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Historical Roots of American Government

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1 Historical Roots of American Government
Word. Chapter 2 Historical Roots of American Government

2 Leading Up to the Declaration
The Magna Carta (1215) First document to limit the power of a king Guaranteed some rights– king could not punish someone without jury trial

3 Leading Up to the Declaration
John Locke’s 2nd Treatise on Government Natural Rights – men had rights given to them by God before governments were ever created. John Locke

4 Leading Up to the Declaration
Man’s natural rights are: LIFE LIBERTY PROPERTY Government’s purpose is to protect these, not take them away!

5 Britain Messes with the Colonies
The Stamp Act 1765 Required every published piece of paper to receive a British stamp of approval, and pay a tax with it NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION

6 Colonial Unity Stamp Act Congress (1765)
9 colonies joined together to protest England’s Stamp Act, and England repealed it

7 Colonial Unity First Continental Congress (1774)
Trying to repair relationship with Britain Sent a “Declaration of Rights and Grievances” to the king, boycotted trade with England

8 Colonial Unity Second Continental Congress (1775)
Trying to defeat Britain Convened in the middle of the Revolutionary War

9 Colonial Unity Second Continental Congress (1775)
Elected George Washington Commander-in-Chief of the Army

10 The Declaration of Independence
July 4th, 1776

11 Fundamentals of the Declaration
Men have unalienable natural rights Governments exist by the consent of the governed Abusive governments must be changed or replaced Author: Thomas Jefferson

12 The Articles of Confederation: America’s First Official Government
Articles Confederation The ___________ of _____________ ( ) -This government only lasted for a few years. It was our country’s _________ form of government. It’s main problem was that it didn’t give the national government enough ______. It was too _______ of a system. -The power of the Articles of Confederation was given to all the individual ________ and that led to some major problems. -In the Articles, the national government would be run by a legislative body called the __________ ____________. -Each state had only ______ vote. first power weak states Confederation Congress one

13 Features of the Articles Government
Legislative Branch (Congress) Unicameral (One House) States could send as many or as few Reps. as they wanted Each state gets 1 vote regardless of number of Reps.

14 The Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
national/federal A weak _____________________ government caused the following weaknesses: Laws hard to pass (Needed approval of ____ out of ____ states) No power to _______ (Could only request) No power to regulate (control) ________ between the states Multiple _____________floating around NO _________________branch-to decide laws NO _________________branch-to enforce laws Any changes or amendments required the agreement of all ____ states 9 13 tax trade currencies Judicial Executive 13

15 No power to tax No power to regulate trade No courts to settle disputes Multiple currencies

16 The Constitutional Convention
May 25th to September 17th, 1787


18 Washington: Okay, any suggestions on how to fix this thing?


20 Madison: Ain’t gonna happen, Georgie.


22 Hamilton: Yeah, it’s time to smack it up, ballaz!


24 Washington: You know, I really like the Articles, guys.


26 Washington: j/k, dawgs.

27 lol :)

28 lol ;-> lol :) Ben Franklin: Holla!

29 The Framers The Framers are really just men who created the Constitution They fought with one another on every issue, and forming compromises to resolve the fights

30 The Constitutional Convention
55 On May 25, 1787 ___delegates from 12 states went to Philadelphia, Pa. to discuss the problems with the A of C. Only _____ ____ did not attend. The first thing the delegates did was elect ________ ________ the President of the Convention. They also agreed that all of their discussions and opinions would remain ________. They would not be opened for another 30 years. Rhode Island George Washington secret

31 The Constitutional Convention
It was immediately decided by the delegates to not revise the Articles of Confederation but rather throw them away and start a new government called the ______________. Constitution

32 The Constitutional Convention
Who was there? ______ ___________ (Va.) - Wrote detailed ______ about all the discussions. Much of what we know today is because of him. - Author of the ________ ______. This plan was important because we took many of its ideas and put them into the Constitution. -His contributions were so great we call him the ___________ of the _________ James Madison notes Virginia Plan Father Constitution

33 The Constitutional Convention
Who was there? ________ ___________ (Pa.) -He was the oldest delegate at _____ years old. -He was wise and would often help differing sides reach a ___________. -He told amusing stories to ease the tension. Benjamin Franklin 81 compromise

34 The Constitutional Convention
Who was there? ________ _____________ (Va.) -He was the _____ of the American Revolution. -He was elected _________ of the Constitutional Convention. George Washington hero President

35 The Constitutional Convention
Who was NOT there? ________ __________ Thomas Jefferson John Adams Patrick Henry

36 The Constitutional Convention
Who was NOT there? No ______ No ______ __________ women native peoples African Americans

