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Systems Thinking, Systems Changing; Implementing Green Clean Jess Lawrence

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1 Systems Thinking, Systems Changing; Implementing Green Clean Schools @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance Jess Lawrence

2 Workshop Objectives By the end of the day, you will…  Be completely engaged in a simulation that is framed within a school setting to understand systems change;  Explain the importance of relationship building when implementing programs, policies and practices;  Explain effective leadership qualities;  Explain why people are resistance to change; and  Begin thinking about how systems thinking helps with your work in school health/green clean schools. @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

3 Group Agreements  Take care of personal needs  Delay Distractions  Feel free to tweet, post, instagram your experience  Listen to others perspectives  Have fun! @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

4 Turtle, Owl Monkey Go to the animal station that best resonates with you when you think about your experience implementing, developing or supporting Green Clean programs, policies and practices. @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

5 The Systems Change Simulation…  Is based on research  Provides an opportunity to learn about change in schools  Will help you anticipate what you can do in your own school, district, state or organization to institute change effectively  Will help you understand how long it takes and why @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

6 During this simulation you will…  Simulate systems change in your simulated school district (the Veryfine District)  Be totally immersed in the process  Choose a variety of actions to try to institutionalize change  Experience outcomes based on the choices you make as a team @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

7 Your role…  Your team represents staff, students, parents, administrators and community members of the Veryfine School Community.  Your team’s charge is to help the district create sustainable, replicable, Green Clean School programs/opportunities/initiatives. @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

8 Getting Started  Take a few minutes to individually read through Handout #1, Player Instructions @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

9 The Game Board 24 people are represented on the Board and on the People Cards Along the top are stages they will move through. Stages based on research around systems change You will be moving people based on the choices you make and feedback you receive. Skip over the shaded spaces. Most activities will cost you money. @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

10 To Play…  As a team, choose an activity and write it on the Strategy Record Sheet.  Select participants if applicable.  Write down only # of activity and first letter of name.  Activities may be done in any order.  Activities may be repeated with potentially different results.  Bring the following to your monitor:  Strategy Record sheet  Money (red “bits”)  Progress Record Sheet  You will get feedback from the monitor in the form of a card or handout.  When you come back to the monitor for your next activity, bring back the card you received last round. @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

11 Your Goal…  Move the 24 people in your school community as far as possible through the stages of change.  Produce as many student benefits “BENS” as possible by creating system-wide improvements related to school health initiatives. @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

12 Within your team, select:  Facilitator - pays attention to team process and makes sure everyone participates  Recorder - for the Strategy Sheet  Recorder - for the Progress Record  Runner - gets feedback from monitor  Mover - moves people on the board  Banker- counts the bits for activities @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

13 To Play:  We will play the game for 3 years. You will be notified when each year begins and ends.  Your team will receive funding at the beginning of each year.  We will pause for debriefing at the end of each year. @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

14 Year 1! @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance


16 High Level Goals of Building Operators:  Include green cleaning in an overall sustainability policy and/or adopt a green cleaning policy.  Include the facility team in institutional wide strategy and plans around infection control, risk management, etc.  Commitment to invest in green cleaning program including staffing, equipment and/or bench- marking/evaluation system.  Include cleaning into the institutions communication and training programs, ie- at board meetings, at principal meetings, in newsletters, etc. @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

17 Sustainability Readiness Strategic Planning Environmental Support Resource Stability Organizational Capacity Program Evaluation Program Adaptation Partnership and Community Engagement Communication & Messaging Alignment to Educational Accountability Measures @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

18 High Level Goals of Building Operators:  Include green cleaning in an overall sustainability policy and/or adopt a green cleaning policy.  Include the facility team in institutional wide strategy and plans around infection control, risk management, etc.  Commitment to invest in green cleaning program including staffing, equipment and/or bench- marking/evaluation system.  Include cleaning into the institutions communication and training programs, ie- at board meetings, at principal meetings, in newsletters, etc. @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

19 Year 2! @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

20 Stages of Change  Awareness  Preparation  Practice  Mastery/Integration  Renewal @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

21 Resistance  List a few reasons why people are resistant to change  Be prepared to share out with the group @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

22 Reasons for Resistance  People do not know enough about the change  No one has made a clear case for the change  There has been poor communication  People do not believe the change is worthwhile  People are afraid they will fail  The change is not aligned with the school culture  Stakeholders are not adequately involved  Lack of trust  Lack of leadership  Inadequate resources @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

23 Strategies to Address Resistance  Build strong relationships among all members of the school community  Practice communicating negative, as well as positive aspects of change- learn to dialogue effectively  Gather data to understand the basis of people’s resistance  Develop plans for addressing the concern and needs people have with regard to change  Create a shared vision for what you are trying to accomplish, continue to make the case  Hold high expectations for each other @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance


25 Year 3! @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

26 STSC and Green Clean Schools Crosswalk  Create a team: Representative Team  Complete an assessment: Using data to drive program decisions, best practice, helps demonstrate progress over time, helps schools determine gaps  Goal setting, action planning, selecting products, implementation: Shared vision, model effective practices, document successes & failures, develop teamwork skills  Advocate to staff: Talk with…, making the case, addressing resistance, gather social information, talk with stakeholders & leaders @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

27 Effective Leadership Core Ideas:  Pay attention to both formal and informal leaders because they influence others  Need support from and leadership of key people to make system-wide change  Leaders should use systems thinking and model effective practices  Leaders should help create a shared vision and make the case for the work @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

28 Adopter Types  Innovator  Leader  Early Majority  Late Majority  Resister @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

29 Reflection 1.How many Bens did your team collect? 2.Your biggest success as a team? 3.Your biggest challenge as a team? @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

30 Components of Effective Change  Effective Leadership  Attention to People  Using Systems Thinking  Using and Understanding Processes @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

31 Closure/Processing “Today I learned___________________ and as a result I am energized to ______________________.” @healthyschools #GreenCleanSchools @cairnguidance

32 Jess Lawrence @cairnguidance

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