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Region 1 Membership Development

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1 Region 1 Membership Development
Region 1 MD Conference Call February 05, 2016 Soon Wan IEEE-USA and Region 1 Membership Development Chair

2 Agenda IEEE and Region 1 MD News Who are Our Members?
Region 1 December Membership Update 2016 Section MD Goals and Updates Open Discussion Slide Appendix List of Section MD Chairs 2016 Membership Collateral

3 IEEE and Region 1 MD News

4 Membership Development Face-to-Face Training (Nov 6-7, 2015)
Sponsored by MGA, IEEE-USA and Local Sections 57 MD Volunteers from 49 Sections To create a documented membership development plan that Sections can bring back and execute, and hand off to successors

5 IEEE MIT Undergraduate Conference
Venue and Date: MIT, Cambridge MA (November 7-8, 2015) Meet Innovative Technology (MIT!) Four Focus Technical Tracks: Energy, Renewable, and Sustainability Humanity and Social Development Communication and Connectivity Information Technology


7 IEEE-USA Recruitment Incentive 2016

8 Slides provided by Chris Brantley & Scott Grayson (IEEE-USA Staffs)
9/11/2017 Who Are Our Members? Slides provided by Chris Brantley & Scott Grayson (IEEE-USA Staffs)


10 Member Demographics (2015 Salary Survey)
AGE: Mean age of % aged 40 or higher. 50% aged 50 or higher. Only 7.1% aged 30 or younger. Highest mean age since 1999. MOBILITY % have only had 1 or 2 employers in the past 10 years. Only 10% have had 4 or more in 10 years. EDUCATION: 28.6% hold PhDs or equivalent. WORK LEVEL: 73.7% employed at engineering levels 4-7 (GS11-14)..with 25.8% at level 6 (GS13) NATURE OF WORK: 23.2% (Design and Development), 18% (Technical, Management), 9.7% (Computer Programming, Systems Software), 8.2% (Systems Engineering), 7.2% (Consulting), 6.2% (Basic Research), 6.1% (Education). SECTOR: Computers (21.9%), Energy/Power (20.6%), Circuits and Devices (15.9%).

11 Member Demographics (2015 Salary Survey)
“The proportion holding a Bachelor’s as their highest degree has stabilized at around one third, well below the 50% levels seen in the 1970s and 1980s. The proportion holding Master’s or Doctoral degrees has plateaued, at just under two-thirds.” “After modest gains in the 1970s and 1980s, the proportion of female EEs remains at approximately 8%.” “The profession continues to slowly grow more diverse, racially and ethnically; however—77.6% of 2015 respondents are white, non-Hispanics—fifteen points lower than in the inaugural 1972 survey.”

12 IEEE U.S. Member Ethnicity
IEEE-USA% U.S. Engineering Workforce% USA% White 79.8 69.9 79 (65*) Asian/Pacific 12.5 18.5 6 Hispanic 3.5 5.2 (16*) African American 1.8 4.6 12 American Indian/ Alaskan native 0.5 0.2 1 Other 1.9 1.6 2 Sources: IEEE-USA 2015 Salary Survey NSF S&T Indicators (2014) U.S. Census (2014 data) * “People of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity may be of any race. The majority of Hispanics (89 percent) in the labor force were White, 4 percent were Black, and 1 percent were Asian.” Source:

13 IEEE U.S. HG Employment By Sector
Status 1991 2001 2015 Private 65% 69% Utility 13% 10% 12.3% Education 7% 9% 10.4% Government 8% 7.4% Non-Profit 3% 4% 2.5% Source: IEEE-USA Salary Surveys Myth: IEEE is disproportionately losing its industry members. Reality: Our U.S. membership is declining across all sectors…not just in industry.

14 Students & Young Professionals: Who Are These Millennials Anyway?

15 Why focus on Millennials?

16 Region 1 December 2015 Membership Update

17 Region 1 Membership from Year to Year, and Month to Month
Region 1 total membership continued to decline since In December 2015, the total membership declined by -2.1%, or 705 less members as compared to 2014.

18 Region 1 Membership – December 2015
By end of December 2015, Region 1 total membership end up to 32,634. This is a -2.1% decline as compared to 2014.

19 IEEE Overall Membership – December 2015

20 Section MD Goals Update

21 2016 Section MD Goals This year we reviewed four years of history.
Each Section has a unique goal based on different dynamics, so the methodology for creating the goal is different based on whether the Section has had growth or decline, as well as the overall size and location of the Section. The rolled up Region goals for 2016 are included in the August global MD report distributed last week.

