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Community Support for ELL Families by: Victoria Crain, Khira Gresham, Kyndal Stevens, Elizabeth Bustos.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Support for ELL Families by: Victoria Crain, Khira Gresham, Kyndal Stevens, Elizabeth Bustos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Support for ELL Families by: Victoria Crain, Khira Gresham, Kyndal Stevens, Elizabeth Bustos

2 Introduction We each come from various backgrounds with different experiences. Agencies that offer community support for ELL families reflect these differences, yet all have similarities. Goal: need for ELL support sample of available agencies

3 Texas Workforce Investment Council. (January 2010). A Primer on Adult Education in Texas. Retrieved from


5 Why do teachers need to know? ●From the 1997-98 school year to the 2008- 09 school year, ELL enrollment increased 51% (Education Week, 2011) ●No Child Left Behind Act (Education Week, 2011) ○AYP Targets ●Support from school alone is not sufficient




9 Chinese Community Center ●located in Southwest Houston Offers…. ●youth programs -early education in a multicultural environment ●adult education programs -English classes -specialized job training -financial education, etc. ●senior programs ●community and cultural programs

10 Literacy Advance of Houston ●2 campuses Offers…. ●2 types of classes -adult basic education (ABE): students should know English and want to improve their reading and writing -ESL ●outreach program -family literacy programs ●special classes ●transition coach but no GED program ●classes are free

11 Adult Reading Center ●1 location ●organization that raises awareness of literacy issues and offers programs and services for individuals affected at no charge Offers…. ●ABE classes -can help adults with dyslexia and related learning disabilities ●computer learning lab -bilingual computer literacy class ●citizenship classes and services ●English for speakers of other languages ●GED classes and services ●workforce education & job soft skills training ●Roots of Success Curriculum

12 Alliance for Multicultural Community Services ●helps refugees build new lives in Houston ●provides services to refugees, immigrants, and low-income residents of Harris County ●community-based organization that relies on volunteers Offers…. ●refugee employment ●refugee resettlement ●refugee case management ●drivers education ●youth empowerment programs ●Repatriation Program

13 Rice University - Intensive English Program One location Course study focused on an integrated-skills approach Offers… Six level core program; students are placed in a level after taking a placement exam Small sized classes Immigration counseling Program sponsored activities Tips and help to apply to an American university

14 LCI Language Center Language Consultants International Multiple locations around the US including: Denver, Colorado Kansas City, Missouri Susquehanna, Pennsylvania Offers… Academic English Program General English Program Test Preparation Executive English Program Specialized private classes Activities and excursions to learn the community culture in Houston

15 Avance Multiple locations throughout the Houston Area “Unlocking America’s potential by strengthening families in at-risk communities through effective parent education and support programs” Offers… ESL Multi-level and beginner classes ABE GED Computer classes Office Assistant Training Head Start program

16 Community Family Centers ●2 locations in Southeast and Southwest Houston Offers…. ●3 different level ESL classes ●2 level ABE classes ●Pre-GED & GED ●computer courses ●citizenship classes ●family support services ●Los Niños Early Childhood Montessori Program ●youth services ●J.P. McGovern Sports and Recreation Center

17 Lubbock, Texas

18 Literacy Lubbock ●Mission is to provide programs that allow ELLs to become literate ●Adult literacy/ESL ●We Can Read for both parents and children Literacy Lubbock - Home. (n.d.).

19 Early Learning Centers of Lubbock ●5 locations ●Mission is to provide the best childcare possible regardless of a family’s income ●Partner with other community groups to expand available services Early Learning Centers Of Lubbock. (n.d.).

20 Texas Tech University - ELS Discover ELS Language Schools ELS Courses for Learning English - ELS. (1961, January 1).

21 Bryan/College Station, Texas

22 Bryan Adult Learning Center 1700 Palasota Dr. Bryan, TX 77803

23 Bryan Adult Learning Center Offers…. classes in English as a second language group and individual instruction in literacy skills Adult Basic Education and GED preparation for all Brazos Valley adults 17 and older who are working toward a high school equivalency certificate

24 TAMU International Student Services English Language Institute (ELI) Offers opportunity to develop language skills while participating on campus. Offers wide range of activities to develop English language abilities to help speak, read, listen, and write in English

25 Bryan, Texas English Language Academy (ELA) & New Arrival Center (NAC) ELA at Jane Long Middle School NAC at Travis B. Bryan High School Intensive English language acquisition programs that students take in a 3 block period Students learn grammar, reading, spelling, writing and speaking in the 1st semester 2nd semester consists of teaching English Language Arts state standards

26 Migrant Education Program Serves students whose families moved from one district to another that are seeking agricultural work

27 College Station, Texas The Barbara Bush Parent Center ESL Provides classes for non-English speaking adults to learn English as a second language D=337650

28 Personal Experiences!

29 Bryan Adult Learning Center: Elizabeth

30 Bryan Adult Learning Center: Kyndal

31 TAMU English Language Institute: Khira

32 Barbara Bush Parent Center: Victoria

33 In conclusion... It is important to be aware of the agencies in your surrounding area that provide community support for ELLs Minorities are not the only ones that should take advantage of these agencies These agencies can provide better communication between the ELL parent and teacher Agencies provide great opportunities for ELLs

34 You should know... ★ Question 1 Question 1 ★ Question 2 Question 2 ★ Question 3 Question 3 ★ Question 4 Question 4 ★ Question 5 Question 5 ★ Question 6 Question 6 ★ Question 7 Question 7

35 References Editorial Projects in Education Research Center. (2011, June 16). Issues A-Z: English-Language Learners. Education Week. Retrieved Month Day, Year from Texas Workforce Investment Council. (January 2010). A Primer on Adult Education in Texas. Retrieved from Agency Websites: Alliance for Multicultural Community Services: Avance: Barbara Bush Parent Center: Bryan Adult Learning Center, ELA, NAC, Migrant Education Program: Chinese Community Center of Houston: Community Family Center: http://www.communityfamilycenters.org Houston Adult Reading Center: LCI: Literacy Advance of Houston: Rice University- Intensive English Program: TAMU International Student Services:

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