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Chapter 5.  Romulus and Remus  Northern Italy settlers  Greeks  Italic-speaking.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5.  Romulus and Remus  Northern Italy settlers  Greeks  Italic-speaking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5

2  Romulus and Remus  Northern Italy settlers  Greeks  Italic-speaking


4  Tiber River  509 B.C. Romans drove out their Etruscan ruler  Res publica  Republic – people choose officals

5  Worksheet  Patricians  Consuls  Plebeians  Dictator  Tribunes

6  Block laws  Intended to protect the plebeians

7  Women could hold land, attend public events, and run businesses  Upper and lower class children learned how to read and write. History, politics, rhetoric  Roman mythology – Jupiter and Juno  Polytheistic

8  Roman army was very powerful  Legion – about 5,000 men  Men were eventually paid and given weapons  Rewards and punishment

9  How might Rome hold such a large empire? Think about how Alexander the Great did this.

10  Conquered people had to acknowledge Roman leadership, pay taxes and supply soldiers.  Rome let them keep their own customs, money, and government  Some would even gain partial or full citizenship

11  Romans expanded west into present-day France and Spain  Carthage, in northern Africa, did not like the expansion – map on page 156

12  First Punic War – Rome wins, gains Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia  Second Punic War – Hannibal invades, Rome invades, wins  Third Punic War – Rome destroys Carthage  News  Paper  Assignment

13  Write the definition  Use it in a sentence  Write how Rome imperialized  Write how the US has imperialized  Mare Nostrum “Our Sea”

14  Latifundia – huge farming estates  Slaves  Prices  Unemployment  Greed

15  Legions of the Roman army were loyal to their commanders  Julius Caesar and Pompey emerge

16  Gaul (Belgium and France)  Read on 158  Makes himself the dictator  “Veni, vidi, vici”  Public works, land to the poor, Roman calendar

17  March 15, 44 B.C.  Caesars enemies wanted to save the republic, thought he was going to make himself king  Stabbed to death  More civil wars  Video

18  Mark Antony – Caesar’s chief general  Octavian – Caesar’s grandnephew  They started battling each other  Octavian defeated Mark Antony and his ally, Queen Cleopatra

19  The senate name Octavian Augustus, which means Exalted One – first citizen  31 B.C. to 14 A.D. Augustus ruled  The 500 year-old republic came to an end and the Roman empire began

20  High-level jobs were open to everybody, postal service, new coins, built roads, temples, and helped unemployed  Ordered a census, to tax people more fairly  Lasted for 200 years  Successors

21  Caligula  Nero

22  Hadrian – codified Roman law  Built “Hadrian’s Wall” in England  Marcus Aurelius last leader under Pax Romana - Crash Course  The distraction of entertainment  Gladiator video  Interview a Roman


24  Virgil – wrote the poem Aeneid of Rome’s epic past saying it was just as good as Greek history  Satire – make fun of Roman society  Livy – tells history of Rome  What are these people/writings like?

25  Roman sculptures  Mosaic – a picture made for chips of colored stone or glass

26  Greek architecture expanded throughout the empire  Arches – made out of concrete  Pantheon – temple honoring Roman gods

27  Answer the two questions at the bottom - WS

28  Application of science and mathematics to develop useful structures and machines  Road WS  Built everlasting bridges, roads, and harbors

29  Bridge-like stone structures that carried water from the hills into Roman cities - video  Ptolemy – astronomer-mathematician who proposed that the Earth was the center of the universe  Accepted for nearly 1,500 years and got a lot of people killed

30  Polytheistic and pagan religions  Jews are now included in the empire – reluctant  Diaspora – scattering of a population - Jews  Messiah – anointed king sent by God

31  Apostles – “a person sent forth” – 12 disciples to follow and spread the message  Romans authorities did not like this because they thought he was undermining Roman rule (why would they need Rome)  Crucifixion

32  People who suffer of die for their beliefs  “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Christian Church”

33  Edict of Milan – granted freedom of worship to all citizens of the Roman empire – 313 A.D.  Why did he do this?  Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire and repressed other faiths  Two Worksheets

34  Marcus Aurelius died in 180 A.D. ending Pax Romana – some say that this is the start of the decline of the empire  In a 50 year period, at least 26 emperors reigned  Troops loyal to their commander

35  Over-cultivation  DIOLETIAN – to restore order, he divided the empire into two parts in 284  Inflation – rise of prices  Page 174

36  Moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium and renamed it Constantinople  Now the east was the center of power

37  Economic and political reforms work temporarily  Invaders prove to hurt the empire  Visigoths/Ostrogoths/Huns  In 410, Rome was sacked/plundered by the Visigoths  Vandals

38  476, Germanic leader Odoacer booted out the last emperor of “Rome”  The western Roman empire has “fallen”

39  Mercenaries – foreign soldiers paid to serve and fight  Battles over armies to “elect” their commanders to emperor  Diseases swept the empire  476 is the “fall” of Rome, but the eastern empire stood for over 1000 years in the Byzantine empire  Page 178 answer the three questions on 179

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