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Information Systems in Organizations 3.2 Systems Management.

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1 Information Systems in Organizations 3.2 Systems Management


3 Wikipedia: Systems Development Lifecycle Systems Development Lifecycle is also referred to as the development life- cycle Not every project will require that the phases of SDLC be executed. The oldest SDLC model, and the best known, is the : a sequence of stages in which the output of each stage becomes the input for the next., requirements definition: the process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing problems and recommending improvements to the system. The first phase of the SDLC is.

4 ? What is the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)? Waterfall Agile Requirements Analysis Design Coding Testing Training Go Live Maintenance Buy vs. Build

5 Requirements Gathering and the BRD Conept Map & Architecture Diagram; Build vs. Buy Decision Go Live Engineering & Implementation Maintenance, Upgrade & Support Acceptance Testing, Training Modeling: Swim Lanes & Entity Relationship Diagrams SDLC Phases: Waterfall Methodology

6 Build vs. Buy: How to Know When You Should Build Custom Software Over Canned Solutions businesses in particular may benefit more from canned solutions. software can help make your business more scalable. If your business has needs, custom software may be better qualified to meet them. The vast majority of software will not allow you to modify its functionality in a meaningful way Building your own software that is specifically tailored to your company’s needs can mean the difference between offering a commoditized service and offering a highly one at a better price.


8 What is the value of IT projects? Often intangible and difficult to measure Main objectives are to reduce labor costs or gain new business ROI using NPV calculation Balanced Score Card (BSC) Casual Loop Diagram

9 Compliance Considerations Sarbanes-Oxley HIPAA HITECH FDA CMS Safe Harbor Agreement

10 Sarbanes-Oxley (2002) Enacted in response to major accounting scandals involving Enron and WorldCom Designed to prevent accounting fraud, increase corporate transparency, eliminate conflicts of interest, and protect whistle-blowers Has major impact on ERP systems and business software

11 Sarbanes-Oxley (2002) Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) Auditor Independence Corporate Responsibility Enhanced Financial Disclosures Analyst Conflicts of Interest Studies and Reports Corporate and Criminal Fraud Accountability White Collar Crime Penalty Enhancement Corporate Tax Returns (CEO) Corporate Fraud Accountability

12 HIPAA (1996) Title I: Health Care Access, Portability, and Renewability Title II: Preventing Health Care Fraud and Abuse; Administrative Simplification; Medical Liability Reform HIPAA Privacy Rule (2003) Transactions and Code Sets Rule Security Rule Unique Identifiers Rule (National Provider Identifier) Enforcement Rule

13 HITECH Act (2009) Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act "the most important piece of health care legislation to be passed in the last 20 to 30 years” "foundation for health care reform” Electronic Health Record (EHR)

14 The Information Age Redefining the Rules of Business

15 What We Know, Now, About the Internet’s Disruptive Power What was important about the Internet from a strategic point of view was that it eliminated the between the amount of information that can be shared (its richness) and the number of people you can share it with (its reach). The only reliable measure of economic value for a company is not the size of its user base or its stock price or even its revenues but only sustained., digital and otherwise, is less a single event than a process that plays out over time. Every business is an business. The Internet intensifies competition and decreases.

16 The disruptive Power of the Internet How has the internet changed the way business operates? – How we market products and services – How we process payment – How we discover new prospects – Virtual reality driven businesses – New opportunities for crime

17 How has the photographic equipment industry been disrupted? ?

18 Effects of the Internet Increase in competition Decrease in margins Increase in caliber and quality Increase in rate of change


20 CEA’s 5 Tech Trends for 2015: From Big Entertainment to Small Business Five Tech trends to watch are:, Robotics, Digital Health and the Quantified Self, Entertainment and Immersive Content, and Business Models in the Innovation Economy. New technologies and innovation economies demand new, and they are emerging. The bottom line is the ability to “connect needs with.” Five “characters of disruption in the second digital era”: Scale,, Compressing Diffusion Cycles, Shift to Services, Multi-sided Platforms.


22 Big Data Insurance underwriting based on monitoring Credit rating based on indicators Purchase habits iBeacon – shopping behavior How we talk about it (plain English, please!) Unstructured data So many sources

23 Big Data: Analytics ^ Click image to watch video

24 Big Data: Analytics If Muhammed will not go to the mountain, the mountain will go to Muhammed. Bring the processors to the data instead of bringing the data to the processors.

25 Big Data: Analytics Parallel Processing ETL (Extract, Load, Transform) Evolution of data generation MapReduce Social Mobile Weblog Sensors Monitors Satellite

26 Robotics Autonomous cars Drones Cleaning robots (Roomba) MobileEye Automated pet care Lawn and garden robots Robots for child care? Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.

27 Digital Health & Self Monitoring FitBit Apple Watch Insulin pump Seizure-monitoring app

28 Entertainment, Gaming, & Immersion D-Box entertainment theatres simulate motion & feel Guitammer Company and ESPN2 broadcast in 4D – Simulate feel, look, sound, and vibration of the experience – Experience the game from the player’s perspective Kinect Wii Project Holodeck Oculus Rift virtual reality ^ Click image to view link

29 Business Innovation Scalability Lower barriers of entry Lower switching costs Network effect Increasing returns to scale Shift to services – Think of SaaS – Software > hardware Multi-sided platforms – Uber – App Dev Big companies need to think about how they innovate – Alphabet as an example – Open Innovation as a model

30 Leagues see real benefits in daily fantasy sports Daily fantasy sports consumption will have a steroid effect on television. Fans consume 40% more sports content — across all media — once they start playing.. With money on the line every day, daily fantasy participants watch more live games until the end, boosting advertising and television viewership, which fatten the golden goose of American sports:. The rise of better computers, broadband and mobile phones led to more instant. and more ways to play.

31 Fantasy Sports Great for: Live viewership Advertising Content Providers Real money in imaginary games

32 Hidden in the long tail When commerce began to move online, economists predicted two big benefits for consumers: _________would become lower and more uniform. And the available to consumers would increase. Users seemed to find almost costless, since they were willing to conduct an additional search to achieve an average saving of just 25 cents. are a sign that buyers are being better matched to the products they want. These benefits are less likely to hold for products; online prices of popular, usually in-print, books were less dispersed and closer to offline prices.

33 Normal Distribution J. C. F. Gauss Central Limit Theorem Symmetry around μ μ is the confluence of the mean, median, and mode of the data μ splits the data in half

34 Long Tail Distribution Variety > bestsellers – Netflix – Amazon – iTunes There’s money in the tail – Advertising products Google Yahoo Bing – Travel bookings How does a company “fatten the tail?”

35 Netflix Long Tail “…gets most of its profits from a large number of infrequently requested movies rather than from few large and profitable movies.”

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