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New Intel SSD 2014. 5. 27 JH Yun.

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Presentation on theme: "New Intel SSD 2014. 5. 27 JH Yun."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Intel SSD JH Yun

2 Why? Intel SSD Roadmap

3 Why? Why SSD ? Why Intel SSD ? Why PCI SSD ?

4 Why Intel SSD ?

5 Why SSD ?

6 데이터의 엄청난 증가 오늘날 DATA의 증가는 많은 IT 업계 종사자들에게 큰 숙제를 주고 있다.
Why SSD ? 데이터의 엄청난 증가 오늘날 DATA의 증가는 많은 IT 업계 종사자들에게 큰 숙제를 주고 있다. 1.8 zettabytes Two days in 2011 > dawn of civilization to 2003 1/3 of all Data Stored in or pass through the cloud by 2020 209 billion RFID tags sale in 2021; from 12 million in 2011 200 petabytes Storage of a Smart City project in China $800 billion in personal location data within 10 years $300 billion U.S. healthcare saving from Big Data/year 750 million Photos uploaded to Facebook in two days Data는 Biz의 새로운 원자재가 되고 있다: 자본이나 노동력과 거의 동등한 경제력을 가지고 있다.” —The Economist1

7 Why SSD ? HDD 기반 SSD 기반

8 Why SSD ? 불량률 효율성

9 Why SSD ?

10 Why Intel SSD ?

11 Why Intel SSD ? Intel SSD의 5가지 핵심 키워드 단순화 일관된 성능 IT 비 용 전 력 Data 보호

12 Why Intel SSD ? 단순화 Consistent Performance IT Budget Power Protection

13 Simple, Simple, Simple… Why Intel SSD ?
IT managers identified 3 key simplifications SSDs bring to storage system 배포가 간소화됩니다 ... I / O 요구 한 SSD VS 많은 HDD를 만날 때 서비스는 단순화 ... SSD는 견고하고 높은 신뢰성을 가지고 있기 때문에 관리 단순화입니다 ... 밸런스 HDD를 로드 할 필요가 없으므로

14 Why Intel SSD ? Simplification 일관된 성능 IT Budget Power Protection

15 QoS specification is unique to Intel® SSD Data Center Seri es
Why Intel SSD ? QoS specification is unique to Intel® SSD Data Center Seri es Specified maximum latency Improved RAID system performance Consistently high IOPS and low latency The Evidence Shows… Competitor SSD: 4K Random Write Workload1 DC S3500: 4K Random Write Workload2 IOPS IOPS Time seconds Time seconds Loose Unpredictable IOPS Tight Predictable IOPS The Intel ® SSD Data Center Family delivers fast, consistent performance

16 Impact of QoS on RAIDed SSD performance
Why Intel SSD ? Impact of QoS on RAIDed SSD performance Drop in Bandwidth or IOPS can be triggered due to de-frag (background NAND management for reliability) Host versus housekeeping activity Effect of IOPS drop and high latency can amplify behind RAID The Intel ® SSD Data Center Family provides consistent RAID performance

17 3 Intel SSD DC S3500 + 1 Client SSD in RAID0
Why Intel SSD ? The Intel® SSD Data Center Family with high QoS perform well with RAID 4 Intel SSD DC S3500 in RAID0 80% stability GOOD Higher is Better 80% SSDs with inconsistent performance behind RAID result in drop in IOPS 3 Intel SSD DC S Client SSD in RAID0 POOR STABILITY LOWER PERFORMANCE 27% stability 27% Higher is Better

18 3 Intel SSD DC S3500 + 1 Client SSD in RAID0
Why Intel SSD ? The Intel® SSD Data Center Family with high QoS perform well with RAID 4 Intel SSD DC S3500 in RAID0 80% stability GOOD Higher is Better 80% SSDs with inconsistent performance behind RAID result in drop in IOPS 3 Intel SSD DC S Client SSD in RAID0 POOR STABILITY LOWER PERFORMANCE 27% stability 27% Higher is Better

19 Data 보호 Why Intel SSD ? Simplification Consistent IT Budget
Performance IT Budget Data 보호 Power

20 End to End Data Protection … Guards Against Data Corruption
Why Intel SSD ? Host SATA Frontend SATA Interface CRC Transfer Buffer S/DRAM ECC LBA Tag check Internal CRC NAND NAND ECC Protect against possible corruption of in-transit and stored data through ev ery element of the SSD Including SRAM, DRAM, and NAND memory Starting when the data enters the drive until the point it leaves End to End Data Protection … Guards Against Data Corruption

