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Standards SS7G7 The student will explain the impact of location, climate, physical characteristics, distribution of natural resources, and population.

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Presentation on theme: "Standards SS7G7 The student will explain the impact of location, climate, physical characteristics, distribution of natural resources, and population."— Presentation transcript:


2 Standards SS7G7 The student will explain the impact of location, climate, physical characteristics, distribution of natural resources, and population distribution on Southwest Asia (Middle East). a. Explain how the distribution of oil has affected the development of Southwest Asia (Middle East).

3 One of the most important resources in this region is oil. It was discovered in Persia (now Iran) in 1908. In the 1930s, more oil was found on the Arabian Peninsula and around the Persian Gulf. The Middle East became extremely important to other countries as they began to take control of oil production.

4 Natural Gas Oil Southwest Asia has the largest known oil reserves.\ in the world! Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait Iran have the largest deposits of oil.


6 Many countries around the world depend on oil to meet their everyday needs. Oil (petroleum) is used for: Fuel Medicines Plastics (Think of everything that’s made with plastic!) Fertilizers & Pesticides Cleansers Countries need oil, but most don’t have it, so they must buy it from oil-producing countries.

7 Early 1900s US and European countries controlled the production of oil in SWA Today – countries that have the oil control it Ex: Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait

8 Created in 1960s Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Made up of many SWA countries and other oil-rich countries around the world Use embargos to get political and economic agreements from other countries around the world Control price and flow of oil

9 Some countries have grown very rich due to their oil production (Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait), while countries without oil are struggling (Afghanistan, Jordan, etc.). Natural gas & oil bring great wealth & improved standard of living Southwest Asian countries without oil have a much harder time improving living conditions for their population. This drastic difference in the distribution of oil wealth has led to many conflicts among Southwest Asian nations.

10 Riyadh – Capital of Saudi Arabia

11 Kuwait City – Capital of Kuwait

12 Kabul – Capital of Afghanistan

13 Dubai, UAE 50 Years Before & After

14 Not all countries have oil wealth The wealth from oil sales is not evenly distributed among the citizens of the countries in Southwest Asia. The difference in wealth in some of the SWA countries had led to conflict among nations

15 Write your NAME Last four digits of your LUNCH NUMBER No talking

16 Select ONE of the cartoons Complete the BLUE Analysis sheet



19 Select ONE MAIN IDEA from page M7 Complete the Cartoon Planning Page Illustrate and Color your cartoon!

20 Teacher Directions – Ticket Out the Door Have students write a tweet summary of the lesson (less than 140 characters). The hashtag is where they write the topic.

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