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WELCOME To Third Grade Leslie Bridendolph Rita Michelson Andy Robinson Carolyn Runyan Cynthia Turner.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME To Third Grade Leslie Bridendolph Rita Michelson Andy Robinson Carolyn Runyan Cynthia Turner."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME To Third Grade Leslie Bridendolph Rita Michelson Andy Robinson Carolyn Runyan Cynthia Turner

2 Communications Tuesday Folder-weekly Homework Folder-Daily Voicemail Email Conferences

3 3 rd Daily Schedule 7:40 – 8:00 Homeroom 8:00-8:30Reading 8:35-9:25Specials (art, music, or pe) 9:30-10:00Reading part II 10:00-10:45Language Arts/Writing/Words Their Way 10:45-11:30Math 11:30-12:00Math Warm-up 12:00-12:40Lunch (see your class schedule) 12:45-1:00Recess 1:00-1:50Science or Social Studies 1:50-2:05Pack up time 2:05-2:35DFT 2:40Dismissal

4 DFT Time Dedicated Focused TEKS Time

5 Curriculum TEKS Based/ARRC Aligned/Data Driven Reading Language Arts Math Spelling Social Studies Science

6 Attendance The first bell rings at 7:40. Students are tardy if arriving after 7:50. Students marked tardy cannot receive “Perfect Attendance”.

7 Grading Policy Grading Scale 100 - 90 A 89 - 80 B 79 - 75 C 74 - 70 D Progress Reports Report Cards

8 Grading Policy cont… Students who score below 70% on a paper are allowed to re-do the assignment. The new grade can be changed to a 70. Re-do work is done at school.

9 Nightly Homework Homework/Classwork to be finished Reading/Summary Daily Behavior Note from Teacher

10 Behavior Management Excellent Choices! Warning 10 minute reflection 20 minute reflection Referral to the office/ Parent Contacted

11 STAAR TEST State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness Based on the TEKS More Rigor/Greater Complexity Testing for Grade 3 is April 2014

12 Birthday Celebrations We will celebrate on Fridays ONLY. Celebrations are held 2:05-2:30pm. Please send napkins, plates…whatever is needed.

13 We look forward to a great year!

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