22 2016 Region 1 Section MD Goal – Retention
2012 Oppty 2012 Renew # 2012 % Renew 2013 Oppty 2013 Renew 2013 % Renew 2013 YoY 2014 Oppty 2014 Renew 2014 % Renew 2014 YoY 2015 Oppty 2015 Renew 2015 % Renew 2015 YoY 2016 Retention Goal % 2016 Retention Growth Berkshire Section 120 110 91.7% 123 108 87.8% -3.9% 106 86.2% -1.6% 121 104 86.0% -0.2% 0.0% Binghamton Section 312 246 78.8% 297 257 86.5% 7.7% 307 247 80.5% -6.1% 313 250 79.9% -0.6% 80.2% 0.3% Boston Section 8191 6900 84.2% 8106 6841 84.4% 0.2% 7932 6672 84.1% -0.3% 7737 6438 83.2% -0.9% 83.7% 0.5% Buffalo Section 506 404 79.8% 487 390 80.1% 495 394 79.6% -0.5% 386 76.3% -3.3% 77.9% 1.7% Connecticut Section 2388 2012 84.3% 2353 1982 2272 1881 82.8% -1.4% 2153 1778 82.6% Green Mountain Section 488 399 81.8% 479 388 81.0% -0.8% 443 368 83.1% 2.1% 426 360 84.5% 1.4% 86.3% 1.8% Ithaca Section 303 81.2% 318 242 76.1% -5.1% 305 224 73.4% -2.7% 254 193 76.0% 2.5% 77.3% 1.3% Long Island Section 2175 1894 87.1% 2127 1831 86.1% -1.0% 2042 1751 85.7% 2008 1698 84.6% -1.2% Maine Section 552 453 82.1% 568 469 569 449 78.9% -3.7% 540 438 81.1% 2.2% 82.2% 1.1% Mid-Hudson Section 746 626 83.9% 739 630 85.3% 710 593 83.5% -1.7% 678 565 83.3% 83.4% 0.1% Mohawk Valley Section 343 284 362 282 -4.9% 330 268 3.3% 323 261 80.8% -0.4% 0.4% New Hampshire Section 1650 1395 1591 1348 84.7% 1524 1314 1.5% 1497 1294 86.4% 87.0% 0.6% New Jersey Coast Section 1379 90.5% 1459 1318 90.3% -0.1% 1390 1236 88.9% 1325 1196 90.9% 0.7% New York Section 3744 3009 80.4% 3818 2947 77.2% -3.2% 3723 2850 76.6% 3593 2763 76.9% 77.1% North Jersey Section 3087 2586 83.8% 2979 2506 2964 2439 82.3% -1.8% 2777 2292 82.5% 82.7% Princeton/Central Jersey Section 2440 2071 84.9% 2380 2000 84.0% 2313 1924 2299 1921 83.6% Providence Section 1281 1102 1247 1049 -1.9% 1203 1021 1204 994 -2.3% 2.3% Rochester Section 1124 906 80.6% 1059 862 81.4% 0.8% 1023 823 971 805 82.9% 1.2% Schenectady Section 1030 849 82.4% 1024 825 1026 851 2.4% 1020 811 79.5% -3.4% 3.4% Springfield Section 361 310 85.9% 408 317 77.7% -8.2% 398 325 81.7% 4.0% 447 354 79.2% -2.5% Syracuse Section 527 437 537 436 547 424 77.5% 525 405 Worcester County Section 890 760 85.4% 882 759 897 735 81.9% -4.1% 877 706 Region 1 Total 33782 28378 33343 27787 -0.7% 32536 26895 31594 26012 0.9%

