coordinate all campus testing logistics Establish and monitor testing procedures to ensure test security Verify appropriate score codes, test taken information codes, testing accommodations codes, and all other coding is correct on answer documents Prepare and return all testing materials to the testing office Manage the TAMS system on the campus for online testing Prepare statements if necessary

11 Test Administrator Responsibilities Read the Test Administrator Manual Attend training conducted by your campus test coordinator Receive secure testing materials from your campus test coordinator Observe all rules regarding test security and confidential integrity of the state testing system Read “Guide to the Test Administration Directions” prior to administering any state assessment Administer the tests in strict compliance with the directions in the Test Administrator Manual Supervise and actively monitor students during testing Do not provide any unauthorized assistance to students during testing Do not view the test, discuss the test, or score a student test either before, during, or after testing

12 Test Administrator Responsibilities Complete answer documents in accordance with the manual Return all testing materials to the campus test coordinator (CTC) immediately after students finish testing Accurately and completely fill out all required documentation for testing Assist the CTC for on-line administrations as needed Report testing irregularities and security violations immediately to the CTC Prepare statements for submission to CTC if you are involved in a testing irregularity or test security violation

13 Reading Directions Test Administrators MUST read the Guide to the Test Administration Directions starting on page 41 Test Administrators must read word for word all directions in bold following the word “SAY” Be aware of the different sets of directions for the various types of administrations (Spanish, STAAR L, STAAR A, SOA) Be aware of the different callout boxes for specific subjects

14 What a TA can say during the assessment “Remember that you must record your responses on the answer document.” “Be sure to erase any stray marks that you might have accidentally made on your answer document.” “I can’t answer that for you; just do the best you can.”

15 Accommodations Refer to the 2016 State Assessment Reference Guide for allowable accommodations, eligibility, examples/types and special instructions When training test administrators for oral administration use the Oral Administrations Manual

16 Allowable Test Procedures and Materials The following test procedures and materials are NOT accommodations. They may be provided based on individual student need. It is not necessary to indicate the use of these on a student answer document. It is also not necessary to list allowable procedures & materials on an EOE form. Signing or translating test administration directions Reading aloud or signing the writing prompt upon request Allowing a student to read test aloud to aid in comprehension Providing reading assistance on the 3 rd grade math (see manual for guidelines) Minimize distractions Small group or individual administrations Remind students to stay on task Scratch paper Colored overlays Blank place markers Highlighters See DCCM page O-13 or TA manual page 13 for a complete list

17 Oral Administration FULL ORAL all questions and answer choices (no reading passages) A student’s IEP/IAP may have assigned the option to “change” level of support during the test Students who are able to “change” level of support based on documentation in IEP/IAP can go back and forth Test administrator receives a test bookle t to read from PARTIAL ORAL Questions, answer choices, words or phrases Students cannot change from “PARTIAL” to “ALL” Test administrator reads over the student’s shoulder upon the student’s request TAs will have a stand alone manual for administering an OA and will require additional training FULL and PARTIAL oral cannot be grouped in the same testing room

18 Oral Administration TA Manual Can be found and downloaded from /student.assessme nt/manuals/

19 Test administrators assigned to an oral/signed administration of STAAR (partial, full or writing prompt) are required to be trained in the appropriate procedures. This training also applies to test administrators assigned to STAAR L & STAAR A because the test administrator is allowed to sign or read aloud certain items within the online test.

20 Dictionaries Dictionaries must be available to ALL students taking STAAR Reading at 8 th grade (including STAAR A) must be a ratio of 1:5 Students in 5 th grade must meet eligibility criteria  Standard/general dictionary English (Spanish for Spanish version test)  Dictionary/thesaurus combination  Electronic dictionary  Bilingual dictionary  ESL dictionary  Picture dictionary  Sign language dictionary

21 Calculators All students in 8 th grade and Algebra I students must have a graphing calculator for the math test Ratio is 1 to 1 STAAR A and STAAR L test takers must be provided with a handheld graphing calculator All calculators must be “hard” cleared prior to the test and by the test administrator prior to the calculators leaving the testing room All students in 8 th grade and Algebra I students must have a graphing calculator for the math test Ratio is 1 to 1 STAAR A and STAAR L test takers must be provided with a handheld graphing calculator All calculators must be “hard” cleared prior to the test and by the test administrator prior to the calculators leaving the testing room Grade 5 by accommodation only

22 Procedures for maintaining the security and confidentiality of assessments are specified in the Test Security Supplement, the District and Campus Coordinator Manual, and in the appropriate test administration materials. It’s the law!

23 Test Administrator Oath The bottom box of the oath is to be signed for individuals who are authorized to conduct a test administration that involves viewing secure state assessments to include (but not limited to) oral administrations transcribing STAAR A or L administrations If summer test administrator was not trained and signed an oath with SAISD in the spring of 2016, they must have the full security brief. See May TA training power point.

24 Campus Procedures Add specific campus procedures. Remember to address:  Material sign out/in  Breakfast/Lunch  Testing Environment (clocks, covering instructional material)  Active Monitoring  Extended Testing/Consolidation  Handling problem students  Illness  Attendance/Late Arrivals  Monitors  Relief TAs  Emergencies  Add slides as needed

25 Linguistic Accommodations STAAR (English)STAAR LSTAAR A Reading Dictionaries of Various Types Extra Time NA Dictionaries of Various Types Extra Time Clarification of word meaning in English Dictionaries of Various Types (page 128 in Reference Guide): Bilingual dictionary English/ESL dictionary Monolingual dictionary Picture dictionary

26 Mark Accommodations on the Answer Document Accommodations are marked if they are assigned to the student, not if the student used them If LEP students are assigned linguistic accommodations in reading, that student will not be eligible for EXIT for this year GA- General Accommodations (any accommodation that is not specifically listed) BR- Braille LP- Large Print OA- Oral Administration XD- Extra Day (Type 2) LA- Linguistic Accommodations

27 Answer Documents Test Administrators are responsible for the accurate completion of answer documents: Ensuring that students have bubbled in all answers on the back of the answer document Ensuring that the test version (language) has been indicated Ensuring that the Test booklet number and score code have been marked Ensuring accommodations have been marked if not already done so

28 Answer Documents Test Administrators are responsible for the accurate completion of answer documents: Ensuring that students have bubbled in all answers on the back of the answer document Ensuring that the Test booklet number and score code have been marked Ensure accommodations have been marked if not already done so Test taken has been marked

29 Score Codes on Answer Documents S - Score O - Other A - Absent PW - Parent Waiver P – Previous Pass * Online test taken for one of two assessment

30 START TIME for class is after the directions have been read STOP TIME for class is the stop time of the last student Each student should have their individual stop time indicated Only students who go to the nurse should have this start and stop time indicated Student Name, ID # and Test Booklet # MUST be filled out NO Form numbers for Retest Booklets Do NOT fill in Test Booklet Number for students testing online STAAR or STAAR A or L

31 Preparing Materials for Return Verify that no answer documents or scratch paper have inadvertently been left in test booklets Verify that all test booklets and answer documents are accounted for (including blank answer documents) Make sure that any transcribing that is required for special testing situations has been completed and documented on the answer document Make sure the correct score code is marked on each answer document and test booklet number has been indicated Verify that student information, test taken information, and accommodations coding on answer documents is accurate

32 Return and Check In Test booklets must be face up and in numerical order Answer documents must be in alphabetical order and SPEARATED by CAMPUSAnswer documents must be in alphabetical order and SPEARATED by CAMPUS

33 554-2465 SAISD Testing Office Questions?

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