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Servicing Buyers— Technology Acquisition Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Servicing Buyers— Technology Acquisition Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Servicing Buyers— Technology Acquisition Services

2 The Challenge to Source New Technologies There are literally thousands of scientists, researchers and developers in all corners of the world creating breakthrough new technologies. Sourcing new products and technologies today involves a good deal of research and analysis. Regardless of the sector in which you operate, Tynax has the resources, process and methodology to provide your corporations with a pipeline of new technologies and new product candidates.

3 Ten Steps to Sourcing Technologies to Create New Products & Revenue Streams Tynax buy-side clients are typically corporations with established channels who are looking for new products and revenue streams. Tynax provides a methodical, customizable, step-by-step approach:

4 Step 1—Tell Tynax about your Requirements & Business The process starts with Tynax gaining an understanding of your objectives, customers, markets, channels, existing products and technology platforms.

5 Step 2—Program and Customize Market Monitor Searches Tynax researchers program the Minax search engine with keywords and sophisticated search criteria to identify technologies and projects matching your requirements. The search engine then scans and monitors news articles, technologies available for licensing, research projects, patent database, other sources 24x7.

6 Step 3—Review Candidate Long Lists The search process results in a list of potential candidates that may be contain hundreds of technologies and developers.

7 Step 4—Review Candidate Short Lists After analyzing the Long List and listening to your input, Tynax delivers the most promising candidates.

8 Step 5—Watch Candidate Presentations Tynax approaches the developers of the technologies on your behalf, explores their interest in potential licensing or technology transfer and arranges for a presentation to your team.

9 Step 6—Select Technologies You decide which candidates you are interested in. Tynax can help by providing competitive comparisons and market intelligence information.

10 Step 7—Deal Negotiation This is where you negotiate the structure and terms of the technology transfer arrangement. Various alternative structures, such as licenses, outright acquisitions and spin-out corporations, could be deployed depending on the nature of the deal. Tynax has a network of resources to help.

11 Step 8—Technology Transfer The legal documents and due diligence processes are completed by your lawyers. The transaction is closed and the technology is transferred to your team.

12 Step 9—Integration & Commercialization The commercialization of the technology and the integration into your own product range can take a matter of months or years. Sometimes the developer is available to provide help and support throughout this process.

13 Step 10—New Products and Revenue Streams The integration, development and testing is complete, the product is released, you have a new revenue stream and hopefully a new profit center for your business.

14 Engagement Retainer—monthly Pipeline of candidates Long Lists Short Lists Executive briefings Candidate presentations Showcase presentations Success incentive Percentage, or Fixed fee

15 Tynax Technology Acquisition Process 1. Tell Tynax about your Business & Requirements 2. Program and Customize Market Monitor Searches 3. Review Candidate Long Lists 4. Review Candidate Short Lists 5. Watch Candidate Presentations 6. Select Technologies 7. Deal Negotiation 8. Technology Transfer 9. Integration & Commercialization 10. New Products and Revenue Streams

16 Servicing Buyers— Technology Acquisition Services

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