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The Enlightenment. What was it? Influenced by Scientific Revolution New way of looking at the world Applied idea of natural laws to society and government.

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Presentation on theme: "The Enlightenment. What was it? Influenced by Scientific Revolution New way of looking at the world Applied idea of natural laws to society and government."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Enlightenment

2 What was it? Influenced by Scientific Revolution New way of looking at the world Applied idea of natural laws to society and government 1

3 Enlightenment The Scientific Revolution paved the way for the Enlightenment Age of Reason; reached its height by the mid-1700s Philosophers saw that scientists were using reason to explain the laws of nature People began to look for laws governing human behavior— wanted to apply reason to all aspects of society (government, religion, economics, education)

4 Philosophes Reason – way to discover truth Nature – natural laws of economics and politics Happiness – found by living by the laws of nature Progress – belief in the ability to be perfected Liberty – men should be free 2

5 Hobbes’s Social Contract Leviathan Humans are naturally selfish and wicked. Without governments to keep order, there would be chaos and disorder In exchange for order, men give up their freedom in exchange for order Social contract 3

6 John Locke Two Treatises on Government People can learn from experience and improve themselves they have the natural ability to govern their own affairs and to look after the welfare of society. All people are born free and equal, with three natural rights – life, liberty, and property. 4

7 Voltaire Fought for tolerance, reason, freedom of religious belief and freedom of speech 5

8 VOLTAIRE Made frequent targets of the clergy, aristocracy, & government Exiled from France to England because of his writings against French court Freedom of thought and expression (religion, speech)

9 “It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.” “I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.” Voltaire

10 Montesquieu Believed English were best governed of day – king, parliament, judges Separation of Powers Argued that this concept would prevent any one individual or group from gaining total control of the government 6

11 Important Philosophies 1. Montesquieu Devoted to study of political history Separation of Powers = division of powers among different branches of government “Power should be a check to power”—later called checks and balances

12 Checks and Balances


14 Rousseau “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.” Believed that early people lived in a primitive “state of nature” but freedom and equality were destroyed by the strongest people Most Enlightenment Philosophes Reason, Science, and Art will improve life for all people Rousseau Civilization corrupts people’s natural goodness 7

15 Important Philosophies Jean Jacques Rousseau Believed that civilization corrupted people The only good government was the one freely formed by the people and guided by the general will of society (direct democracy)

16 Impact of the Enlightenment Challenged: divine right of kings, union of church and state, & unequal social classes Inspired the American and French Revolution Wanted: end to slavery, social equality, & improvements in education People began to openly question their religious beliefs & the church Rise of individualism—use their own abilities to reason

17 The Spread of Enlightenment Ideas 8

18 Paris Salons Social gatherings for philosophers, writers, artists, scientists, and other great intellects to discuss ideas and enjoy artistic performances 9

19 Denis Diderot Encyclopedia Large set of books to which all the leading scholars of Europe could contribute articles and essays Banned by the French Government and Catholic Church Helped spread Enlightenment ideas 10

20 Enlightened Monarch’s Many philosophers believed the best government was a monarchy in which the ruler respected the people’s rights Enlightened Despots Frederick the Great - Prussia Joseph II - Austria Catherine the Great - Russia 11

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