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Towards a Digital Museum. Questions Has our audience changed as a result of technological changes? Have our organizations changed as a result of technological.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards a Digital Museum. Questions Has our audience changed as a result of technological changes? Have our organizations changed as a result of technological."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards a Digital Museum

2 Questions Has our audience changed as a result of technological changes? Have our organizations changed as a result of technological changes? How does a museum shift its shape to maintain connections to a virtual audience?

3 Evolution of Media Printed media—for 400+ years was the cutting edge way to reach a mass audience Radio—38 years to reach an audience of 50 million TV—13 years to reach an audience of 50 million Internet—4 years to reach an audience of 50 million iPod—3 years to reach an audience of 50 million facebook—2 years to reach an audience of 50 million media.html media.html

4 The Web in 2009 More than 75% of adults use the Internet on a daily basis 80% of GenX users (35-44 year olds) buy products online 58% of married-with-children households have two or more computers; often have home networks and multiple mobile devices 58% of survey respondents go to the internet first to solve problems, before friends, family and professionals Only 8% of users are digital collaborators –Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2009

5 The Experience Economy –Memorable –Goods and services are props –Not static –Personal –Active –Invoke a sense of emotion –Authentic B. Joseph Pine and James Gilmore, Harvard Business Review Authenticity: What Consumers Really Want

6 What does this mean for museums? Tourism is not a sustainable business model for most historic sites Sustainability comes through relevance to your communities/audiences Attendance figures are not the most valid measure of the positive value and impact of the historic site experience Innovation, experimentation, collaboration and a broad sharing of the resulting information are essential to achieving historic sites sustainability on a broad scale –“The Kykuit II Summit: The Sustainability of Historic Sites” Vogt, J.D., HISTORY NEWS, v 62, 2007

7 What do we do about it? Share authority Shift from a temple to a forum Outreach and Inreach Let audiences reach into our organizations on their terms Connect with niche audiences Chris Anderson’s Long Tail Shift resources Financial, staff Collaborate History organizations are not competing with one another

8 History is about stories David Thelen –39% or Americans have hobbies related to the past (genealogy, antiques, reenactors) –Family is most important past (above US history) for 2/3 of Americans –Have to connect to people on an individual level (layered experiences) –Most trusted sources: grandmothers, museums

9 Affinity groups– tell your story

10 RFID Layered experiences

11 Connect to the real thing

12 Networks– you connect for us

13 Services– we help audiences to preserve their stories

14 Reinventing OHS Four Priority Initiatives: –Ohio History Online Portal OHS as “hub” or connector –Collections Learning Center Connect with the “real stuff” –Site Support Services History is local –CW 150 Pilot new approaches Concepts: –Collaboration –Shared authority –Key audiences: history professionals, history buffs, teachers and students


16 #digitalangela (614) 297-2576

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