23 2016 Region 1 Section MD Goal – New Member Recruitment
Section Name 2011 2012 2012 YOY 2013 2013 YoY 2014 2014 YoY 2015 2015 YoY 2016 # Goal 2016 # Growth 2016 % Growth Berkshire Section 8 6 -25.0% 33.3% 9 12.5% -11.1% 1 6.3% Binghamton Section 45 38 -15.6% 52 36.8% 42 -19.2% -9.5% 39 2.6% Boston Section 835 760 -9.0% 804 5.8% 753 -6.3% 713 -5.3% 720 7 1.0% Buffalo Section 77 75 -2.6% 89 18.7% 94 5.6% -20.2% 82 9.3% Connecticut Section 262 245 -6.5% 251 2.4% 225 -10.4% 293 30.2% 320 27 9.2% Green Mountain Section 85 65 -23.5% 50 -23.1% 55 10.0% 53 -3.6% 2 3.8% Ithaca Section 46 59 28.3% 58 -1.7% 29 -50.0% 44.8% 4 9.5% Long Island Section 212 185 -12.7% 182 -1.6% 214 17.6% -15.0% 200 18 9.9% Maine Section 73 87 19.2% 86 -1.1% 60 -30.2% 76 26.7% 7.9% Mid-Hudson Section 81 -6.2% 57 78 61 -21.8% 70 14.8% Mohawk Valley Section 1.7% 41 -32.8% 44 7.3% 35 -20.5% 25.7% New Hampshire Section 165 143 -13.3% 119 -16.8% 132 10.9% 154 16.7% 11 13.8% New Jersey Coast Section 69 6.2% 68 -1.4% 2.9% 88 97 New York Section 504 586 16.3% 651 11.1% 557 -14.4% 560 0.5% 566 North Jersey Section 339 313 -7.7% 370 18.2% 311 -15.9% 334 7.4% 346 12 3.4% Princeton/Central Jersey Section 213 237 11.3% 280 18.1% 248 -11.4% 264 6.5% 272 3.0% Providence Section 145 126 -13.1% 128 1.6% 141 10.2% 129 -8.5% 135 4.7% Rochester Section 150 134 -10.7% 8.2% 111 -23.4% 90 -18.9% 91 Schenectady Section 137 -5.8% -0.8% 121 -5.5% 99 -18.2% 100 Springfield Section 41.5% 8.0% 95 17.3% 71 -25.3% 83 16.9% Syracuse Section 45.9% 92 0.0% 80 -13.0% 7.5% Worcester County Section 22.7% 31.5% 117 -3.3% 105 -10.3% 106 Region 1 Total 3683 3644 3853 5.7% 3589 -6.9% 3550 3712 162 4.6%

24 2016 Region 1 MD Goal – Retention
2012 Oppty 2012 Renew # 2012 % Renew 2013 Oppty 2013 Renew 2013 YoY 2013 % Renew 2014 Oppty 2014 Renew 2014 YoY 2014 % Renew 2015 Oppty 2015 Renew 2015 YoY 2015 % Renew 2016 % Retention Goal 2016 Retention Growth Goal R1 33,782 28,378 84.0% 33,343 27,787 -0.7% 83.3% 32,536 26,895 82.7% 31,593 26,011 82.3% 83.2% 0.9% R2 30,277 25,122 83.0% 29,706 24,370 -0.9% 82.0% 28,451 23,590 82.9% 27,929 22,857 81.8% 5.0% R3 28,779 23,099 80.3% 28,672 22,645 -1.3% 79.0% 27,977 22,105 0.0% 27,940 21,641 77.5% 79.8% 0.6% R4 21,976 17,795 81.0% 21,496 17,259 20,958 16,891 0.3% 80.6% 20,985 16,450 78.4% 1.8% R5 27,482 22,304 81.2% 27,345 21,890 -1.1% 80.1% 26,866 21,372 -0.5% 79.6% 26,415 20,868 3.0% R6 53,399 44,017 82.4% 53,151 43,321 81.5% 52,629 42,647 51,707 41,640 80.5% R7 15,822 12,735 16,257 12,646 -2.7% 77.8% 16,606 12,679 -1.4% 76.4% 16,420 12,360 75.3% 77.2% R8 69,644 50,711 72.8% 71,277 50,493 -2.0% 70.8% 71,308 50,693 0.2% 71.1% 71,448 49,940 69.9% 3.9% R9 15,800 8,505 53.8% 16,585 8,642 -1.7% 52.1% 16,475 8,693 0.7% 52.8% 16,383 8,660 52.9% 55.2% R10 86,205 48,655 56.4% 94,313 50,732 -2.6% 98,832 51,930 -1.2% 52.5% 97,658 53,065 54.3% 57.0% 1.4% Total 383,166 281,321 73.4% 392,145 279,785 -2.1% 71.3% 392,638 277,495 70.7% 388,478 273,492 -0.3% 70.4% 72.3% 1.9% Retention Rate (by end of August 2016) Goal = 83.2%

