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Use & Users, Community Needs, Information Needs and Behaviors Sajjad ur Rehman.

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Presentation on theme: "Use & Users, Community Needs, Information Needs and Behaviors Sajjad ur Rehman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Use & Users, Community Needs, Information Needs and Behaviors Sajjad ur Rehman

2 Information Edge Exploitation of information in enhancing effectiveness and productivity of individuals in their organizational, professional and personal pursuits. Information edge depends on clear articulation of users, their needs and behaviors, and desirable channels for access and retrieval of information.

3 Use Visits to the library or information center and use of its resources and services Delivery of specific information services to the user Use of information systems and resources beyond the physical parameters of the information center Obtrusive/unobtrusive use

4 User Confusion about actual, prospective and potential users; internal vis-à-vis external users; users within physical contact parameters versus virtual users Focus on an individual user in information service Importance of user characteristics and definition of individual profiles of users

5 Information Need Aroused state of anxiety of a user for acquisition of information in order to: –solve a problem –conduct research –design a product –make a decision –satisfy individual urges of learning, enlightenment, professional development and entertainment

6 Information Demand A demand is an expressed need. Expression of a need to someone responsible for delivery of information in a defined manner Gaps between needs and demands are caused by: communication deficiencies, lack of compatibilities, absence of expertise, physical and infrastructural limitations, etc.

7 Need Versus Demand Demands recognized much more easily than need An expressed need (demand) is a function of recognized state of need and aroused state of need. A need sufficiently aroused have the potential of proper expression

8 Factors Involved Instinctive: at the subconscious; could be vague Conscious: Need exists at conscious level; may not be defined though Formalized: Expressed in your language Compromised: transformed as a result of negotiation and realization of the system capabilities

9 Recognized State of Need Determined by: –Context –Purpose –Type of question –Amount of information

10 Need Arousal Personal factors Potential value of information Experiences with information systems Access to the needed information Amount of effort Cost

11 Inhibitors for Need Expression Communication inadequacies Semantics: terminology Inadequate understanding of the system Personal variables Organizational variables

12 Information Request Prompters Information needs Past images Cognitive capabilities Available assistance Access parameters: time, effort, targets, resources

13 Information Seeking Behavior Patterns of seeking information; conditioned, patterned, moderated, and matured by a number of personal, professional and institutional factors. Information organizations are generally concerned and curious about the ways in which users wish to demand, access, retrieve and apply information.

14 Why to Study Behaviors? Uncovering facts of everyday life of users Understanding needs that push toward information seeking behaviors Understanding needs; what meaning information has in lives of users Better understanding of users for designing cost-effective resources and systems

15 Information Use Dynamics Need Demand Supply of information Application Feedback, resulting in new sets of needs

16 Information Transaction Process Initiation of request Query formulation Query transmission Negotiation with intermediary –Scope* Formulation of strategy –Types of Sources* Conduct of search –Terminology* Feedback & adjustments

17 Needs Assessment for Different Communities (1) Academic context: academic offerings, specialties, research focus, interests of specialists. Role of library committees. Corporate context: Audit of products, R&D profiles, marketing and sale emphases, present and future projects, future plans; team assignments; individual pursuits and interests; visibility of information managers; needs for regular liaison

18 Needs Assessment for Different Communities (2) Public Libraries: Geographic dispersion, socio-economic factors, age groups, occupational diversities; strategies for community involvement in resource development

19 Modes of Interaction Physical visit resulting in negotiation or reference interview Written expression: use of forms, terminology indicated, sources hinted, framework of time and amount specified By phone Electronic means: Web or portals, e-mail, etc.

20 Filters for User-Intermediary Interaction User’s ability to express need Intermediary’s understanding of the motives behind the need Personal characteristics of the user Intermediary’s knowledge of the content and structure of databases Understanding of the type and amount of information

21 Problem Areas in Negotiation User problems –too general or too specific request –poor understanding of terminology and system –Poor information about search strategy System Problems –Poor resources, organization/indexing, coverage, technological capabilities

22 Needs Assessment Techniques Observation: obtrusive or non-obtrusive questionnaires interviews group interviews Use statistics Review of documentation Combination of methods

23 Use Studies Use of resources, circulation statistics, use of databases and retrieval systems Use of different services Use of specialized resources Conducted through observation, questionnaires, interviews, case studies

24 User Surveys Conduct of user surveys in order to determine: –characteristics –information seeking habits and behaviors –Adequacy and relevance of resources and services –Cost-effectiveness of investments –Gaps in resources

25 Applications in Resource Development Developing resources in relation to needs Determining physical points for placement of resources and services Responding to changes in demographic shifts, academic priorities, and new initiatives of R&D Selection of resources ib an ongoing basis

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