21 전력 손실 데이터 보호 기능 정전 감지 회로 전력 손실 허용 오차 충전 저장 향상된 펌웨어 데이터를 안전 모드
Why Intel SSD ? 전력 손실 데이터 보호 기능 정전 감지 회로 전력 손실 허용 오차 충전 저장 향상된 펌웨어 데이터를 안전 모드 핫 플러그 ​​돌입 전류 완화 Protect In-Flight Host and System Data Against Catastrophic Power Events

22 내구성 을 보장하기 위해 4 단계 1 2 3 4 Why Intel SSD ?
Enhanced NAND Component Qualification Qualifications based on real data NAND Requirements: 30K cycles Lifetime Die –level FR: <0.5% UBER: 1E-14 (Pre XOR) Retention: 3 months 40C 1 HET MLC NAND Technology & Management SSD NAND management Premium NAND Robust Controller 2 Endurance Requirement Workload: Assuming JEDEC Drive Life: 5 yrs AFR (through life): 0.44% UBER (though life): 1E-17 Retention: 3 months 40C 3 SSD Endurance Verification Short-stroke method used Based on real drive data Verifies all SSD criteria 4 높은 내구성 은 공정 분류 , 펌웨어 개선 사항 및 엄격한 검증 의 조합을 통해 달성된다

23 The Intel ® SSD Data Center Family delivers best-in-class endurance
Why Intel SSD ? Standard Mid High Search CDN Boot Workstation Big Data Analytics Indexing Web Server Virtual Machines Databases / OLTP Cache accelerator Database logs Standard, Mid and High Endurance Product Lines High endurance for write intensive application Mid endurance for mixed work loads Standard endurance for read intensive applicatio ns Endurance level up to 10 drive writes per day over 5 y ears The Intel ® SSD Data Center Family delivers best-in-class endurance

24 전 원 Why Intel SSD ? Simplification Consistent IT Budget Performance

25 HDD Storage1 SSD Storage2 99% Less Watts 400x Faster 적은 전력 과 성능 가속화
Why Intel SSD ? HDD Storage1 SSD Storage2 Active: 16 watts Idle: 11 watts More watts, more heat, mo re cost Active Read: 1.5 watts Idle: <0.65 watts Less watts, less heat, les s cost 99% Less Watts Power Consumption <200 IOPS Random Read High latencies average 2ms Slow response 75,000 IOPS Random Read Low latency average 50us Fast response 400x Faster Performance Rotating disks, mechanical arm Greater risk of data loss No moving parts More rugged and reliable Reliability 적은 전력 과 성능 가속화

26 IT 비 용 Why Intel SSD ? Simplification Consistent Performance Power

27 Why Intel SSD ? Leading cost per IOPS delivering value 1 $.01 $.06 $1.09 400GB SATA SSD 400GB SAS SSD 450GB 15K HDD Leading IOPS per Watt delivering value 2 12500 8360 > 20 400GB SATA SSD 400GB SAS SSD 450GB 15K HDD Write the entire capacity of the SSD 10 times per day for 5 years 3 14.6PB 2 million hours mean time between failures 3 End-to-end data protection helps ensure data integrity 3

28 Intel® Datacenter Tools Roadmap January 2014
Why Intel SSD ? Intel® Datacenter Tools Roadmap January 2014 Changes ConMan release in January ConMan release targeted for LSI Support Intel SSD DC CIM Framework Tool pushes a quarter Q2 ’09 Q2’14 Q3 ’14 Q4’14 Q1 ’15 NOW/Q1’14 Intel SSD DC Tool 1.0.1 Intel SSD Data Center Tool -FW Update 424 -Linux,, Windows iSDCT 2.0 P3700/P3500 S3700 / S3500 Q3 ’09 Version 1.1.1 Intel SSD Configuration Manager Version 2.X Add PMC-Sierra Support Ver NVMe Support Bug Fixes Ver LSI Support Bug Fixes Datacenter Console Support Ver 1..x Intel SSD Datacenter Plug-in Module CIM API HDAT2 3rd Party Tools HDParm SMARTMon Orange = Planned, Not POR Yet Placeholder Completed POR Version # = Release Date