25 2016 Region 1 MD Goal – Recruitment
2011 2012 2012 YoY 2013 2013 YoY 2014 2014 YoY 2015 2015 YoY 2016 Recruitment Goal 2016 Recruitment Growth Goal R1 3,691 3,650 -1.1% 3,861 5.8% 3,598 -6.8% 3,550 -1.3% 3,712 4.6% R2 3,544 3,509 -1.0% 3,209 -8.5% 3,230 0.7% 2,870 -11.1% 3,122 8.8% R3 4,410 4,477 1.5% 4,304 -3.9% 4,416 2.6% 4,109 -7.0% 4,507 9.7% R4 3,362 3,059 -9.0% 3,136 2.5% 3,228 2.9% 2,906 -10.0% 3,129 7.7% R5 3,842 3,855 0.3% 3,994 3.6% 3,784 -5.3% 3,909 3.3% 4,142 6.0% R6 6,056 6,186 2.1% 6,691 8.2% 6,250 -6.6% 6,141 -1.7% 6,429 4.7% R7 2,519 2,813 11.7% 3,308 17.6% 3,053 -7.7% 2,872 -5.9% 3,092 7.6% R8 17,348 17,399 17,890 2.8% 17,108 -4.4% 16,541 -3.3% 16,886 R9 7,047 7,261 3.0% 6,764 6,615 -2.2% 6,617 0.0% 7,019 6.1% R10 37,484 42,205 12.6% 45,187 7.1% 41,000 -9.3% 39,557 -3.5% 41,605 5.2% Total 89,303 94,414 5.7% 98,344 4.2% 92,282 -6.2% 89,072 93,643 5.1% Recruitment Rate (by end of 2016) Goal = 4.6% (3,712 new members)

26 December 2015 Recruitment

27 December 2015 Retention

28 December 2015 Total Active Members

29 Membership Development Cycle
Membership Year Begins Renew opens for following membership year; Full-year dues cycle begins Calendar Year Concludes Calendar year membership statistics determined DEC NOV JAN Service Deactivation Past-due members placed into arrears OCT FEB IEEE Membership Year SEP MAR Membership Mid-Year Arrears-recovery begins; ½-year dues cycle begins Membership Year Concludes Retention rates determined, and membership fiscal performance determined; Half-year dues cycle concludes AUG APR JUL MAY JUN Student elevation to higher grade status

30 2016 MD Prioritization January through April
85% effort - Retention / Arrears Recovery 15% effort - Recruitment May through August 10% effort - Arrears Recovery 90% effort - Recruitment September through December (switching gears) 85% Recruitment 15% Renewal monitoring All the while … MD Staff support: Retention / arrears recovery campaigns, electronic and print (through August) Recruitment / incomplete applications / reinstatement campaigns (monthly) Recruitment / authors outreach (May timeframe)

31 2016 Region 1 Student Conference
Conference Highlights: Undergraduate Student Paper Contest , Student Ethics Competition, T-Shirt Design Competition, Young Professionals, WIE, Micromouse Competition, Micromouse Workshop, K-12 STEM Robotic Workshop, Robotics Technical Track Sessions, Award Ceremony and Dinner, Networking Opportunity, Meet IEEE Leaders and Industry Professionals Conference Chair: Charles Rubenstein Micromouse Competition Chair: Soon Wan CCSU Liaison: Haoyu Wang Connecticut Section Liaison: Biao Zhang

32 Future Leaders Forum

33 Wrap Up / Take Away Points
Region 1 Membership is still on downward trend. Membership Development is a key activity to IEEE and the Section You do not need to work alone. Utilize many resources, tools and programs available Offer opportunity to expand networking and technical “Home” Region 1 Membership Specialist: Adrienne Hahn at Next Region 1 MD Conference Call tentatively on March 04, 2016 (Topics on Student Activities and Young Professionals)

34 IEEE is your Mentor for your Professional Life and Career Development
2015 Region 1 Board of Governor

35 Question? Thank you Soon Wan
Region 1 Membership Development Chair

36 Open Discussion What can you and your Section do?

37 Appendix

38 2016 Materials Now Available
Online Order Form 2016 Materials Now Available

39 2016 Region 1 Section MD Chairs (as 02/04/2016)

40 2016 Membership Collateral
Printed Pieces Member Loyalty Program 1st MD Calendar with notes, information Annual Kits shipped out with 2016 printed collateral, many informational pieces, and giveaways



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