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SOLUTIONS. STATE COMPETENCIES Predict, write, and balance chemical equations (continuation of this competency but adding ionic reactions) Use the mole.

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Presentation on theme: "SOLUTIONS. STATE COMPETENCIES Predict, write, and balance chemical equations (continuation of this competency but adding ionic reactions) Use the mole."— Presentation transcript:


2 STATE COMPETENCIES Predict, write, and balance chemical equations (continuation of this competency but adding ionic reactions) Use the mole concept to determine the volume of substances in chemical reactions. Determine molar mass, molecular formulass (continuation) Stoichiometry and limiting reactant problems involving volume

3 COMPETENCIES Summarize the process by which solutes dissolve in solvents, the dynamic equilibrium that occurs in saturated solutions, and the effects of varying pressure and temperature on solubility.

4 Carry out calculations to find the concentration of solutions in terms of molarity and percent weight (mass) Interpret solubility curves to determine saturation at different temperatures. Use solubility rules to write net ionic equations for precipitation reactions in aqueous solutions

5 COMPETENCIES Summarize the process by which solutes dissolve in solvents, the dynamic equilibrium that occurs in saturated solutions, and the effects of varying pressure and temperature on solubility.

6 MATTER PURE SUBSTANCE element compound MIXTURE Homogeneous –solution heterogeneous –suspensions colloids

7 Solutions Homogeneous mixture can pass unchanged through filter paper will not settle upon standing does not scatter light

8 PARTS OF A SOLUTION SOLVENT substance that is in greater quantity does the dissolving water - most common solvent SOLUTE less abundant what is dissolved


10 TERMS Alloy miscible miscibility

11 SOLUTION PROCESS Polar molecule ionic bond dissociation solvation like dissolves like description of process

12 Solubility of nonionic substances Water will dissolve many nonionic substances –Ethanol (C 2 H 5 OH) Structure will determine if it dissolves in water Animal fat will not dissolve in water because it lacks a polar end.

13 SOLUTION EQUILIBRIUM Point where particles leaving surface and entering solution are equal to the particles returning to surface Saturated solution –holds maximum amount of solute

14 Solubility Rules for the solubility of salts in water Reference text

15 UNSATURATED SOLUTION Solvent contains less solute than the saturated amount of solute for that temperature

16 SUPERSATURATED SOLUTION Contains more solute than the maximum amount of solute at that temperature unstable angular surface of agitation needed to start crystallization description of process examples

17 PARAMETERS OF SOLUBILITY Increase temperature increase solubility –illustrated by solubility curve –increase temperature decreases solubility of gases grinding solute stirring

18 Many quantitative chemical reactions are carried out in solutions because volumes are easier to measure than masses

19 MOLARITY Most useful measure of concentration Unit of concentration equal to the number of moles of solute in a cubic decimeter of solution Simply stated - number of moles of solute per liter of solutions 1 liter = 1 cubic decimeter

20 MOLARITY FORMULA What is the molarity of 2.50 x 10 2 cm 3 of solution containing 9.46 grams of cesium bromide? You add 32 grams of potassium chloride to a container and add enough water to bring the total solution volume to 995 ml. What is the molarity of the solution?

21 Sample Problems continued Calculate the molarity of Br- if 193 grams of magnesium bromide are in 5.00 x 10 2 cm 3 of solution. homework

22 MAKING AN AQUEOUS SOLUTION - NEED TO KNOW The concentration amount of solute total volume of solution needed

23 Preparing a solution How would you prepare 1.0 liters of a 0.15M sodium chloride solution? How would you make 5.00 x 10 2 cm 3 of a 0.133 M solution of magnesium(II) selenate and water? (selenate SeO 4 )



26 PRECIPITATIONS REACTIONS Precipitate - a solid produced by a reaction that separates from a solution PPT Solubility rules

27 Ionic reactions Three equations –molecular –complete ionic –net ionic Sample: Barium chloride reacts with sodium sulfate. Write all three equations. Identify the PPt and spectator ions.

28 Percent by weight Used in making biological solutions useful to know how to dilute or concentrated a solution is 10% solution of NaCl means: –10% of the solution’s weight is due to NaCl –90% of the solution’s weight is due to the solvent

29 Percent by weight continued Formula Sample Problem –Determine the percent by weight of a solution of NaCl if there are 30 grams dissolved in water to yield a total solution with of 200 grams.

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