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Key findings obtained through the study in Kazakhstan School-to-Work Transition Information Bases in Asia and the Pacific and the Role of the UNEVOC Network.

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Presentation on theme: "Key findings obtained through the study in Kazakhstan School-to-Work Transition Information Bases in Asia and the Pacific and the Role of the UNEVOC Network."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key findings obtained through the study in Kazakhstan School-to-Work Transition Information Bases in Asia and the Pacific and the Role of the UNEVOC Network 23 – 26 August 2011 Imperial Queens Park Hotel Bangkok, Thailand

2 Presentation on Tracking Skills Needs in Kazakhstan (1) Kazakhstan has enough developed TVET system, which currently has a high priority. According to data of MES RK, 894 TVET organizations are working today in the country. 604 thousands of young people (aged 14 to 24 years), trained on 185 specialties and 495 qualifications, including more than 235 thousands (36%) accordance to the state order. Technical professions are mostly popular among young people (173.6 thousands people) and 28,5% of all contingent. The level of TVET graduates employment (vocational schools) is 81.5% (2009) in the first year after graduation. 18-20% of the graduates continue their education in the universities (administrative data of MES RK). However, the level of TVET development in Kazakhstan is not sufficient and Labor Market (LM) needs in TVET graduates satisfied only for 30-40%. TVET system in Kazakhstan does not meet modern requirements of employers. One of the most fundamental problem is insufficient quality of training. In this connection more than 33 million dollars of investments will be directed to the reforms of TVET. First of all funds will be used to develop new standards of education, and completion of TVET system with new equipment. TVET system in Kazakh society is not prestigious. Erroneous view about TVET system as a second-rate formed as stable and widespread. This causes a significant imbalance in the LM. The database of vacancies includes 3 times more representatives of blue-collar occupations than office workers. TVET system operates autonomously from the production and business, so there is a shortage of graduates and sometimes problem of their employment. 21.11.20162Vera Mozharova

3 Presentation on Tracking Skills Needs in Kazakhstan(2) There is no in Kazakhstan a special large scale survey of labor skills needs conducted on a national or regional basis, organized by the State. Some pilot projects in contest of the problem were held by foreign organizations or commissioned by private companies. Since 1999 Kazakhstan’s experts with help of European Training Foundation (ETF) studied the labor market in certain sectors of the economy on the base of the European experience: like first pilot project “Analysis of the labor market in Kazakhstan” (1999 in the sphere of catering). The same pilot projects developed later in the most demanded on the labor market specialties: the builders, oil workers, service workers and others. In the framework of TVET development in Kazakhstan the projects implementing with international organizations are realizing: the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) - to develop curriculum and modular programs; with the European Commission - to develop social partnership; with the Centre for Education and Training (RKK, Norway) - to promote training and retraining of personnel in the oil and gas sector; with InVent (Germany) - to improve the skills of teachers and trainers, with the British Council - to ensure the quality of training and employment of graduates, with ETF - the implementation the methodology of developing competence-based programs for professional education, establishment of professional standards in the tourism sector, and study of the European TVET system experience. All this and other projects were developed on the base of close co-operation with employers and studying of their requirements to the skills needs. 21.11.20163Vera Mozharova

4 Presentation on Tracking Labor Market Situation (1) Regular surveys which currently take place in Kazakhstan are in the framework of study Labor Market (LM) situation and wages. Statistical Agency, which is the national body is responsible for conducting such studies. The Agency has a network of regional statistical offices. Statistical experts are conducting Labor Force Survey (LFS) since 2001, in accordance with international requirements, which gives main characteristics of LM and labor movement. Statistical Agency of Kazakhstan produces different statistical materials on LM statistics, based on the Survey results. LFS covers all regions of the country on the basis of the sampling method of observation, followed by the spread of the results to the entire population. Coverage of economic activities: the whole territory of the republic, all economic activities (99 positions in accordance with international classifiers). Survey period is the middle month of each quarter, i.e., February, May, August and November. Observation units are a sample of 21 thousands households and persons aged 15 years and older living in the households. Current data of statistical surveys of economic entities used for LM analysis too. Information about vacancies is the responsibility of departmental statistics of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection (MLSP RK) and its regional bodies, as well as provides by private recruitment agencies. This information is gathered within the framework of administrative procedures and has no the nature of the survey. Among the most demanded professions and specialties on LM: the builders, oil workers, doctors, computer programmers, drivers, porters, turners, mechanics, tailors, cooks, cashiers, salespeople. There is some demand for accountants, economists, lawyers and translators/interpreters. 21.11.2016Vera Mozharova4

5 Presentation on Tracking Labor Market Situation (2) In Kazakhstan, the statistical examinations of the issues of the graduates employment were not conducted. LM statistics in the present time not interconnected with educational statistics. There are no systematic analysis on the indicators adopted in OECD countries. So we have no wide practice of forming the purpose-oriented programs for training personnel and unemployed people for priority and stable or weak sectors of the economy to improve LM situation and efficiency of economy. In Kazakhstan’s socio-economic policy now have formed an understanding that in the Republic it should be to establish the State system to promote employment of graduates. Part of this system will be the creation of reliable statistical system and databases on the employment of graduates to manage these issues at the State level, in the regions and economic sectors. These important questions include to the State program “Education 2011-2020”. It is scheduled to organize the monitoring of graduate’s employment and to create an educational statistics in Kazakhstan based on the international experience. But this moment not yet scheduled the dates of beginning such surveys and the methodology of the surveys has not yet developed. In Russia, where the situation in TVET system is similar to Kazakhstan such terms have outlined. Federal State Statistical Service (“Rosstat”) in 2016 plans to examine the employment situation of graduates. Organization of a labor market research, studying and forecasting the needs for skilled manpower, prospective employers' requests to the skills needs is important task for the Republic. The results of these studies will form the basis for improve the quality of TVET education and LLL. LLL and professional orientation become actual in Kazakhstan to improve LM situation and economic efficiency. 21.11.20165Vera Mozharova

