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September 19-September 23. Homework- King Henry Foldable 9/23 Metric conversion/microscope quiz 9/23 Chapter 1 Study Guide due 9/29/15 Chapter 1 test.

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Presentation on theme: "September 19-September 23. Homework- King Henry Foldable 9/23 Metric conversion/microscope quiz 9/23 Chapter 1 Study Guide due 9/29/15 Chapter 1 test."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 19-September 23

2 Homework- King Henry Foldable 9/23 Metric conversion/microscope quiz 9/23 Chapter 1 Study Guide due 9/29/15 Chapter 1 test 9/29/15 Vocabulary Dictionary due 10/21 Chapter 2 Vocabulary dictionary words due 10/7 Content Objective: Students will be able to (SWBAT)… Learn about metrics by constructing a foldable. Language Objective: Students will be able to (SWBAT)… Share warm ups with SP using sentence frame & 4 L’s. Create a study tool to practice basic conversions. Why? Scientist all over the world use the Metric System

3 Sentence Frames “I concluded… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I determined… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I ascertained… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I verified… (use information from the question in your answer).” “ I deduced…(use information from the question in your answer).” Warm Ups 1. Which tool would you use for length? Volume? Mass? 2. What makes using the metric system so easy? 3. What about using the metric system is difficult?

4 Homework- King Henry Foldable due tomorrow Metrics Lab due tomorrow Metric conversions/microscope quiz Friday Chapter 1 Study guide due 9/27 Chapter 1 Test Friday 9/27/15 Content Objective: Students will be able to (SWBAT)…Learn about metrics by conducting a lab. Language Objective: Students will be able to (SWBAT)… Work with SP to practice metric skills while completing the lab and answer the questions. Why? You need to know how to use a microscope.

5 Sentence Frames “I concluded… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I determined… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I ascertained… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I verified… (use information from the question in your answer).” Warm Ups- No warm ups – Metric Lab

6 Homework- Intro to Microscopes due tomorrow King Henry Foldable 9/23 Metric conversion/microscope quiz 9/23 Chapter 1 Study Guide due 9/29/15 Chapter 1 test 9/29/15 Vocabulary Dictionary due 10/21 Chapter 2 Vocabulary dictionary words due 10/7 Content Objective: Students will be able to (SWBAT)…. Learn about the basic structure and function of a microscope. Language Objective: Students will be able to (SWBAT)…Share warm ups with SP using sentence frame and the 4 L’s. Use a microscope to view the parts and fill out a summary of each part. Why? We use microscopes to view objects too small to see with the naked eye.

7 Sentence Frames “I concluded… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I determined… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I ascertained… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I verified… (use information from the question in your answer).” Warm Ups Use pg. 618-619 1. What is the ocular lens? 2. What is the proper way to carry a microscope? 3. What is the function of the low & high powered objective lens?

8 Homework- Intro to microscopes due tomorrow Metric conversions/microscope quiz Friday Chapter 1 Study guide due 9/27 Chapter 1 Test Friday 9/27/15 Content Objective: Students will be able to (SWBAT)…. Learn about the basic structure and function of a microscope. Language Objective: Students will be able to (SWBAT)…Share warm ups with SP using sentence frame and the 4 L’s. Use a microscope to view the parts and fill out a summary of each part. Why? We use microscopes to view objects too small to see with the naked eye.

9 Sentence Frames “I concluded… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I determined… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I ascertained… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I verified… (use information from the question in your answer).” Warm Ups Use pg. 618-619 1. What is the ocular lens? 2. What is the proper way to carry a microscope? 3. What is the function of the low & high powered objective lens?

10 Homework- E-lab due Friday King Henry Foldable 9/23 Metric conversion/ microscope quiz 9/23 Chapter 1 Study Guide due 9/29/15 Chapter 1 test 9/29/15 Vocabulary Dictionary due 10/21 Chapter 2 Vocabulary dictionary words due 10/7 Content Objective: Students will be able to (SWBAT)…Learn about the basics of Microscopes by conducting an e-lab Language Objective: Students will be able to (SWBAT)… Work with SP to complete the lab and answer the questions. Why? You need to know how to use a microscope.