29 Intel® SSD Toolbox 3.2.x Why Intel SSD ? Current Features Overview
Easy to use GUI Firmware Update under Microsoft Window s* on any Intel SSD including boot drive Used/Unused capacity pie chart SMART Summary Drive Health and Estimat ed Life Remaining bars Integrated Help system System Information Summary Hypertext Help Export Drive & System Info to a file Command Line Interface Localized for 11 Languages!! Version 3.2.x Features!! Win8 Compatibility Enhancements Proactive FW Update and TB Update Notification RAID 0 Trim Support with RST for Win7 Plug and Play support Available for free *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

30 Intel® SSD Configuration Manager 1.1.1
Why Intel SSD ? Intel® SSD Configuration Manager 1.1.1 Function Customer Intel SSD configuration and evaluation tool for ES to drive end of life Features Overview Command Line tool for Windows or Linux 32bit and 64bit versions Enables reading of Identify Device and SMART data, SECURE ERASE, Firmware Updates b oth forwards and backwards with Intel SSD FW Binaries Configuration options of overprovisioning by SET MAX ADDRESS and resetting and runni ng the Endurance Analyzer functions

31 Random Performance Consistency Scatter Plot
Why Intel SSD ? Random Performance Consistency Scatter Plot 인텔 ® SSD DC S3500 시리즈는 최고 수준의 일관성을 제공하도록 최적화

32 Why Intel SSD ? Mixed Workload Performance Improved performance for harsh workload applications Random 70% Read, 30% Write QD=8 (IOPS) Random 70% Read, 30% Write QD=4 (IOPS) 40% faster than nearest competition 인텔 ® SSD DC S3500 시리즈는 앞도적인 혼합 워크로드 성능을 제공합니다

33 Datasheet Specifications
Why Intel SSD ? Datasheet Specifications Among leaders Disadvantaged Not specified ? Intel® SSD DC S3500 (480GB) Samsung* 843 (480GB) Samsung* 840 PR0 (256GB) Samsung* 840 TLC (250GB) Micron* M500 (240GB) Micron* P400e (100GB) OCZ* Deneva 2 C SERIES (240GB) NAND 20nm MLC 21 nm MLC 21 nm TLC 25nm MLC 24nm MLC Capacities Available (GB) 2.5” and 1.8” – up to 800 GB 2.5” – up to 480 GB up to 500 GB up to 960 GB 2.5” only – up to 400 GB ATA Compliance ATA8-ACS2 ATA7 - Partially Complies with ATA/ATAPI-8 ATA8 ACS2 ATA/ATAPI-8 Random 4KB Reads / Writes1 75K/11K IOPS 70K/11.5K 50K/7.5K Sequential Reads / Writes 500/410 MB/s 520/410 MB/s 540/520 MB/s 530/240 MB/s 500/250 MB/s 350/140 MB/s 550/520 MB/s Reads / Writes Latency (TYP) 50/65 us 160/40 us 500/3500 us IOPS Consistency2 90% read 80% write Active Power Consumption3 1.6W 2.8W 3.4W ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

34 Datasheet Specifications (cont’d)
Why Intel SSD ? Datasheet Specifications (cont’d) Among leaders Disadvantaged Not specified ? Intel® SSD DC S3500 (480GB) Samsung* 843 (480GB) Samsung* 840 PR0 (256GB) Samsung* 840 TLC (250GB) Micron* M500 (240GB) Micron* P400e (100GB) OCZ* Deneva 2 C SERIES (240GB) End-to-End Data Protection Yes No Power-Loss Data Protection Encryption AES-256 AES-128 MTBF (hours) 2M Hrs 1.5M Hrs 1.2M Hrs UBER 1 in 1017 1 in 1015 Warranty 5 Yrs 3 Yrs Endurance (TBW) 275 TB – Based on JESD-219 workload 1060 TB Workload not specified 72 TB1 175 TB2 Operating Temperature 0-70 C 0-60 C 0-55 C ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

35 Why PCI SSD ?

36 Why PCI SSD ?

37 Lowest latency Hot Data moving closer and closer to the application
Why PCI SSD ? Tomorrow NVDIMM Today I/O Controller Yesterday I/O Controller M.2 Lowest latency Hot Data moving closer and closer to the application

