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IEEE Computer Society SAB Chair Report Don Wright 2015 VP Standards, IEEE Computer Society June 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "IEEE Computer Society SAB Chair Report Don Wright 2015 VP Standards, IEEE Computer Society June 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEE Computer Society SAB Chair Report Don Wright 2015 VP Standards, IEEE Computer Society June 2015

2 Introduction  Thanks to everyone in the room and on the call!  I will attempt to run the meeting as efficiently as possible and perhaps finish a little early  If our discussion becomes repetitive, I will likely end it.  See written report attached to the agenda.

3 Activities since Jan. Since the January SAB meeting, I have been engaged broadly in IEEE Standards activities:  Attended two SA BoG meetings  Brussels  Santa Clara, CA  Attended one SA Standards Board meeting  Vienna

4 Activities since Jan. (Continued) Since the January SAB meeting, I have also been engaged in IEEE Computer Society activities:  CS FinCom  CS PlanCom  1Q PIF reviews  Dashboard Metrics  CS Senior Member elevation goals from Strat Plan.  CS MGA ad hoc

5 Patent Policy The new IEEE SA Patent Policy went into affect on March 15, 2015 after:  Being approved by a super-majority of the SASB  Being approved by a super-majority of the SA BoG  Being approved by a majority of the IEEE Board of Directors  All Sponsors and WGs are expected to comply  Information about the policy is available from:

6 Issues Remaining  Connecting SCs with TCs.  Commitment from VP Tech & Conf to provide names and contact info for TCs  Do we want to engage in the IoT Architecture work?  Webinar on June 16 th on co-sponsorship  What emerging technologies are ready for standardization?  Virtual and Augmented Reality  Big Data  Robotics

7 Standards Seminars  2016 CS President Roger Fujii, chair of the 2015 CS Planning Committee, encouraged SAB/PEB cooperation on an education series related to standard.  Since the January meeting, I made a enquiry to the sponsor chairs about the viability/interest in CS sponsored seminars on CS standards  Received minimal interest  802  S2ESC  Next steps … Paul Croll to lead.

8 Standards Pubs  Is the time right for a CS publication on standards?  Coordination with SA?  Monthly, Quarterly, etc?  Separate pub or supplement to Computer  ComSoc provides a supplement to Communications Magazine on a regular basis  Volunteer to lead?

9 Meeting with SA  I have a meeting with the SA Senior Staff on June 19th  Topic is SA/CS Cooperation and Working Relations  Are there topic suggestions from the SAB members?

10 Congratulations!  Paul Eastman was elevated to IEEE Senior Member in April!  Who is next??

11 Thank you

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