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Quick Jeopardy!. List 1 function of interest groups. Raise of awareness of issues, educate public of issues, rate elected officials, lobby elected officials,

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Presentation on theme: "Quick Jeopardy!. List 1 function of interest groups. Raise of awareness of issues, educate public of issues, rate elected officials, lobby elected officials,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quick Jeopardy!

2 List 1 function of interest groups. Raise of awareness of issues, educate public of issues, rate elected officials, lobby elected officials, provide information to the government, donate money to candidates

3 An increasing number of people get their news from this source. The internet/social media

4 What is one function of political parties Recruit candidates to run for elective offices, mobilize citizens to vote and participate in elections, operate the government if they are in the majority, provide organized opposition to the party in power, unify diverse interests

5 What influences public opinion Family, school, media, results of public opinion polls

6 A party that broke away from a major party is known as… Splinter Party

7 Describe the function of “linkage institutions” A structure within a society that connects the people to the government

8 A type of unscientific public opinion poll Straw Poll

9 Advantages of a two-party system Stability and Continuity

10 What is one way an interest group can impact the results of an election Donate money to a candidate, endorse candidates, inform public and interest group members, mobilize members to vote for a candidate

11 How do interest groups differ from political parties? They focus on policy

12 What is one effect a minor party can have on elections Spoiler in elections, develop ideas that major parties adopt, mobilize people who might not have voted for the main parties to vote for a third party candidate

13 Why can’t the U.S. be governed based on public opinion Our system of government limits the power of public opinion

14 What is it called when the party out of power criticizes the policies of the party in power Watchdog Function

15 What is difficult for an opinion poll to measure? Intensity, stability, and relevance

16 A person who volunteers to help with a presidential campaign is a part of… The Party Organization

17 A person who tries to persuade public officials to do what interest groups want them to do Lobbyist

18 Interest groups are using the indirect approach when… Organize citizen demonstrations, apply grassroots pressure, use propaganda, use media, pamphlets, propaganda to communicate with the masses

19 List 1 reasons why the United States tends to have a Two-Party system? (1) Winner-Take-All System: Winner gets everything--No 2nd place points (2) Single-Member Districts: person represents people of a given area--person with the plurality of votes wins (3) State laws can hinder 3rd party ballot access--each state has different rules

20 For views to be considered part of public opinion people must do what? Express their views in a survey or an election

21 List 3 types of third parties Ideological, Splinter, Economic protest, Single issue

22 Efforts to reform lobbying began because of this problem Lobbyists give gifts (often lucrative) and donations for favors

23 Why might media be a problem for those seeking information? Media sources contain bias

24 Why do third parties have difficulty winning elections? Cannot raise enough money, get less media coverage, states keep minor parties off the ballots

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