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To 1 st Grade Creech Elementary School Hours Students may be dropped off no earlier than 8:00 am. Students will report directly to class. Tardy.

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Presentation on theme: "To 1 st Grade Creech Elementary School Hours Students may be dropped off no earlier than 8:00 am. Students will report directly to class. Tardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 to 1 st Grade Creech Elementary 2016-2017

2 School Hours Students may be dropped off no earlier than 8:00 am. Students will report directly to class. Tardy bell rings at 8:20. Please make sure your child is in class before the tardy bell. School is dismissed at 3:40 daily (12:40 early dismissal).

3 8:30 – 8:45Word Work 8:45 – 8:55Readers’ Workshop Shared Reading 8:55-9:05 Focus Poetry 9:05 – 9:20Reading Mini-Lesson 9:20 – 9:55Guided Reading/Conferring & Independent Reading (ORBIT Pull out for reading) 9:55-10:15Interactive Read Aloud/ Accountable Talk 10:15-11:05Specials 11:05-11:15Morning Recess (Track) 11:15-11:25Grammar & Conventions 11:25-11:35Writers’ Workshop Mini-Lesson 11:35-11:55Independent Writing / Strategy Groups / Conferencing 11:55-12:35Lunch 12:35-1:30Math Workshop: Calendar & Mini-lesson 1:30-1:50 Recess 1:50-2:45 Math Workshop: Small Groups (ORBIT Pull out for Math) 2:10 – 2:45Guided Reading 2:45 – 3:20Social Studies / Science 3:20 – 3:30Pack Up Read-Aloud

4 Creech Elementary uses the PBIS behavioral system. Students are expected to follow B.A.R.K. guidelines Students receive BARK bucks for positive behavior. BARK bucks can be redeemed for rewards.

5 PBIS Behavior Management Plan We believe strongly at Creech that desired behaviors are shaped through systematic positive reinforcement and explicit teaching of desired behaviors. Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, PBIS, is a framework that focuses on teaching and reinforcing expectations for students and staff through development of a common language among all staff and students. In all areas of the building and in all settings, students at Creech are expected to BARK, as our mascot Comet barks! Students are recognized for meeting expectations in a variety of ways. In the classroom and throughout the building, students earn BARK Bucks which can be redeemed for various privileges and opportunities throughout the year. Students and staff are also encouraged to recognize each other’s acts of kindness by expressing gratitude on our Creech Kindness Tree. Each nine weeks, administrators will also host grade level assemblies to celebrate accomplishments and recognize individual students. Should a student’s behavior warrant redirection, each teacher will follow the attached consequence continuum for minor infractions. Our focus is on communication with the student’s parent so that we may work cooperatively to reinforce desired behaviors in the classroom.

6 SCE Consequence Continuum 1st-5th grade 2016-2017 We strive for a positive and engaging learning environment each day at Creech. For behavior that disrupts the learning environment, the following redirections will be provided to the student. Some infractions, however, will result in an immediate office referral, per Katy ISD Discipline Management Plan and Student Code of Conduct. 1 st infraction: Verbal warning, redirection 2nd infraction: Individual Teacher/Student conference; reteaching of expectation 3rd infraction: Reflection Note/Stop and Think activity. Copy of completed activity sent home to parent and parent notified. 4th infraction: Parent contact via phone, email, or conference. 5th infraction: For the same repeated behavior that is continuing despite the redirections provided above, an office referral will result.

7 Check newsletter weekly for PE schedule. Please help the gym teachers by ensuring your student has on the appropriate shoes. Our specials rotation schedule is: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

8 Students will use ID cards to pay for lunches. Parents may pay in advance online. Parents are encouraged to use the online account rather than sending checks or cash. Student lunches will be $2.25 this school year. If sending money, please send it in a baggie or envelope labeled with your child’s name and “lunch money.” (Please do not send loose money.) All lunch money is turned into the cafeteria each morning. Parents are welcome to join students for lunch. (Eligible lunch visitors include parents, grandparents, non-school aged siblings). We ask that you please say your goodbyes in the cafeteria at the conclusion of the lunch period. Please discuss extra purchases (water bottles, snacks, etc.) with your child. Ice cream is available on Fridays.

9 Birthday treats will be eaten at the end of the day. Please send treats with your child in the morning. Sending in napkins with treats is helpful as teachers do not keep these on hand. Please be aware of food allergies and contact your homeroom teacher at least 2 days prior to sending your treats. Do not send any birthday invitations with your child. Invitations may not be passed out at school.

