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Dr. Laila Mohammed Al-Harbi Assistant professor Contact Info: Web Site:

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1 Dr. Laila Mohammed Al-Harbi Assistant professor Contact Info: Web Site:

2 CHEM 110 1Course No.Course Title No. of Units Pre-requisites Th.Pr.Credit Chem 110General Chemistry I3-3- Course Objectives: The course aims to introduce students to basic knowledge and principle in chemistry. Course Description : It provides an introduction to the general principles of chemistry for students planning a professional career in chemistry, a related science, the health professions, or engineering. By the end of this course the student will be able to understand the following: Significant figures, scientific notation and units, stoichiometry, atomic structure & periodic table, chemical bonding, gases, ionic equilibrium, basic principles of organic and basic principles of biochemistry. Main text books:  Chemistry, by Chang, 10 th. ed., 2007, McGraw-Hill.  Chemistry, by Steven S. Zumdahl, 6 th ed., Houghton Mifflin College Div. Subsidiary books : Chemistry, by Mortimer, 6 th ed., Wadsworth Inc. Dr. LAILA AL-HARBI

3 CHEM 110 Main text book :  Chemistry, by Chang, 10 th. ed., 2007, McGraw- Hill. Dr. LAILA AL-HARBI

4  1-7 Measurement  SI units  Mass and weight  Volume  Temperature scales  Homework Page 33 1.17,1.19,1.22,1.23,1.25,1.26. Dr. LAILA AL-HARBI

5  By the end of this chapter you should:  Know the 7 SI basic units and their prefixes.  Be able to convert from one unit to other.  Know to derive units from the 7 SI basic units.  Know the temperature Scales. Dr. LAILA AL-HARBI

6  Chemistry is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes  There are three states of matter solid liquid gas Dr. LAILA AL-HARBI

7  used for commerce and science around the world Dr. LAILA AL-HARBI


9 This mean 1 Tm= 1x10 12 m so x Tm= 1m 1m= 1x1/ 1x10 12 1m = 1x10- 12 It can be used to any SI units i.e., 1Tg = 1x10 12 g 1Ts = 1x10 12 s To make this calculation 1x10 12 In calculator press 1 then exp then – then 12 not 1 then x then 10 then exp then – then 12 A measurement system is a set of units which can be used to specify anything which can be measured.

10  The SI prefixes giga and micro represent, respectively:  A.10 -9 and 10 -6.  B.10 6 and 10 -3.  C.10 3 and 10 -3.  D.10 9 and 10 -6.  The SI unit of mass is  (a). The pound  (b). The gram  (c). The kilogram  (d). The mole. Dr. LAILA AL-HARBI

11 How many microseconds are in a second? (a). 1 x 10 -1 (b). 1 x 10 -6 (c). 1 x 10 -15 (d). 1 x 10 6 Explanation: Since the prefix micro means 1 x 10 -6, there will be 1 x 10 + 6 microseconds in one second. Dr. LAILA AL-HARBI 1 µs= 1 x 10 -6 s x µs = 1 s

12  Which of the following is the smallest distance?  (a) 21 m → 21m  (b) 2.1 x 10 2 cm → 2.1m  (c) 21 mm → 0.021 m  (d) 2.1 x 10 4 pm → 2.1 x 10 -8 m Put all of them in the same unit  Explanation: Even though 2.1 x 10 4 is the largest number in this question, the units of pm (picometers) are the smallest units here, making it the smallest distance. Dr. LAILA AL-HARBI

13  A) 6.0 km is how many micrometers?  Solution 1 1 km = 10 3 m 6 km = x = 6 × 10 3 m 1µm = 1× 10 -6 m x = 6 × 10 3 m x = 6 × 10 9 µm Dr. LAILA AL-HARBI Explanation: convert first to meter then from meter to micro ( two steps solution )

14  Solution 2  1 km = 10 3 m  → 1 m = 10 -3 km  1µm = 1× 10 -9 m  → 1 m = 10 6 µm  10 -3 km = 10 6 µm  6 km = x  X = 6 × 10 6 µm/ 10 -3 km =  x = 6 × 10 9 µm Dr. LAILA AL-HARBI Explanation: make direct relation ship between kilometer and micrometer ( one step solution )

15  Example  The diameter of an atom is approximately 1  10 -7 mm. What is this diameter when expressed in nanometers?  A.1  10 -18 nm  B.1  10 -15 nm  C.1  10 -9 nm  D.1  10 -1 nm  = 1× 10 -7 × 1 × 10 6 =  1 × 10 -1 nm = 0.1 nm  Example  Which of these quantities represents the largest mass?  A.2.0  10 2 mg  B.0.0010 kg  C.1.0  10 5  g  D.2.0  10 2 cg  Put all of them in the same unit Dr. LAILA AL-HARBI A) 0.2 g B)1 g C) 0.1 g D) 2 g

