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US Expansion America and the World Chapter 9 Sec 2 TSW examine the role the US took in acquiring The Philippine and Hawaii and examine the relation with.

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Presentation on theme: "US Expansion America and the World Chapter 9 Sec 2 TSW examine the role the US took in acquiring The Philippine and Hawaii and examine the relation with."— Presentation transcript:

1 US Expansion America and the World Chapter 9 Sec 2 TSW examine the role the US took in acquiring The Philippine and Hawaii and examine the relation with China and Japan, ADB filling in the missing items on the notes.

2 Expansion in the Pacific O After America helped the Cubans defeat ___________ and win their _______________the U.S. turned its attention to The _________________. O A group of islands in the _______________ Ocean. O President McKinley sent Commodore __________ to force US rule.

3 Debate O The big debate was whether the US should _____________ the Philippines. O _______________ favored annexation because of ______________, political reasons, that we would bring democracy to the Philippines. O Opponents of imperialism claimed that annexation would be denying the Filipino people their _______________. O Opponents of imperialism formed the _______-_____________ ________________. O Congress narrowly ____________annexation of the Philippines.

4 Conquest and early rule O Before the US annexed the Philippines, ___________ _____________declared himself _____________ and established a provisional government. O For the next 3-4 years Filipinos fought American forces until the captured ___________ ______________. O As resistance continued Filipinos were put in _____________ camps similar to Weylar’s camps in Cuba.

5 The Philippines O The US would pass the Philippine Government Act which states it would be ruled by a ____________and ____________________ all appointed by the US. O ____________ would be the first governor of the Philippines. O The _________ Act 1919 would eventually give the Filipinos the right to vote and elect their government officials. O But it would be until ________ that the US would grant complete independence.

6 Hawaii O The US had long been interested in Hawaii for its ____________ location along the China trade routes. O Hawaii was also know for its _______ ______. O Many ______________ had traveled from New England to Hawaii to spread Christianity. O Hawaii’s king however wanted to stop American influence in Hawaii. O Hawaii however had some 400 American planters formed the ___________ ____________. O Their aim was to _____________ the king of Hawaii.

7 The Hawaiian League O Forced the King to sign a new constitution, which they called the ___________ constitution. O This new constitution made the King only a ____________ and native Hawaiians had limited opportunities in _____________. O The US was also able to get the King to grant them naval rights to ____________ ________ to use as a naval base.

8 Queen Liliuokalani O Took the reign after her brother died. O She was champion of Hawaiian ____________ and she pledged to regain “____________ for ______________.” O She overturned the Bayonet constitution and returned power to the native people. O When she began working on a new constitution but the US ___________occupied the government buildings and declared the end of the Hawaiian ______________.

9 China O Before 1895 China was a major ________ port to both the US and Europe. O In 1895 however it was attacked and defeated by ___________. O European powers such as Britain, France, Germany, and Russia took advantage of China’s fragile state and separated the country into __________ of influence and controlled parts of China.

10 United States steps in O Fearful that the US would be ____________, Secretary of State John Hay announced the _________ _______ ________. Stating that all nations will have equal access to trade and investments in China. O Many Chinese resented foreigners and formed the “_______ of ____________ __________.” Westerners called them ___________. They revolted killed and held many foreigners captive. This was known as the ____________ Rebellion. O Once the rebellion was put down, John Hay announced that China would be granted the right to rule its own country, b/c we were fearful that __________ or other nations might take it.

11 Japan O When Japan invaded China it became an ___________power. O Prior to 1898 Japan lived in almost complete ____________. O Not until ______________ ___________ showed up with warships and guns to _________. O Perry presented gifts to Japanese rulers that symbolized the ____________ age. A ____________ __________ and a model _______.

12 US and Japan O President Fillmore ordered Perry to persuade Japan to open its doors to trade. O Japanese rulers became convinced that they needed to ___________, build up _____________ and industry. O If not, _____________might gain control of them. O

13 Japan vs Russia O Japan soon became rivals with ____________ for Chinese territories. Japanese troops attacked Russian forces in ____________and started the Russo-Japanese Wars. O Japan wins and they have President __________ negotiate a treaty. O He wins the __________ ______ _______ because it ended the war but left both sides dissatisfied. O Worried that Japan might turn its eyes on the ___________, Roosevelt sends 20 battleships called the ___________ _________ _________to protect the Philippines.

14 Quiz 1. Who was the Filipino that declared himself president and set up a provisional government? A. Emilio AguinaldoB. George Dewey 2. Who was the group of American businessmen that sought to over throw the King of Hawaii? A. Hawaii AllianceB. Hawaii League 3. Who was the first governor of the Philippines? A. Teddy RooseveltB. William Taft 4. What did opponents of imperialism argued? A. We were denying independenceB. Wasn’t worth war 5. How did the US respond to Japan’s invasion of China and Europe slicing it up? A. Can we have a piece too?B. We want nothing to do with China 6. How did the Chinese respond to the foreigners occupying their country? A. collected taxesB. Led a rebellion 7. What convinced Japanese rulers to open it’s doors to the US? A. Commodore Perry was very convincingB. They was the technology they were lacking 8. What did the Hawaiians call their forced constitution? A. Bluebonnet ConstitutionB. Bayonet Constitution 9. What was the US’s main reason for expansion? A. Commercial reasonsB. Spread Christianity 10. US treatment of the Filipinos during the expansion period was similar to? A. Immigrants during the gilded ageB. Spanish General Weylar’s treatment of the Cubans

15 Cuba O Platt Amendment-Between the United States and Cuba. (McKinley) O 1. couldn’t make treaties with other countries O 2. Us could intervene in Cuban affairs O 3. Cuba must sell/lease land to US for Naval base (Guantanamo Bay Naval Base) O In affect until 1934

16 Roosevelt Corollary O that the United States had a right to exercise international police power (military force) in the Western hemisphere. O “Walk softly, carry a big stick” known as the “Big Stick Policy”

17 Taft O Dollar Diplomacy policy- replace European loans with American loans O Economic influence over bullets to protect Americas economic interest O Help LA build and invest in roads, canals, railroads, banana and sugar plantations (Panama Canal)


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