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Vocabulary Activities. What does it mean to know a word? meaning spelling part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, adverb?) Grammatical information – irregular.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Activities. What does it mean to know a word? meaning spelling part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, adverb?) Grammatical information – irregular."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Activities

2 What does it mean to know a word? meaning spelling part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, adverb?) Grammatical information – irregular verb or plural? Countable/uncountable noun? collocations (words it combines with) how to use it in a sentence register (formal? informal? slang? technical?) pronunciation

3 Divide into groups and do the activities on your worksheet. Decide on four pieces of vocabulary you would like to teach the members of the other group. Hafida Done Musa Ruba Farhiya Virginia Ludimila Hatice Maria Hafida Esperance

4 Gapfill 1 – Group A out of work advertisedpay CV applications retiring

5 Word Choice – Group B

6 Letter Jumble Jobs– Group A surgeon technician architect director accountant lawyer

7 Gapfill 2 – Group B consultant duties overtime provide incomes strike

8 Choose the right word – Group A

9 Gapfill 2 – Group A accountant career engineering promotion team employer

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