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Español 2 Sra. Lear. Youve already learned that you can use direct object pronouns (me, te, lo, la, nos, los, las) with verbs. In this photo the girl.

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Presentation on theme: "Español 2 Sra. Lear. Youve already learned that you can use direct object pronouns (me, te, lo, la, nos, los, las) with verbs. In this photo the girl."— Presentation transcript:

1 Español 2 Sra. Lear

2 Youve already learned that you can use direct object pronouns (me, te, lo, la, nos, los, las) with verbs. In this photo the girl is hiding a ball behind her back. She says… La escondo. (Im hiding it.) different Notice that the subject (yo) and the direct object (la) are different.

3 Reflexive verbs take a special pronoun called a reflexive pronoun. While the usual direct object is different from the subject, a reflexive pronoun is the same person, place or thing as the subject. Me escondo. Im hiding (myself). The subject (yo) and the Direct object (me) are The same person; You call this object Reflexive.


5 Step 1: Remove the ending –se. Step 2: Add the appropriate reflexive pronoun Step 3: conjugate the verb in the correct tense. esconderse-to hide oneself me escondonos escondemos te escondesos escondéis se escondese esconden


7 A verb used reflexively tells you that only the subject of the verb is involved in the action. When using a reflexive verb in the infinitive form, attach the pronoun to the infinitive. Vamos a pelearnos por el cuaderno. We are going to fight over the notebook. Nos vamos a pelear por el cuaderno. We are going to fight over the notebook. Placement…the Pronoun can be attached to The infinitive or before the Conjugated verb.

8 1. You hide. Tu _______escondes. 2. María gets scared. María _______asusta. 3. They get tired Ellos_______cansan. 4. We worry. Nosotros______preocupamos. 5. You say goodbye. Tú ______despides. te se nos te

9 1. The kids misbehave.(portarse) Los niños se________ mal. 2. She falls down. (caerse) Se_______. 3. We get angry with our friends. (enojarse) Nos____________ con nuestros amigos. 4. I feel sick. (sentirse) Me________enfermo. 5. You say goodbye to your parents. (despedirse) Te__________de tus padres. portan cae enojamos siento despides

10 me aburro nos aburrimos te aburres os aburrís se aburre se aburren aburrirse- to get bored

11 me asusto nos asustamos te asustas os asustáis se asusta se asustan asustarse de- to be scared of

12 me caigonos caemos te caesos caéis se caese caen

13 me cansonos cansamos te cansasos cansáis se cansase cansan

14 me doy cuenta de nos damos… te das…os dáis… se da…se dan…

15 me despidonos despedimos te despidesos despedís se despidese despiden

16 me disculponos disculpamos te disculpasos disculpáis se disculpase disculpan

17 me diviertonos divertimos te diviertesos divertís se diviertese divierten

18 me enojonos enojamos te enojasos enojáis se enojase enojan

19 me porto…nos portamos… te portas…os portáis… se porta…se portan…

20 me preocupo nos preocupamos te preocupas os preocupáis se preocupase preocupan

21 me reunonos reunimos te reunesos reunís se reunese reunen

22 me sientonos sentimos te sientesos sentís se sientese sienten

23 WRITE THE ANSWER ONLY 1. Mi famila y yo (asustarse) de las películas de terror. 1. nos asustamos 3. sonreírse- te sonríes 4. divertirse-se divierten

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