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Formal Report Writing When? Why? How?. Some Examples  University: Lab Report, Dissertation, Experimental Report, Literature Review.  Career: Paper,

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Presentation on theme: "Formal Report Writing When? Why? How?. Some Examples  University: Lab Report, Dissertation, Experimental Report, Literature Review.  Career: Paper,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Formal Report Writing When? Why? How?

2 Some Examples  University: Lab Report, Dissertation, Experimental Report, Literature Review.  Career: Paper, Review of Subject, Lecture, Text Book, Request for Funding, Request Promotion, etc.  Outside World:  Business, Government, School  Write a report on project, proposal, etc.

3 When?  Do you know when you will have to write a report???  Find out which units have a report as part of the assessment.  Find out what type of report is required (there is more than one way of presenting a report!!!)

4 Why Give a Report?  To inform the reader  about a specific topic, project, proposal  To convince the reader  Make an argument, proposal, etc.  To impress the reader.  About how much you know on the topic …..

5 General Style  This is a formal piece of written work so remember some basics:  write proper (full sentences and paragraphs)  avoid contractions (isn’t, can’t)  use a spell checker  never use slang expressions

6 Report – General Structure  Executive summary/ Abstract  Introduction  Methodology  Results/Findings  Discussion/Analysis  Conclusions & Recommendations  References and/or Bibliography

7 Title Page  Title of Report  Author of Report  Student ID number  Date of Report  NO PICTURES/CLIP ART

8 Executive Summary/ Abstract (for longer reports)  One paragraph summary of what the paper contains. Give brief details from each section of the report. Short and concise. Max word length 300 words.  Aim to convince people to read report.  N.B. Write this last after you have written the report – you need to know what to summarise!!

9 Terms of Reference B riefly  Sets the scene for your report – for whom, by whom and for when  Defines scope and limitations of the investigation and the purpose of the report.  Should include your aims and objectives  the overall purpose of your report  more specifically what you want to achieve.

10 Introduction  Prepare Reader for the rest of Report.  Provide a frame of reference for the report  Background material/theory /policy  Existing Knowledge  Expectations  Reference earlier work

11 Methodology  Types of material utilised in the production of the report  Primary/secondary sources  Qualitative/quantitative data  Books/Journals/Internet

12 Results/Findings  This presents the results obtained. It should contain :  Factual information (not your comments yet)  Fully labeled graphs (put in an appendix)  Fully labeled tables (put in appendix)  Fully referenced sources  It must be Well organised and Clear

13 Discussion (of results)  This examines the results and tries to draw out the key points.  Your chance at last to Comment on the results –  Identify key trends  Identify and try to account for contradictions in the results  Discuss the reliability/validity of the sources you have used  Refer to specific points in the results section (graphs/tables/key quotes from sources) to support your comments.  Your arguments here must be backed up by evidence

14 Conclusions & Recommendations  This summarises the key results and puts them in context  It should refer to the goals outlined in the Introduction.  Highlight the major results.  List any recommendations for future action which you think would be useful/relevant in the light of the findings of your report.  Remember these recommendations must also be based on the evidence you have presented in your report

15 References & Bibliography References  Specific texts which you have named in your report e.g.  Smith ( 1999) noted that…. So Smith (1999) is a reference because you referred to him (named him)  Bibliography  A complete list of all sources you read to help you produce the report. You may not have specifically named them in the report. E.g you might have read a very good chapter in a book by Douglas (2000) but not specifically named Douglas ‘ work in your report.  You still need full details of Douglas’ book in your bibliography to avoid the charge of plagiarism.

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