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Parallel Thematic Groups. Studying the attitudes toward refugees among the young people Actions and initiatives from youth work and youth policy that.

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Presentation on theme: "Parallel Thematic Groups. Studying the attitudes toward refugees among the young people Actions and initiatives from youth work and youth policy that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parallel Thematic Groups

2 Studying the attitudes toward refugees among the young people Actions and initiatives from youth work and youth policy that are taking place at the moment in connection to young refugees. Causes of why young migrants come to Europe, and what are their dreams? How the expertise from social work and youth work can be combined in the most beneficial way when working with young migrants and/or young refugees? We need to understand better the complexity and diversity of the young refugees (i.e. 50 national origins across Europe): “Who the young refugees are”. Better dialogue between Global South and Europe – also in the research tackling issues related on young refugees and migrants. Meta-analysis: what has worked in integration or multicultural paradigm before.

3 Youth work could response more to solutions: how young migrants and refugees can provide solutions to the aging problem in the EU. Educating the dominant population on human rights and world politics for. Give education on what is happening somewhere else, so that the EU-youth would really understand the reasons behind current fleeing/ refugee movement. A lot of new responsibilities and overwhelmed working conditions for those youth workers working in the refugee centres/dormitories of young refugees: - traumatised youth without language skills, administrative questions, socialisation in the western culture, a lot of ethnicities/nationalities living together: conflict resolution Giving social rights education to refugees and migrants. Supporting and actively producing counter narratives (of active agencies/ heroes) against the growing rhetoric of fear/problem. Remembering the special / globally shared needs of every youth (esp. importance of peer groups and youth trends and cultures).

4 Could youth work support young refugees integration into formal schooling and education? Trauma and gender sensitive youth work is highly needed. Need to support the formulations of young refugees’ consultative groups and initiatives. Better inclusion and recognition of young refugees initiatives in public debates and in youth policy. Questions of integration and belonging (also with the intra-European migration and second-generation migrants) need to be studied and implemented in the youth policy. Global responsibility of the EU-CoE Youth policy: what can Youth Partnership do in order to tackle the problems in their origins causing flees? WE NEED TO DISCUSS REFUGEE QUESTIONS TOGETHER WITH DIFFERENT GROUPS OF REFUGEES

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