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STATES OF MATTER Solid – definite shape & volume – vibrates about a fixed point.

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Presentation on theme: "STATES OF MATTER Solid – definite shape & volume – vibrates about a fixed point."— Presentation transcript:

1 STATES OF MATTER Solid – definite shape & volume – vibrates about a fixed point

2 STATES OF MATTER Liquid – definite volume – assumes shape of container – vibrates about a moving point – flows

3 STATES OF MATTER Gas – assumes shape & volume of container – easily compressed & expands without limit – vs. vapor

4 STATES OF MATTER Plasma – high energy particles – found in stars – produces auroras

5 Phase Diagrams Type 1: Temp vs Press -Triple Point -Critical Temperature -Critical Pressure Type 2: Temp vs Heat Energy Changing Phases -Melting/MP -Freezing/FP -Boiling/BP -Condensing/CP -Sublimation =

6 Temp ( o C) Solid Vapor Liquid 0.61 101.3 22100 Pressure (kPa) 374 100 0.01

7 Calculating energy needed to change phases To Melt: q = m /\H (fus) (may need to convert moles to grams) To Boil: q = m /\H (vap) (may need to convert moles to grams) To Heat: q = m /\T C p(phase)

8 Temp Heat Energy


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