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Review for Test #2. Reminders Wednesday: Test #2 You must have your own calculator. You may have one 8½ x 11 inch sheet with anything you want on it,

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Presentation on theme: "Review for Test #2. Reminders Wednesday: Test #2 You must have your own calculator. You may have one 8½ x 11 inch sheet with anything you want on it,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Review for Test #2

2 Reminders Wednesday: Test #2 You must have your own calculator. You may have one 8½ x 11 inch sheet with anything you want on it, front and back. It must be hand-written by you – no copies, no computer-printed pages. Lab this week – room 120

3 Clicker review questions

4 1. How many neutrons does the most common isotope of Argon have? (Ar – 18) A) 18 B) 22 C) 28 D) 40 E) 58

5 2. When is the longest day of the year, if you time from apparent solar noon one day until apparent solar noon the next day? A) January B) April C) July D) October E) They’re all the same

6 3. When is the longest day of the year, if you time 360º of Earth’s rotation? A) January B) April C) July D) October E) They’re all the same

7 4. It’s very rare, but Mars has been seen to transit the Sun. A) True B) False

8 5. What is the escape velocity from the surface of the Moon? A) 1.8 m/sC) 75,104 m/s E) 3,245,500 m/s B) 2375 m/s D) 1,622,760 m/s

9 6. When and where can you see Venus when it is at greatest eastern elongation? A) In the west after sunset B) On the meridian around midnight C) In the east before sunrise D) In the east after sunset E) You can’t – it’s too close to the Sun

10 7. What is the third correction to the time read from a sundial? A) Add an hour if daylight saving time is in effect. B) Subtract an hour if daylight saving time is in effect. C) Add an hour if standard time is in effect. D) Subtract an hour if standard time is in effect.

11 8. Newton’s version of Kepler’s Third Law allows us to determine which physical property? A) Diameter B) Orbital period C) Orbital distance D) Density E) Mass

12 9. Which band of the electromagnetic spectrum has the shortest wavelength? A) Infrared B) Gamma C) Visible D) X-ray E) Ultraviolet

13 10. Which of these can NOT be determined through spectroscopy? A) Chemical composition B) Surface temperature C) Radial velocity D) Tangential velocity E) Rotation rate

14 Astro-Cash Cab! Katie Stirling Koby Mondragon Alex Carroll Cameron King Isaiah Romero One FREE shout-out, one more will cost you one point.

15 1) True or False ? Right ascension is measured from west-to-east starting at the vernal equinox.

16 2) Which color of the visible spectrum has the highest energy?

17 3) Match the terms on the left with the descriptions on the right. Conjunction____ Opposition____ Transit____ Velocity____ Acceleration____ A) When a planet is 180º from the Sun B) How quickly speed is changing C) Lined up with the Sun in the sky D) A planet crossing the disk of the Sun E) How quickly position is changing

18 4) Briefly describe (i.e., name) Newton’s three laws of motion.

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