6 Presentation on Employer Engagement (1) In 2004, the privet Kazakh’s Scientific Research Institute developed the "Qualification handbook for managers, specialists and other employees." Updating of job’s duties and responsibilities for the formation of new skills in TVET and Higher Education was carried out in close contact and co-operation with employers (the leading National Companies of Kazakhstan). In 2008-2010, MES RK and ETF completed a new big project "Social Partnership in the TVET RK", having in its structure 13 sub-projects. This project was aimed at implementing the State program of vocational and technical education 2008 - 2012. The project aims to search for optimal solutions to build institutional bridges between vocational education and business world through the prism of European experience In the framework of TVET social partnership in Kazakhstan between vocational schools and companies 16.8 thousands agreements already signed (2010). Regional forums "Vocational Education and Business: dialogue of partners”, workshops and round table discussions with employers on training for the regions were held. New generation of professional standards is beginning to be developed in Kazakhstan. Primarily they are set in the priority sectors of the economy. Kazakhstan has prepared 36 standards for the upstream oil and gas on the basis of the National Company “KazMunaiGas” with involving international ETF experts. In 2009 year the Republican scientific-methodical center of the TVET development and assignment qualification (with regional branch-offices) have the level of the independent evaluation of the professional training and qualification reached to 105 thousands TVET graduates on 125 specialties. In 2010, the number of participants in this evaluation has increased by 40 thousands graduates compared with 2009. Quality Score for years, so in 2009 - 65,1% in 2010 - 77,7%. Catering industry in Kazakhstan is an example of the greatest practical success of TVET development thanks to employers engagement. However, a significant improvement in customer service typical in the field of hotel management, car repairs, some less - in the construction sector and utilities sector. 21.11.2016Vera Mozharova6

7 Presentation on Employer Engagement (2) Currently in the RK the trend of growth of the interaction of employers and vocational schools can be fixed. Kazakhstan has recognized that social partnership in TVET is an important factor contributing to balancing the demand and supply of skilled labor on the LM, helping to reduce unemployment and poverty. In 2011 several ministries – MES RK, MLSP RK, Industry and Trade, Transport and Communications and Information, Oil and Gas, Agriculture - and the National Economic Chamber of Kazakhstan "Union Atameken” signed a cooperation agreement on training, retraining and advanced training in TVET. Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan has also signed in 2011 a memorandum of cooperation with the Kazakh Association of Oil-and-Gaz complex “Kazenergy”, a consortium of SPIE / Career- Holdings, LLP “PricewaterhouseCoopers”, “Tax & Advisory” in Atyrau city. Interregional center for professional training and retraining of technical and service work was established here. Signing of the memorandums is the first case, making a breakthrough in the creation of a new management model for TVET in Kazakhstan. The new model will allow companies in the near future to place an order for graduates, to strengthen material-technical base of TVET system, to participate in practical education and job placement of graduates. 21.11.2016Vera Mozharova7

8 RECOMMENDATIONS TO NATIONAL GOVERNMENT (1) 1.In Kazakhstan there is a strong need in objective forecast of the demands in the quality personal for regions and economic sectors, taking into account innovations in the companies, perspective projects, as well as business development strategies; 2. Increase of the prestige of any kind of labor, working professions (blue color) and TVET system in Kazakh society, that suppose formation of the professional orientation system in Kazakhstan; 3. Enhancing the participation of social partners in the TVET development to improve the quality of teaching and facilitating of the graduates employment; 11/21/20168Vera Mozharova

9 RECOMMENDATIONS TO NATIONAL GOVERNMENT (2) 4.Formation of the reliable educational statistics, and of the statistical databases in the field of education in Kazakhstan and the employability of graduates, organization of research projects for skills needs studying based on the international experience; 5.Ensuring availability of the TVET education for all segments of the population, that suppose increasing the quantity of State grants for TVET (actual professions and specialties); 6.Enhancing the prestige of teachers working in TVET system, creating opportunities for continuous retraining and skills upgrading, as well as providing teachers with a decent wage. 7. Reforming of the wage system in Kazakhstan and providing the decent wage levels for young working professionals sufficient for establishment and maintenance of theirs families. 11/21/2016 9 Vera Mozharova

10 PROPOSED AREAS of INTERVENTION FOR UNESCO (1) 1.It will be useful for Kazakhstan and CA countries to provide of the international experience in the process of the school-to-work transition information bases development; 2.The same in the sphere of forecasting the labor market needs; 3.Publications and help of the international experts in the questions of how to increase the prestige of TVET in CA? 4.International experience of formation the reliable educational statistics, and of the statistical databases in the field of TVET education and the employability of graduates; 5.Organization of the pilot research projects for skills needs studying based on the best international experience; 11/21/2016Vera Mozharova10

11 PROPOSED AREAS of INTERVENTION FOR UNESCO (2) 6. Help of the experts in the development of the methodology in the formation of the school-to-work transition information bases ; 7. International experience in the sphere of continuing education (LLL) on the base of TVET development; 8. OECD/UNESCO or other international experience in the organization of the LLL statistics; 9. Availability of OECD statistical databases to the experts and governmental structures who involved into TVET policy development and statistical databases formation; 11/21/2016Vera Mozharova11

12 Thanks a lot for your attention! Vera Mozharova Expert-consultant Kazakhstan Institute for strategic studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tel.+7(727)264-34-04 connect with N136 (office) +7(701)625-6217 mob. E-mail: 11/21/2016Vera Mozharova12

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