16  Mass is the measure of the amount of matter in an object. SI unit of mass is the kilogram (kg) 1 kg = 1000 g = 1 x 10 3 g  Weight is the measurement of the pull of gravity on an object.  The Mass of an object doesn't change when an object's location changes. Weight, on the other hand does change with location.  Chemist are interested primarily in mass weight = c x mass The weight of man on earth is 50 pounds. is 8.25 pounds on moon Dr. LAILA AL-HARBI

17  are defined in terms of the seven base quantities via a system of quantity equations.  The SI derived units for these derived quantities are obtained from these equations and the seven SI base units. For example  Area = width x length  Unit of width = m  Unit of length = m  Unit of Area = m× m = m 2 Dr. LAILA AL-HARBI

18 Volume – Volume = width × length × hieghst = m × m × m = m 3 SI derived unit for volume is cubic meter (m 3 ) Common unit of volume is liter (L) and milliliter (ml) The relation ship between liter (L) and ml (1L= 1000mL) The relation ship between liter (L) and metric system 1 L = 1 dm 3 The relation ship between milliliter (ml) and metric system 1 mL = 1 cm 3 1 cm 3 = (1 x 10 -2 m) 3 = 1 x 10 -6 m 3 1 dm 3 = (1 x 10 -1 m) 3 = 1 x 10 -3 m 3 Dr. LAILA AL-HARBI

19  How many cubic centimeters are there in exactly one cubic meter?  A.1  10 -6 cm 3  B.1  10 -3 cm 3  C.1  10 -2 cm 3  D.1  10 6 cm 3  Solution  (1m ) 3 = (1  10 -2 cm ) 3  1m 3 = 1  10 -6 cm 3 Dr. LAILA AL-HARBI  The diameter of an atom is approximately 1  10 -7 mm. What is this diameter when expressed in nanometers?  A.1  10 -18 nm  B.1  10 -15 nm  C.1  10 -9 nm  D.1  10 -1 nm

20 Density is defined as the amount of matter in a given amount of space. d = m/V  SI derived unit for density is kg/m 3  1 g/cm 3 = 1 g/mL = 1000 kg/m 3  Density is intensive property  Density decrease with temperature  Unit of density is Kg/L  g/ml )g/cm 3 for liquid and solids  g/L = 0.001g/ml for gases  Because density of gases are very low The density of copper is 8.94 g/cm 3. density = mass volume Dr. LAILA AL-HARBI

21  A piece of Gold metal has a volume of 15.6 cm 3, with a mass of 301 g What is its density?  A piece of platinum metal with a density of 21.5 g/cm 3 has a volume of 4.49 cm 3. What is its mass? d = m V m = d x V = 21.5 g/cm 3 x 4.49 cm 3 = 96.5 g d = m V 301 g/ 15.6 cm 3 = 19.3 g/ cm 3 Dr. LAILA AL-HARBI

22  The density of mercury is 13.6 g/mL has a volume of 5.50 mL. What is its mass?  The density of sulfuric acid is 1.41 g/mL has a volume of 242 mL. What is its mass? d = m V m = d x V = 1.41 g/mL x 242 mL = 341.22 g d = m V m = d x V = 13.6 g/mL x 5.50 mL = 74.8 g Dr. LAILA AL-HARBI

23  Fahrenheit °F →°F = [ (9/5) × °C] + 32  Celsius °C → °C = (5/9) (°F - 32)  Kelvin ° K → ° K = °C + 273.15 Dr. LAILA AL-HARBI

24  Convert 224 0 C to degrees Fahrenheit?  °F = (9 0 F /5 0 C) × °C + 32  [°F = (9 0 F /5 0 C) × 224 °C] + 32 0 C = 435 0 F  Convert -452 0 F to degrees Celsius.  °C = (5 0 C /9 0 F) (°F - 32 0 F)  °C = (5 0 C /9 0 F) (-452 °F - 32 0 F) = -269 0 C  Convert -38.9 0 C to degrees Kelvin..  ° K = [-38.9 °C + 273.15 °C ] × 1 K/ 1 0 C = 234.3 K Dr. LAILA AL-HARBI

25  Ammonia boils at -33.4  C. What temperature is this in  F?  A.-60.1  F  B.-92.1  F  C.-28.1  F  D.+13.5  F F = (9 0 F /5 0 C) × °C + 32 [°F = (9 0 F /5 0 C) × -33.4 °C] + 32 0 C = 435 0 F Dr. LAILA AL-HARBI

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