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 This is my 11 th year teaching MATH at Tomas Rivera Middle School. This is my 4 th year teaching in 6 th grade.  I’ve also taught 7 th grade math,

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Presentation on theme: " This is my 11 th year teaching MATH at Tomas Rivera Middle School. This is my 4 th year teaching in 6 th grade.  I’ve also taught 7 th grade math,"— Presentation transcript:


2  This is my 11 th year teaching MATH at Tomas Rivera Middle School. This is my 4 th year teaching in 6 th grade.  I’ve also taught 7 th grade math, Algebra and Geometry and high school math at VVUSD summer school.

3  Overall I have taught for 15 years in public education.  I’ve taught all subjects in first, second and fifth grades  I’ve also taught creative art classes at JoAnn’s, Palomar College, and in school

4  I graduated from UC Davis with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics.  My teaching credential and Masters in Education are from Azusa Pacific University

5 1. Classroom Sign Language 2. BE PREPARED- Have your materials ready at the bell each day 3. Be ready to LEARN!!! Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe

6 Sequential Discipline  1 st offense: Verbal Warning (documented)  2 nd offense: Phone Call Home and Detention (with me after school)  3 rd offense: ALL of the above AND ASD, Friday Night School, or Saturday School (discipline through office)  4 th offense: Referral AND ALL the above




10  Participate- Ask and Answer Questions!!!  Try Your Best!  Do all your work and show it!  Come Prepared  Be nice and have a positive attitude!

11  #2 pencils, with lead if mechanical  1 composition notebook for each semester per subject (total of 4)  Loose paper for math homework and some classwork.  USB mouse if preferred for chrome book  Personal ear buds


13  1. Bellwork/Check/Correct  2. Pick up Homework/1 st stamp Pacing Guide means they turned in  3. Notes & Go Math Consumable Textbook › I do – I teach them how to do it › We do – They guide me through it › Let’s do – They work out problems with their table › You do – Independent practice, they do it by themselves to prove to me they have understood the concept.

14 PLEASE sign each weekend


16  40% Teacher Tests and Quizzes  30% Independent Classwork and Bell work  10% Homework  10% District Test  10% District Performance Task

17 DIGITAL ACCESS There is a link to the Parent Portal on our school website for online grades Mrs. Cicchinelli’s Room 303 Haiku Learning Page Link can be found on the school website under Staff Directory for Parents Cicchinelli's website link





22  Scientific Inquiry Process

23  1. Vocabulary  2. Read/Review section in textbook  3. Key Concepts  4. Demonstration or Activity  5. Quiz

24 Classwork Notebook 1 composition notebook per semester  Learning Logs and Lab Reports  Each textbook section includes  Vocabulary, Diagrams, Key Concepts  Performance tasks & demonstrations

25  50% Interactive Notebook (Classwork/Notes)  10% Midterms and Finals  10% Performance Task  30% Teacher Tests &Quizzes

26 DIGITAL ACCESS There is a link to the Parent Portal on our school website for online grades Mrs. Cicchinelli’s Room 303 Haiku Learning Page Link can be found on the school website under Staff Directory for Parents Cicchinelli's website link


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