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What we raise money to support.  Reducing operating room infections  Reducing noise in Neonatal ICUs  Guard against the spread of diseases.

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Presentation on theme: "What we raise money to support.  Reducing operating room infections  Reducing noise in Neonatal ICUs  Guard against the spread of diseases."— Presentation transcript:

1 What we raise money to support







8  Reducing operating room infections  Reducing noise in Neonatal ICUs  Guard against the spread of diseases such as the flu & Legionnaires

9  Improved animal living condition on large farms  Cleaner food supply  Better working conditions  Better air quality for neighboring communities

10  Non-profit Sustainability Projects  Reduced costs to heat and cool homes  Improved refrigeration  Lowering costs  Less spoilage

11 MAYBE IN A FEW YEARS ….  RP-2348: Improved Heating Ventilation for underwater drilling pipes

12  Money goes BACK to the Region  Very powerful message to say “For ever $1 you give, the Region gets $xxxxx back in Research”  Every Dollar given to Research goes TOWARD Research  Overhead, salaries, recognition, travel, etc is paid for from the general fund

13  Every dollar they give goes directly to Research in Canada  $670,000 worth of Research being conducted in Canada ▪ Total Giving by Canadians in 2009-10: $240,000  $2.75+ per dollar invested


15  What hits home with the Donor?  Something about their business?  Something general that impacts everyone?  Something in the area?  Something from their school?  Specific Topics  Tours or Chapter Tech Sessions

16   Strategic Plan  Final Research Reports  Current Research Projects by Region  Research History “by Region”   Staff

17  RP Controlled  What do you want to see? ▪ What’s the most useful to you?  RP Blog  Chapter Materials

18 Help us help you  What topics do you want to see broken out by research categories?  What areas of research are your chapters most interested in seeing?


20 Let staff or your RVC know!

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