37 Who’s your Bubba?.

38 Psst ! hey ! Is Hillary off the property yet?

39 Two Competing Ideas The Virginia Plan The “Big State Plan”
3 Branches – Legislative, Executive, Judicial, each with checks and balances against the others Bicameral legislature with representation based on population alone

40 Two Competing Ideas The New Jersey Plan The “Small State Plan”
Agreed w/ having 3 branches Unicameral legislature with all states represented equally Executive would be three presidents, who chose the Judicial branch

41 Challenges and Compromises
ISSUE # 1: The Problem: Disagreements over ____________ in the legislative branch. -Large States (Population): Wanted representation based on ___________ of your state. (Virginia Plan) -Small states (Population): Wanted Representation for each state to be ________. (New Jersey Plan) representation population equal


43 Challenges and Compromises
Solution: The ________ ___________(The Connecticut Compromise) A committee led by ______ _________ of Connecticut proposed a compromise that they felt would please both big and small states (population). The solution was: Great Compromise Roger Sherman Big States (Rep. based on population) Small States (Rep. should be Equal)

44 The Great Compromise There would be ______ parts or houses. This is known as a _________ legislature. 1. The ______ __ ___________: Representation is based on population. Satisfies large states. 2. The __________: Each state is given ____ no matter their size. Satisfies small states. 2 bicameral House of Representatives Senate 2

45 3 Branches of Government

46 How the Great Compromise Works
State Population # in House # in Senate California 38 million 53 2 Arizona 6.6 million 9 Wyoming 0.5 million 1

47 Challenges and Compromises
ISSUE #2: The Problem: Should _____ be counted as part of the _________ when determining representation? North: Slaves should ___________. South: Slaves should ___________. Why Important? If slaves are counted it would give the south more reps. in the House of Representatives thus giving them more voting _________. slaves population NOT BE COUNTED BE COUNTED power

48 Challenges and Compromises
3/5ths Solution: The _______ Compromise Slaves would be counted as _______ of a person for purposes of ____________. 3/5ths representation

49 Challenges and Compromises
Issue #3: The Problem: The slave trade is cruel and should be banned. North- Many northern states had already banned slavery and didn’t like the idea that slaves were ________ into the country and sold at slave auctions. South- Slavery and the slave trade are too __________ to the southern economy. It must continue imported important

50 Challenges and Compromises
Solution: _________ could not ban the slave trade until the year ________. Congress would eventually ban the slave trade in 1808 but it didn’t do much. Slaves were still being __________ in illegally as late as the 1860s. Congress 1808 smuggled

51 Sources of the Constitution
Framers pulled from a number of places to get the final product: Ancient Greece: Democracy Ancient Rome: Republic John Locke’s 2nd Treatise on Government: Social Contract & Natural Law

52 Sources of the Constitution
Baron de Montesquieu’s ideas about separating the powers of government Great Britain’s parliament

53 Bicameral Legislature (House and Senate)
New Constitution Bicameral Legislature (House and Senate) Strong Executive (President) Supreme Court System Federal Government British Government Bicameral Legislature (House of Lords and Commons) Strong Executive (King) Royal Court System Federal Relationship w/ Colonies Articles of Confederation Unicameral Legislature No Executive No Court System Confederation of States

54 Ratification of the Constitution
Americans had been debating the Constitution for months, eventually _____ political groups/parties emerged. They were the: 2 Federalists ___________ the Constitution and a stronger _________ government. Antifederalists Were concerned the Constitution took too much ________ away from the _______. Would only support the Constitution if changes were made. Supported power national states

55 Ratification of the Constitution
The Federalists: Wrote a series of essays called the ___________ ___________ in which they answered their critics and supported the idea of the Constitution. Authors: __________ ____________ Federalist Papers Alexander Hamilton John Jay James Madison

56 Ratification of the Constitution
The Antifederalists: Wanted ___________ guarantees that the people would have rights. They called for a: _______ ___ ___________ They would not agree to the Constitution unless this was included. The Bill of Rights are _____________ 1-10 of the Constitution. It includes freedom of ______, _________, and a right to a trial by _________. written Bill of Rights amendments speech religion jury

57 Famous Anti-Federalists:
Patrick Henry, John Hancock, Samuel Adams, Richard Henry Lee


59 Ratification of the Constitution
The Federalists agreed to the Bill of Rights as long as the Antifeds. supported the ______________. In December, 1787: __________became the first state to ________ or approve the Constitution. _____ out of ______ states were needed to approve it. The first 3 states were: ___________________ The 9th state to ratify it and make it officially our new government was _______________________ The last to state to ratify the Constitution was ___________ in 1790. Constitution Delaware ratify Delaware Pennsylvania New Jersey New Hampshire (June 21, 1788) Rhode Island

60 Ratifying the Constitution
Did someone say “Rat”ify?

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