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Ankle and Lower Leg Injuries (pg ) ALEX M. LOEWEN.

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Presentation on theme: "Ankle and Lower Leg Injuries (pg ) ALEX M. LOEWEN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ankle and Lower Leg Injuries (pg. 240-246) ALEX M. LOEWEN

2 Ankle Sprains  Top injuries in athletes.  What is an ankle sprain?  Most common is inversion.

3 Inversion Sprains  Account for more than 80 percent of ankle sprains.

4 Eversion Sprains  Take longer to heal than inversion sprains.

5 High Ankle Sprains  Very hard to treat  Return to sports longer than inversion and eversion

6 Signs of Injury  Grade I -Little swelling, Mild pain, and Joint stiffness  Grade II -Medium pain, Swelling, Joint stiffness  Grade III -Severe pain at first, Large swelling, Joint Immobilization

7 Care  Limit swelling -Prevention -Rest -Ice -Compression -Elevation  Gradual return to form  KT tape* *Bicici, S., Karatas, N., & Baltaci, G. (2012). EFFECT OF ATHLETIC TAPING AND KINESIOTAPING ON MEASUREMENTS OF FUNCTIONAL PERFORMANCE IN BASKETBALL PLAYERS WITH CHRONIC INVERSION ANKLE SPRAINS. International Journal Of Sports Physical Therapy, 7(2), 154-166.

8 Ankle Fractures  Occur in same way as sprains  Fracture often happen with sprains  Swelling is a sign of fractures  Care for injury by splinting and referring to a doctor

9 Ankle Tendinosis  Posterior tibialis tendon  Anterior tibialis  Peroneal tendons

10 Tibial & Fibular Fractures  Direct or indirect trauma  Pain, swelling, deformity

11 Tibial & Fibular Stress Fractures  Tibial stress fractures are more likely than fibular  Repetitive loading  Incorrect shoes or faulty biomechanics  Pain at the focal point, pain gets worse  Refer athlete to a physician

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