11 Sentence Frames “I concluded… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I determined… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I ascertained… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I verified… (use information from the question in your answer).” Warm Ups NO WARM UPS E-LAB

12 Homework- E-lab due Friday Metric conversions/microscope quiz Friday Chapter 1 Study guide due 9/27 Chapter 1 Test Friday 9/27/15 Content Objective: Students will be able to (SWBAT)…Learn about the basics of Microscopes by conducting an e-lab Language Objective: Students will be able to (SWBAT)… Work with SP to complete the lab and answer the questions. Why? You need to know how to use a microscope.

13 Sentence Frames “I concluded… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I determined… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I ascertained… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I verified… (use information from the question in your answer).” Warm Ups NO WARM UPS E-LAB

14 E-lab due Friday King Henry Foldable 9/23 Metric conversion/ microscope quiz 9/23 Chapter 1 Study Guide due 9/29/15 Chapter 1 test 9/29/15 Vocabulary Dictionary due 10/21 Chapter 2 Vocabulary dictionary words due 10/7 Content Objective: Students will be able to (SWBAT)…Learn about the basics of Microscopes by conducting an e-lab Language Objective: Students will be able to (SWBAT)… Work with SP to complete the lab and answer the questions. Why? You need to know how to use a microscope.

15 Sentence Frames “I concluded… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I determined… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I ascertained… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I verified… (use information from the question in your answer).” “ I deduced…(use information from the question in your answer).” Warm Ups NO WARM UPS E-LAB

16 Homework- E-lab due Friday Metric conversions/microscope quiz Friday Chapter 1 Study guide due 9/27 Chapter 1 Test Friday 9/27/15 Content Objective: Students will be able to (SWBAT)…Learn about the basics of Microscopes by conducting an e-lab Language Objective: Students will be able to (SWBAT)… Work with SP to complete the lab and answer the questions. Why? You need to know how to use a microscope.

17 Sentence Frames “I concluded… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I determined… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I ascertained… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I verified… (use information from the question in your answer).” Warm Ups NO WARM UPS E-LAB

18 Chapter 1 Study Guide due 9/29/15 Chapter 1 test 9/29/15 Vocabulary Dictionary due 10/21 Chapter 2 Vocabulary dictionary words due 10/7 Content Objective: Students will be able to (SWBAT)…Demonstrate understanding of Metric conversions and the microscope by completing the quiz. Language Objective: Students will be able to (SWBAT)… Share warm ups & summary with SP. Why? Its Friday!!!

19 Sentence Frames “I concluded… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I determined… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I ascertained… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I verified… (use information from the question in your answer).” Warm Ups 1.What was the best part of the e-lab? 2. What was the most challenging part of the e- lab 3. Why is it important to identify the units you are using during a lab?

20 SUMMARY This week in science I learned… Basic Metric Conversions Basic structure and function of the microscope How to make a wet mount slide Field of view Move a slide around on the microscope

21 Homework Summary for Learning Log 7 Chapter 2 Vocabulary words & definitions-Monday Content Objective: Students will be able to (SWBAT)…Demonstrate understanding of Metric conversions and the microscope by completing the quiz. Language Objective: Students will be able to (SWBAT)… Share warm ups & summary with SP. Why? Its Friday!!!

22 Sentence Frames “I concluded… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I determined… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I ascertained… (use information from the question in your answer).” “I verified… (use information from the question in your answer).” Warm Ups 1.What was the best part of the e-lab? 2. What was the most challenging part of the e- lab 3. Why is it important to identify the units you are using during a lab?

23 SUMMARY This week in science I learned… How to use the basic tools for the metric system- what are they and which unit do they go with Basic structure and function of the microscope How to make a wet mount slide Field of view Move a slide around on the microscope his week in science I learned…




27 1. What is a model? 2. What are the 3 types of models discussed in the text. 3. What is one limitation of using a model? Content Objective: Students will be able to (SWBAT)… Learn about Scientific models while completing your Cornell notes Language Objective: Students will be able to (SWBAT)… Share warm ups with SP using sentence frame & 4 L’s. Create study questions with your SP based on the DOK Wheel. Why? Scientist use models to help them communicate in science.

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