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1 National Risk Assessment Workshop April 30, 2013 Korea Adaptation Center for Climate Change.

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1 1 National Risk Assessment Workshop April 30, 2013 Korea Adaptation Center for Climate Change

2 2 Establishment of KACCC The Korea Adaptation Center for Climate Change (KACCC) was established in July 2009 by the Ministry of Environment(MOE) which is in charge of climate change adaptation, On the basis of the “Comprehensive Plan on National Climate Change Adaptation (2009-2030)”  Established based on Instruction of Establishment and Operation of KACCC (Ministry of Environment Instruction No. 850)  The operation of KACCC was legalized by Clean Air Conservation Act (Revised on July 21, 2012). Main function of KACCC Policy support for climate change adaptation and development of policy tools Support for climate change impact and vulnerability assessments Establishment of national and international climate change adaptation networks Support for government delegations at international discussions on adaptation Research works necessary for climate change adaptation policy and practice

3 3 Water stress, species distinction etc. due to climate change and extreme events Other environmental disasters: Chemical disaster, Soil and water contamination, etc. Risk management by MOE 6 Water Resources Costal/Marine Resources ForestryAgricultureDisasterHealthBiodiversity (Ministry of Environment) National Climate Change Adaptation Master Plan (2011~2015) Climate Change Prediction Adaptation/ Industry/Energy Need to consider weak and the vulnerable sectors, people, regions due to climate change Amendment and improvement of legislations for adaptation by each ministry Climate change risk by sectors

4 4 CC Risk criteria managed by MOE Dose not exist for climate change Base on perceptions of stakeholders and legislations by each ministry Biodiversity Securing biodiversity through restoration and protection Water Resources Coastal/Marine Resources Forestry Improving forestry health & reduce forestry disaster Agriculture Switching to adaptation based agricultural system & Create a new opportunity Disaster Minimizing damage through the consolidation of disaster prevention foundation Health Protecting people from heat waves & Infectious diseases Climate change 7 impact sectors 7 impact sectors Responding to sea-level rise & Secure stable marine resources Building secure water management system from flood and drought

5 5 Framework Act on Low Carbon, Green Growth and enforcement ordinance enters into effect on April 14, 2010 Long-Term National Strategy for Green Growth (’09-’50) Long-Term National Strategy for Green Growth (’09-’50) Green Growth Five-year Implementation Plan(’09-’13) Green Growth Five-year Implementation Plan(’09-’13) Ministerial-level Adaptation Action Plan Ministerial-level Adaptation Action Plan Basic Plan for Copying with Climate Change Basic Plan for Copying with Climate Change National Strategic Plan for Climate Change Adaptation (’11-’15) National Strategic Plan for Climate Change Adaptation (’11-’15) Local Government Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation (’12-’16) Local Government Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation (’12-’16) Long-term plan (>20yrs) Mid/Short-term plan (5 yrs rolling plan) National Plan Ministerial/Local government Plan

6 6 Analyzing current state and future climate change Impact and vulnerability assessment by sectors Select key impacts and vulnerable sectors (7 major sectors with 32 sub- sectors) Defining the objectives and direction of action plan Developing the adaptation inventories and defining priorities by sectors Establishing of climate change adaptation action plan Guiding & ConsultingInformingCommunicating Phase 1 (2010~) Guideline for adaptation planning Fund for pilot studies Building Inventory of adaptation policy options Training workshops, seminars for stakeholders Online community : website Phase 2/3 (2011~) LAP Consultation Manual for Impact and risk assessment Fund for pilot studies Providing Climate change projection and indices Vulnerability assessment Updating inventory Training workshops, seminars for stakeholders Expert Forum Online community : website

7 7 By 2012, the fifteen provinces developed ‘local government adaptation action Plan(2012-2016)’ → Total 1,243 projects: Disaster prevention(222 projects, 17.9%), health(179, 14.4%),…..,Ecosystem (111, 8.9%), Marine/Fishery (101,8.1%)

8 8 Information system and Assessment Tools Web-based adaptation portal (2009~) and Adaptation Information Delivery System (2010~) GIS-based vulnerability assessment tool (CCGIS) (2011~) Climate Change Adaptation Information Delivery System (For Experts) Climate Change Adaptation Portal (For General Public) Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Tool (For Local Governments)

9 9 Thank You

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