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Welcome to Nursery ‘Enjoy each day as we learn along the way’

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Nursery ‘Enjoy each day as we learn along the way’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Nursery ‘Enjoy each day as we learn along the way’

2 Miss Eaves – Class Teacher Mrs Heaton – Learning Support Assistant ‘Enjoy each day as we learn along the way’ Nursery Learning Team

3 LPPA Leading Parent Partnership Award School has achieved the LPPA award Mrs Baxter leads the LPPA Working Party Opportunity to give feedback at each event where parents/carers are involved Feedback is always carefully listened to and appropriate changes / improvements made where necessary ‘Enjoy each day as we learn along the way’

4 Reading Please sign reading records every time your child has read (this is most beneficial to your child when done daily for 10 minutes). As a minimum, we expect this to have been signed by a parent / carer three times a week ‘Enjoy each day as we learn along the way’

5 Writing – Early Years and Y1 ‘Enjoy each day as we learn along the way’ Children in Early Years and Year 1 will learn a text and can use actions to ‘perform’ the text (you will have seen this in our Parent Assemblies). This helps the children to confidently write different texts Encourage your child to ‘perform’ texts they are learning in school, as this will help them progress quicker Encourage your child to write at every opportunity at home, using the correct spelling, punctuation and grammar, as this will help them to progress further

6 Maths Real life problem solving across the curriculum Reasoning (where children explain how they know an answer and how they’ve worked it out) Presentation of work To know by heart all the: Y1 = number bonds to 10 and 20 (e.g 7+3=10, 6+4=10) (17+3=10, 16+4=10) Y2 = 2, 5, 10, 3 and 4 times tables Y4 = 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 times tables There is daily practise of number bonds and times tables across the school ‘Enjoy each day as we learn along the way’

7 Children’s responsibilities To work to the best of their abilities and allow others to do the same To treat others with respect To follow the instructions of all the staff in school To take care of property that belongs to you, others and the school To co-operate with other children and adults

8 Physical Education Please have kits available each day in school for the whole of the term, as P.E. days can change No football kits please Plain white t-shirt / or one with the school logo on Plain black shorts Plain black, slip on pumps Plain tracksuit in colder weather ‘Enjoy each day as we learn along the way’

9 Healthy Minds A full fresh water bottle should be brought into school each day Mid-morning toast (10p per day) Healthy lunchboxes and school meals Free fruit each afternoon in KS1 KS1 have free school meal or can have a free school pack lunch ‘Enjoy each day as we learn along the way’

10 Behaviour and Discipline Positive Discipline Policy Superstar, Sunshine, Rainbow, Cloud Rewards Merits, Leading Learner of the Week Award, Headteacher’s award sticker, Deputy Headteacher’s Value Award sticker, Value Champion of the Week Award ‘Enjoy each day as we learn along the way’

11 Always Award This is an award for children who: Always have 96% or better attendance and punctuality (no more than 4% late marks) Always wear the correct uniform and have the correct P.E. kit Read at least three times each week and have the diary signed each time the child has read Complete homework on time each week, to the expected standard Always follow the Children’s Responsibilities and not be placed on the ‘Cloud’ or be put on a detention ‘Enjoy each day as we learn along the way’

12 Wrap Around Care School would like to offer ‘wrap around care’ before and after school. We would be grateful if you could complete a short questionnaire regarding before and after school care, you can do this in the school hall now, before you leave. It will only take 5 minutes and we would really appreciate your views. ‘Enjoy each day as we learn along the way’

13 Contact Us We are always happy to meet with our parents to discuss your child If you have a question/concern, please do make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher, so we can sit down with you to discuss the matter, as it is very difficult to discuss matters as we are letting the children into or out of school Please see our school website, it is always up to date with the latest information, plus information on the curriculum We now have a Facebook page for our Nursery! Please ‘like’ our page ‘Golborne Community Primary School’ to see the wonderful learning which takes place in Nursery ‘Enjoy each day as we learn along the way’

14 Thank You Thank you for attending and please ask if you have any questions. ‘Enjoy each day as we learn along the way’

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