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Analysis ICT, Group's Organizational Dynamics Natashia Johnson Kaplan University MT340: Conflict Resolution and Team Dynamics Thomas Javarinis, Instructor.

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Presentation on theme: "Analysis ICT, Group's Organizational Dynamics Natashia Johnson Kaplan University MT340: Conflict Resolution and Team Dynamics Thomas Javarinis, Instructor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysis ICT, Group's Organizational Dynamics Natashia Johnson Kaplan University MT340: Conflict Resolution and Team Dynamics Thomas Javarinis, Instructor

2 Introduction

3 Group and Team Behavior, cont... Manager-led teams are defined as a manager who acts as the team leader and is responsible for defining the goals, methods, and functioning of the team (Thompson, 2004, p. 7)‏ Vice President of Market Research, the Center Director of Market Research and the Center Manager

4 Group and Team Behavior, cont... Self-managing teams is when manager or leader determines the overall purpose or goal of the team, but the team is at liberty to manage the methods by which to achieve that goal (p.8)‏ Center Manager, QA Supervisor and the Shift Supervisors

5 Group and Team Behavior Self-directed teams determine their own objectives and the methods by which to achieve them and offer the most potential for innovation, enhance goal commitment and motivation, and provide opportunity for organizational learning and change (p. 9)‏ Shift Supervisors and production floor staff.

6 Leadership Robbins & Judge defined leadership as, “the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals” (p. 402). Characteristics that make her an inspirational leader is tact, charismatic, determined, motivated, and dedicated. Monique L.'s leadership measured by their success on projects and their camaraderie with each other.

7 Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Conflicts are a common occurrence in groups of diverse people that are working together Shift meetings can correctly coordinating each others functions together, keeping a flow of communications, or assess goals correctly Leaders and team members need to inform each other in open communications Coordinate plans of action to assists in conflicts to met operational guidelines and requirements

8 Human Resource Practices According to Robbins & Judge (2007), “An organization’s human resource policies and practices represent important forces for shaping employee behavior and attitudes (pg. 632). HR department of ICT, Group is directly responsible for the selection process of all production staff, payroll, and reporting to Corporate HR Hiring process includes an application and oral script reading HR has a positive and negative influence on hiring qualified people Performance management is to help with decision making on raises and promotions that are cleared though HR.

9 Organizational Culture  Thinking outside the box  Documenting the everyday transactions and details is necessary  Focus highly on results  Low stress and High Morale  Maintain Staff Size to meet deadlines  Culture is transmitted to employees in a number of forms, the most potent being stories, rituals, material symbols, and language” (pg. 587).  ICT, is “GO TEAM” meeting group

10 Diversity Many different ideas and personalities represents ICT, Group Operations in multiple countries Minimize conflicts between work and home lives Balancing lifestyles to ensure less stress on employees

11 Trust Trust is developed through communications Issues are corrected with out asking and timely Leaders care for their teams

12 Power Power is not used in a negative management influence outcomes decisions are ethical and just ICT Looks after its stakeholders Follow CSRs of the company

13 Organizational Politics They are common in any organization Certain situations, cultures, and individual characteristics are factors in office politics ICT, has no office politics to be seen

14 Recommendations I would recommend that the Supervisors of the team have an assistant team leader. Robbins & Judge points out that team leaders should focus on two priorities managing a teams external boundaries and facilitating the team process (p. 447). I recommend that ICT, Group keep the balance between their formal structure and informal relationships. The close nit attitude of the employees rub off on any newcomer that comes through the door. I would recommend that each group could use a group decision making process. Even though some groups are left to the individual. By using a group decision method each member is empowered and have a voice. A manger is only as strong as his team and by utilizing the teams experiences in the functionality of their positions, they are best able to inform the group of anything that did not work, things that did work, problems that are occurring, and motivations that are needed. (Robbins & Judge, 2007, pp. 319- 321)‏

15 References Robbins, S.P., & Judge, T.A. (2007). Organizational behavior. (12 ed.). Prentice-Hall. Sykes Enterprises, Inc Website. (2010). Ict, group: the crm solutions company. Retrieved from Thompson, L.L. (2004) Making the team: a guide for managers, (2nd ed.). Prentice Hall.

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