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Year Abroad Intentions Meeting for Second Year Students Dr Andrew Cusack SoML Year Abroad Convenor

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Presentation on theme: "Year Abroad Intentions Meeting for Second Year Students Dr Andrew Cusack SoML Year Abroad Convenor"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year Abroad Intentions Meeting for Second Year Students Dr Andrew Cusack SoML Year Abroad Convenor

2 Year Abroad Handbook s/ Your first port of call for information on the year abroad, or on who to contact for further information.

3 Collaborations and Study Abroad Team CSA consultation hours Registry St Katharine’s West, 16 The Scores Monday-Friday 2:00-4:00pm during term time

4 Four Year Degree v. Five Year Degree

5 Five Year Degree (WIYA): Two years sub-Honours, Year Abroad, Two Years Honours

6 Four Year Degree (non-WIYA): Two years sub-Honours, Year Abroad = Junior Honours One Year Senior Honours

7 Five Year Degree (WIYA) = work placement English language teaching assistant or industrial work placement anywhere in the world deemed appropriate where the language is the language you study.

8 Four Year Degree (non-WIYA) = university placement in France, Germany or Austria, Italy, Russia, Spain or Uruguay, Morocco (Arabic)

9 Exceptions: In Russia there are no work placements. All outbound students to Russia participate in Study Abroad programme organized by our partner organization, RLUS.

10 St Andrews Abroad Programme The St Andrews Abroad programme is run by Collaborations & Study Abroad. Check with your Study Abroad Coordinator that the appropriate courses are available for your degree! Students must apply in the first semester of their second year with a view to spending their Junior Honours year abroad. tiesabroadandhowtoapply/standrewsabroadprogramme/

11 Eligibility 1 Honours Entry (minimum mark of 11); for university placements (minimum mark of 14 in exchange language, 13.5 in other hons langs, and competition ) Joint or Triple Honours students must get approval from each Department outside the School.

12 Eligibility 2 age-assistants/become/ age-assistants/become/

13 Can I split my Year Abroad? Not generally recommended. But common with Russian Settling in takes time. British Council placements are whole year.

14 Can I go for less than a year? WIYA must add up to a full year. Single-semester university placements are possible for many combinations of subjects.

15 Can I go for more than a year? You can do WIYA first and then apply for a semester of university placement. You must spend Semester One of Junior Honours in St Andrews. The UP semester cannot be in the same language area as WIYA.

16 Money (out) St Andrews University generates a fee for each student. The fees vary depending on your nationality and status. aduatestudents/yearabroadhandbo ok/fees/ aduatestudents/yearabroadhandbo ok/fees/

17 Money (in) Teaching assistants and interns get paid for their work. Students who spend a semester or year abroad in the EU may be eligible to participate in Erasmus+. details of the Erasmus+ programme.

18 Erasmus+ and the EU Referendum There is no immediate change to the UK’s participation in the Erasmus+ Programme following the referendum result. The University has been advised that the UK National Agency (the British Council) will continue to manage and deliver the Programme across the UK, and that participants should continue with Erasmus+ funded activities next year (2016-2017). The University of St Andrews is unable to guarantee Erasmus+ funding in any given year.

19 Industrial Work Placements (Internships) School cannot offer information about internships. Start researching your internship now! The University Careers Centre provides advice on placements: Aim to have made contact with prospective employer by end of this semester! Work Placement Agreement must be submitted by Week 8 of the semester prior to your placement abroad! Placements are not guaranteed and are competitive.

20 British Council Considering working as an English Language Assistant (WIYA)? A few words from Language Ambassador, Kate Lesenger Placements are not guaranteed and are competitive.

21 Year-Abroad Co-ordinators 2016-17 Arabic Dr Elmaz French WIYA Dr Turner French UP Dr Carson German Dr Cusack Italian Dr Rossignoli Russian Dr Clark Spanish Dr Fernandez aduatestudents/yearabroadhandbo ok/contacts/

22 The Intentions Form book/downloadableforms/ book/downloadableforms/ Email all completed forms to Year AbroadAdministrator:,subject line Year Abroad Intentions Form Email all completed forms to Year Abroad Administrator:, subject line Year Abroad Intentions Forms must be returned by 12:00 noon on Monday, 24 th October 2016

23 Collaborations & Study Abroad A few words from Bronagh Crosse (Collaborations & Study Abroad Officer) CSA consultation hours Registry, St Katharine’s West, 16, The Scores Monday-Friday 2pm-4pm during term time

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