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How do students experience the NMP as a tool for developing their reflexive function? An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Reflectivity in Higher.

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Presentation on theme: "How do students experience the NMP as a tool for developing their reflexive function? An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Reflectivity in Higher."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do students experience the NMP as a tool for developing their reflexive function? An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Reflectivity in Higher Education: Research and Models of Intervention for Underachieving Students Naples, March 20-21, 2014 Stănescu, D.F. Iorga, E.M. Monteagudo, J.G.

2 What is IPA? IPA is a qualitative research approach commited to the examination of how people make sense of their major life experiences IPA wants to know in detail what the experience for this person is like, what sense this particular person is making of what is happening to them (Smith, Flowers şi Larkin, 2010) IPA it is concerned with the meaning of such experinces for those participants (Larkin, Watts şi Clifton, 2006) IPA it is concerned with the detailed examination of lived experience

3 Objective detailed, idiographic analysis (Lamiell, 1998; Windelband, 1998) of the lived experience of students involved in a formative experience (NMP) using different discursive modules to support them in developing their reflexive competence which enables them to better adjust to the university context Narrative Mediation Path (NMP) - consists in a group training process targeted to disadvantaged students, based on the psychological concept of mentalization, also known as reflexive competence Mentalization - explicit understanding of the fact that own and others actions are governed by specific mental states in which originate (Fonagy, Gergely i Target, 2007) NMP combines into one methodology four discursive modules: Metaphoric, Iconographic, Writing and Bodily

4 Participants small, purposively-selected samples (Smith, Flowers şi Larkin, 2010) they represent a perspective, rather than a population 5 (female) students enrolled in the INSTALL* Narrative Mediation Path training process *(INSTALL - Innovative Solutions to Acquire Learning to Learn European funded project coordonated by Naples University / SINASPSI)

5 Collecting informations gathering of rich, detailed, first-person account of the lived experience (Smith, Flowers şi Larkin, 2010) in-depth interviews – facilitate the elicitation of stories, thoughts and feelings about the target phenomenon semi-structured interview – 10 -12 questions – give the participants the space to think, speak and be heard the interviews were audio recorded and then transcribed (verbatim) into word files

6 Interview guide How would you describe the Install training experience? In your opinion which are the strengths and weaknesses of this experience? Which modules have been the most useful for you? Why? Has your participation in the Install course had any specific effect? Do you think that your university performance has been affected by your participation in the Install course? How? Please tell us about an episode relating to your university life, which has occurred recently, when your behaviour, in your opinion, was influenced by what you have learnt during the Install training course. How did you feel in that situation? What do you think that the other people present thought and felt in that situation? How did you face that situation? Why did you face it in that way? Do you think that your thoughts and emotions relating to that situation have changed? Why?

7 Analysis Represent an iterative and inductive cycle (Smith, 2007) using the following strategies: –Close, line by line analysis of the experiential claims, concerns, and understandings of each participant (Larkin, Watts & Clifton, 2006) –Identification of the emergent patterns (themes) within this experiential material (Eatough & Smith, 2008) –Development of a structure, frame/gestalt which illustrates the relationships between themes (Smith, 2004) –Development of a full narrative, evidenced by a detailed commentary on data extracts, usually theme-by-theme

8 Results – emerging themes Common/shared experiences with other colleagues Awareness about changesPost training/Secondary effects

9 ...we have realized that we have common experiences, common feelings and it was nice to tell various issues related to school, to understand that it is not only me going trough such issues...(A, 21)...colleagues were in the room and they have wrote about the same experience... and for me, to see that someone share the same feelings about something we did together ant to share this at the group level was... very pleasant... (C, 21) addition, I have seen my colleagues like that... I see that they have passed trough the same situations as I did, therefore I am not a freak... as I used to see myself until then... (L, 21)... I have found a bounch of new and interesting things about my colleagues... some things that we have in common and we did not know before... (Al, 21) … it is very refreshing to learn that you go trough the same experiences like the ones you meet on a daily basis… (C, 21) Common/shared experiences with other colleagues

10 ...I have felt that I have changed a lot in that period... even though I found difficult to name what changed... (A, 21)...I have decided that I have to find something that I like to read... and I realized that I like very much therapy cases books (A, 21) of emotions at exams. I don’t know, suddenly I’ve become more relaxed… (A, 21) …I knew how to distribute my learning time, how to learn, I realize that if I don’t like a matter, a marking of 8 will suffice… (A, 21) … for me, it helped me to open myself more... even to the organizing things… now I don’t stress myself that much… (Al, 21) …I have realized that life is beautiful and not so stressful… it helped me to realize that I am a normal person and I don’t need to worry for everything…(Al) … we were able to share our feelings without being ashamed or afraid… I went out with plans, setting objectives for the next week, next month, even for the next year… (L, 21) …I’ve organized a bit my learning style, but not only this, the life style itself… I’ve become to trust more that I can do that… (L,21) ….it helped me to see myself in another way… to realize what am I doing and how… (Lo, 21) Awareness about changes

11 ...I don’t know if it is related to INSTALL but, this is the first year without any reexamination… (C,21) …it was a moment when I’ve felt that we were a single entity, like somehow united… (C,21) …this year I was involved in a lot of activities… until the third year was like I did not exist at all, now I realize that I want to do a lot of things… (C,21)...for sure my academic performance changed… for instance, I’ve created a schedule for learning… I’ve never did this in those two years… (L,21) …it helped me to find my intrinsic motivation… a wish to do things… (L,21) … I feel more self confident… that I can do things… that’s all about… doing stuff… (L,21) …I don’t know if it is an effect of this project, but this semester I manage to have higher marks than before, especially at interim projects… I become more keen to take part in those projects…. (La,21) … now I am involved in much more activities… I bring new ideas, I get involved in decision making process… (A,21) …after an INSTALL meeting I arrive at home and…. I have to think now… I have to reflect… why am I, what I did with my life… something makes you think at certain things related to your life, your decisions…(An,21) Post training/Secondary effects

12 Conclusions


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