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Cosmic rays at Earth S.Kiselev, ITEP Definitions Momentum spectra Horizontal/vertical fluxes ITEP meeting, S.Kiselev1.

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Presentation on theme: "Cosmic rays at Earth S.Kiselev, ITEP Definitions Momentum spectra Horizontal/vertical fluxes ITEP meeting, S.Kiselev1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cosmic rays at Earth S.Kiselev, ITEP Definitions Momentum spectra Horizontal/vertical fluxes 02.04.2008ITEP meeting, S.Kiselev1

2 Definitions Momentum and angular distributions for the cosmic ray particles at the sea level were taken from the book P.K.Grieder, COSMICRAYS AT EARTH, Elsvier Science,2001. Differential intensity, I i (θ, ϕ,P), of particles of a given kind, i, is defined as the number of particles, dN i, incident upon an element of area, dA, per unit time, dt, within an element of solid angle, dΩ, within a momentum bin, dP. I i (θ, ϕ,P) = dN i /dAdtdΩdP [cm -2 s -1 sr -1 (GeV/c) -1 ] For θ=0 the vertical intensity, I i (0), can be defined. For the zenith angle dependence the approximation I i (θ) = I i (0) cos 2 (θ) has been used for all kind of particles. Horizontal fluxes, J h, - the fluxes of particles for a horizontal area J h = ∫ ∩ I(θ, ϕ )cos(θ)dΩ [cm -2 s -1 ] = I i (0) (π /2) where ∩ signifies integration over the upper hemisphere (θ<π/2). Vertical fluxes, J v, - the fluxes of particles for a vertical area J v = ∫ ∩ I(θ, ϕ )sin(θ)dΩ [cm -2 s -1 ] = I i (0) (π /16) J v = J h /8 02.04.2008ITEP meeting, S.Kiselev2

3 02.04.2008ITEP meeting, S.Kiselev3 Momentum spectra

4 Horizontal/vertical fluxes 02.04.2008ITEP meeting, S.Kiselev4 Particlep range (MeV/c) horizontal flux (cm -2 /s -1 ) vertical flux (cm -2 /s -1 ) µ±µ± > 2001.5 10 -2 2 10 -3 e±e± > 17.2 10 -3 9 10 -4 γ> 12.0 10 -2 2.5 10 -3 p> 2001.3 10 -4 1.6 10 -5

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