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English Language Arts 7 th grade Ms. DeRoos Website:

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Presentation on theme: "English Language Arts 7 th grade Ms. DeRoos Website:"— Presentation transcript:

1 English Language Arts 7 th grade Ms. DeRoos Email: Website:

2 My Background  B.A. in Psychology and Sociology from UC Berkeley, and a multiple subject teaching credential from CalStateTEACH  Taught for 12 years at Beacon Day School, working with students from Kindergarten to 8 th grade  Live in Oakland with my husband, two kids, and our dog

3 The blog is available for you to:  Stay informed of what your child is learning in the classroom.  Learn about and stay on top of homework assignments  Find out what was missed if your child is absent from school

4 Course Overview Students will work on developing skills in the following areas:  Reading  Writing  Vocabulary  Language Conventions (grammar, punctuation, and spelling)  Speaking and listening skills  Presentation skills

5 Writing Writing genres we will explore this year:  Comparative  Personal and Fictional Narrative  Persuasive (building a successful argument)  Informative Writing and Research  Literature Response

6 Reading  Short stories (Literature textbook)  Informational material  Poetry  3 Novels  Shadow Spinner  The Ghost in the Tokaido Inn  The Midwife’s Apprentice  Independent reading (students should be reading at home at least 15-20 minutes per night)

7 Novels All 3 novels have a Social Studies curriculum tie-in  Shadow Spinner is based on “The Arabian Nights” and set in Medieval Persia

8 Novels All 3 novels have a Social Studies curriculum tie-in  The Ghost in the Tokaido Inn gives readers an introduction to the cultural and historical details of Shogun-era Japan

9 Novels All 3 novels have a Social Studies curriculum tie-in  The Midwife’s Apprentice is set in Medieval England

10 Vocabulary  Prefixes and suffixes  Homophones  Greek and Latin roots  Academic language  Vocabulary in context

11 ELA Textbook Houghton Mifflin California Collections 7  Aligned to Common Core  Fiction and Nonfiction text  Close Reader Workbook  Digital Interface  SBAC preparation (standardized test that assesses mastery of common core)

12 Daily Schedule  Do Now (warm up assignment) - review material - introduce new material - reflection  Lesson  Activity - practice and apply concepts  Wrap Up

13 Grade Distribution  30% Classwork/Homework  30% Projects  30% Exams/Quizzes  10% Participation

14 Grade Distribution (cont) My goal is to update Powerschool weekly. However, I ask that you please be patient with me as grading assignments can sometimes take time If something is missing please check back pack/folders first, then have students check with me Late work can be handed in for partial credit up to a week before the end of the quarter Please contact me if you have concerns about your child’s grade

15 Participation – 10%  Students receive 2 participation points each day - attendance - effort and participation  Students are expected to come to class daily, on time, and prepared with all materials

16 Homework & Classwork – 30%  I do not give homework every night. However, incomplete classwork will become homework.  Students are expected to read at home each night.  If you are ever unsure of whether homework has been assigned please check my blog, or email me.  If you are concerned that your child has a lot of homework, it may be because they did not choose to use class time wisely. Please contact me if this happens.

17 Projects and Exams/Quizzes  Every novel will have a project and an end of unit exam  The literature textbook also has projects and assessments built into the program  Projects will count for 30% of student grades, and exams/quizzes another 30%  Projects will be broken down into manageable sections, but students need to stay on top of them

18 Student Expectations  Try their best  Keep track of their work AND hand it in on time  Come to me for help  Communicate if they are having difficulty completing an assignment on time

19 How You Can Help  Become familiar with the class website and blog  Make sure your child has a quiet place for homework with adequate light and minimal distractions  Encourage your child to stay organized and provide support if necessary  Regularly check in with your child about homework  Help your child with planning to complete long-term assignments  Contact your child’s teachers if you have a question or concern, or if your child will be missing class

20 Questions??? If you have any questions, please write your name and email address on an index card with your question and I will respond.

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