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Endangered Species. What is an endangered species? Any animal or plant that is in danger of becoming extinct because of changing environments or predators.

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Presentation on theme: "Endangered Species. What is an endangered species? Any animal or plant that is in danger of becoming extinct because of changing environments or predators."— Presentation transcript:

1 Endangered Species

2 What is an endangered species? Any animal or plant that is in danger of becoming extinct because of changing environments or predators.

3 Why do animals become endangered? Humans are a big reason why animals and plants become endangered.

4 Destruction of Habitat Humans destroy habitats of animals-swamps, marshes, forests to build developments on the land.



7 Pollution Oil spills, acid rain, and water pollution are devastating for many species.

8 Bald Eagle Pesticide using DDT caused eagles to lay thin shelled eggs that could not survive.

9 Deformed Frogs-pesticide


11 Hunting and Fishing Many animals are over-hunted because of their meat, fur, and other parts that can be valuable.

12 hunted/


14 Exotic Species When humans bring in plants or animals from a foreign place, they sometimes introduce diseases that the native species can’t fight. They also can prey on the native species.

15 Hawaii Hawaii has the greatest number of endangered species of any of the 50 states due to destruction of native species by introduced species.

16 Zebra Mussel


18 Endangered Species Project

19 report?kingdom=V&kingdom=I&status=E&status=T&status=EmE&sta tus=EmT&status=EXPE&status=EXPN&status=SAE&status=SAT&maps tatus=3&fcrithab=on&fstatus=on&fspecrule=on&finvpop=on&fgrou p=on&header=Listed+Animals

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