10 Transportation & Absences What do I do when I want to change my child’s transportation? A parent/guardian has to send a written note with signature to the teacher/front office by 3 pm the day of the change. What do I do if my child is absent? If your child is going to be absent please call or email the front office by 10:00 am. The phone number is 281- 237-8855. Or a note needs to accompany them with the reason of the absence upon the return of the student.

11 Homework is an important part of school. Students will write homework assignments in their planner daily. Homework is 10% of your child’s grade. Monday: Language Arts Practice (due Friday). Wednesday: Math Practice (due Thursday) Friday: Poetry Folder home for the weekend. Students are expected to read for at least 10 minutes daily. Homework will not be given on school function nights.

12 You can always reach your child’s teacher via e- mail or by leaving a voicemail to be returned within 24 hours. If you have notes or money for the teacher, please place them in your child’s folder. The folder will be checked every morning for notes, transportation changes, lunch money, etc. Weekly grade level newsletters will also be sent via email to the email address provided at meet- the-teacher.

13 One progress report will be sent each grading period. Report cards will be issued at the end of each grading period. Please sign and return all progress reports and report cards. Students will receive numerical grades for Reading, Language Arts, and Mathematics. Science, Social Studies, Handwriting, Art, Music, and P.E. will receive E, S, N, or U.

14 End of the first grading period: D/E End of the second grading period: F End of the third grading period: H End of the fourth grading period: J Expectations

15 EVERY DAY Planner Blue communication folder - *please remind your child to give any important notes to their teacher.* Healthy, dry, non-messy snack (examples: finger foods, pretzels, goldfish crackers, crackers, granola bars). Water Bottle Change of Clothes in a Ziploc Bag

16 The study of the patterns of spelling through activities such as: Making Words Word Wall Activities Word Sort Word Study helps develop abilities in phonics, word recognition, vocabulary and decoding. Word Study families will be listed on our weebly (online access link will be provided soon!)



19 Reading is the bulk of your child’s day. Students become better readers by reading. Readers Workshop Mini lesson Independent Reading/Conferencing Partner Reading Guided Reading/Strategy Groups Shared Reading (i.e. Focus Poetry) Interactive Read Aloud/Accountable Talk It is very important that your child reads nightly even if it is not assigned for homework.

20 Students will have a library lesson every other week. Students will be allowed to check out two books to bring home every week. Parents/students are responsible for damaged or lost books.

21 Students will be participating in Writing Workshop. Mini lesson Independent Writing/Conferencing Sharing Units we will study: Narrative Informational Fiction Procedural Poetry Research

22 Writing will be scored utilizing a district rubric and grades will be input into the Language Arts section of the Report Card.

23 Our math time will be divided in whole group and Math Workshop. We will be using hands on manipulatives and teaching problem solving skills. Some units we will cover are: Numeracy up to 120 Addition/Subtraction up to 20 Graphing/ Data Analysis Money and Financial Literacy Measurement Fractions Geometry

24 Katy ISD Fact Fluency Plan Purpose: It is designed to help students develop fluency and automaticity of basic facts. This will be accomplished through a balanced approach, teaching concepts through the use of manipulatives, introducing math fact strategies, and exploring the relationships between addition and subtraction. How is this different than Fast Facts? Fact checks (practice books) are given throughout the grading period as an informal assessment. These are NOT graded. Although 1 st graders will NOT be timed on the district assessment, it will count as a major grade.

25 We believe in Science being hands-on and letting students explore Science through labs. Some topics students will learn: Body Systems Germs Patterns and Cycles Physical Changes Energy Force and Motion Organisms and Environments Resources

26 Topics your child will be learning about: Citizenship Communities Geography Texas Symbols Historical Figures U.S. symbols Inventors and Innovators Celebrations and Culture

27 Conferences will be scheduled during the first semester. This will give teachers adequate time to observe and assess your child’s academic abilities. Conferences are a time to discuss your child’s progress. At this time, goals for your child will be identified, as well as specific skills to focus on and ways you can assist your child at home. Conferences will begin in early October. If an additional conference is needed one can be requested by the teacher or parent. Sign-up genius will be used to schedule conferences.

28 There was a note sent home on Meet the Teacher in regards to our class sizes this year in first grade. Due to the current size of our classes, there may be another class added. If and when an additional class is added, we will look at volunteers and last enrolled. This is a process district wide and we will know more in the next few weeks.

29 Thank you for coming to Being a successful first grader involves teamwork between student, teacher, and parent. Your support at home will positively impact your child’s learning. We thank you ahead of time for your support and cooperation. We look forward to a wonderful year!

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