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Enlightened “Despots”: Monarchs who were inspired by Enlightenment ideals Catherine the Great of Russia Frederick the Great of Prussia Joseph II of Austria.

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Presentation on theme: "Enlightened “Despots”: Monarchs who were inspired by Enlightenment ideals Catherine the Great of Russia Frederick the Great of Prussia Joseph II of Austria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enlightened “Despots”: Monarchs who were inspired by Enlightenment ideals Catherine the Great of Russia Frederick the Great of Prussia Joseph II of Austria

2 Essential Question: How and to what extent did Enlightened Absolutists carry out the ideas of Enlightenment Thinkers? We will examine this question over the next 2 days and practice an SAQ based on the essential question. Were they really so GREAT?

3 Assignment #4: Intro to Enlightened Despots Film and Lecture Use the same chart for all monarchs. Label the evidence “F” (Frederick), “C” (Catherine) and “J” (Joseph) (2-18) Land of Tsars 12-13 Enlightened Ideas Connection to Specific Thinkers (if applicable) “Un” Enlightened Ideas

4 Joseph II of Austria – lecture notes Rules: 1765-1790 Religious Toleration Life of the Peasants Social Reform Failures of Rule

5 Assignment #5: Enlightened Absolutists Documents Read the documents and underline the evidence that supports the essential question: How and to What Extent did Enlightened Absolutists Carry Out the ideas of Enlightenment Thinkers. AND Underline the evidence that would challenge the essential question (that would make the absolutists appear UN-enlightened). Make commentary on what you underline in the margin.

6 Practice SAQ question 1. Explain TWO policies of Enlightened Absolutists that are rooted in the ideas of specific Enlightenment Thinkers. 2. Provide ONE example of a policy of an Enlightened Absolutist that would go against Enlightenment ideals. Brainstorm possible pieces of evidence. Then we will as a class decide which is the BEST evidence to use with each part of the question.

7 Wait…how did we get through this unit without learning about a bunch of confusing wars? In AP Euro, you should have learned already there is NO WAY to get through a unit without learning about a bunch of confusing wars. (THAT IS A JOKE…kind of…) As you listen to the mini lecture on the following wars… THINK ABOUT: Does the Enlightenment take any position about war? Why might these absolutists not see a conflict between their Enlightened ideals and their pursuit of territory and power?

8 War of Austrian Succession 1740-1748: Frederick’s power struggle with Austria Prussia wants territory from Austria WHY? Balance of Power

9 7 Years War: the power struggle between Austria and Prussia ensnares the rest of Europe -Austria makes aggressive alliance with Russia and France to destroy Prussia -War ends for Prussia when Russia pulls out of war -Further impacts for France and England – loss of territory for France, England becomes dominant naval power.

10 Partition of Poland: How do Enlightened Despots make peace with each other? Destroy a weak nation and divide the territory

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