38 Why PCI SSD ?

39 Why PCI SSD ?

40 Intel SSD Roadmap


42 Intel® SSD DC S3500 Series - Wolfsville M
Intel® SSD DC S3500 Series - Wolfsville M.2 in planning - Features and schedule subject to change Intel® SSD DC S3500 Series Form Factor 2.5”, 1.8” & M.2 80mm Capacity 2.5” – 80, 120, 160, 240, 300, 480, 600, 800GB, 1.2TB & 1.6TB 1.8” – 80, 240, 400 & 800GB M.2 – 80, 120, 340GB Performance 75,000 IOPS 4K random read 11,500 IOPS 4K random write Power Write/Idle 2.5” – 5.0 W / 650 mW Typical 1.8” – 5.2 W / 650 mW Typical Security End-to-End Data Protection Power Loss Data Protection AES 256b encryption Endurance Up To 310 TB Warranty 5 year Product QS Product Availability DC S3500 Series 2.5“ 80, 120, 160, 240, 300, 480, 600 & 800GB 1.8” 80, 240 & 400GB Now DC S3500 Series 1.8“ 800GB Q1 ’14 DC S3500 Series 2.5“ 1.2 & 1.6TB Q3 ’14 Q4 ’14 DC S3500 Series M.2 80, 120 & 340GB Q2 ’14 Q3 ‘14

43 Intel® SSD DC S3610 Series In planning - Features and schedule subject to change , POR expected Q4 ‘13 Intel® SSD DC S3610 Series Form Factor 2.5” Capacity 480, 800GB, 1.2TB & 1.6TB Performance TBD IOPS 4K random read TBD IOPS 4K random write Power Write/Idle TBD Security End-to-End Data Protection Power Loss Data Protection AES 256b encryption Endurance 3 drive writes Per Day over 5 years Warranty 5 year Product QS Product Availability Intel SSD DC S3610 Series 2.5” 480, 800, 1.2TB & 1.6TB Q3 ‘14 Q4 ‘14

44 Intel® SSD DC S3700 Series Intel® SSD DC S3700 Series Form Factor
2.5” & 1.8” Capacity 2.5” – 100, 200, 400 & 800GB 1.8” – 100, 200 & 400 GB Performance 75,000 IOPS 4K random read 36,000 IOPS 4K random write Power Write/Idle 2.5” – 6W / 650 mW Typical 1.8” – 5.3W / 650 mW Typical Security End-to-End Data Protection Power Loss Data Protection AES 256b encryption Endurance 10 drive writes Per Day over 5 years Warranty 5 year

45 Intel® SSD DC S3710 Series - Haleyville In planning - Features and schedule subject to change
Form Factor 2.5” Capacity 200, 400, 800GB & 1.2TB Performance TBD IOPS 4K random read TBD IOPS 4K random write Power Write/Idle TBD Security End-to-End Data Protection Power Loss Data Protection AES 256b encryption Endurance 10 drive writes Per Day over 5 years Warranty 5 year Product QS Product Availability DC S3710 Series 2.5” Q3 ‘14 Q4 ‘14

46 Intel® SSD DC P3500 Series -Pleasantdale
Form Factor 2.5” / AIC Capacity 2.5”: 400, 800GB, 1.2, 1.6, & 2TB AIC: 400, 800GB, 1.2, 1.6, & 2TB Performance 2800/850MB/s R/W sequential 450/35k IOPS R/W 4K random Power Write/Idle 25/10W Typical Security End-to-End Data Protection Power Loss Data Protection AES 256b encryption Endurance Up to 374 TB Warranty 5 years Consistent, Native-PCIe performance 5X throughput over SATA interface Lowest latency storage interface Product QS Product Availability DC P3500 Series 2.5“ 500, and 1TB Q2 ’14 Q3 ‘14 DC P3500 Series 2.5” 2TB; AIC 500, 1TB and 2TB Q2 ‘14

47 Intel® SSD DC P3600 Series Intel SSD DC P3600 Series
Form Factor 2.5” / AIC Capacity 2.5”: 400, 800GB 1.2TB, 1.6 and 2.0TB AIC: 400, 800GB 1.2TB, 1.6 and 2.0TB Performance 2800/850MB/s R/W sequential 450/70k IOPS R/W 4K random Power Write/Idle 25/10W Typical Security End-to-End Data Protection Power Loss Data Protection AES 256b encryption Endurance 3 drive writes Per Day over 5 yrs Warranty 5 years Consistent, Native-PCIe NVMe performance 5X throughput over SATA interface Lowest latency storage interface Robust Endurance Product QS Product Availability DC P3600 Series 2.5” 400, 800GB, 1.2TB, 1.6TB, 2.0TB Q2 ‘14 DC P3600 Series AIC 1.6TB and 2.0TB DC P3600 Series AIC 400, 800GB and 1.2TB Q3 14

48 Intel® SSD DC P3700 Series - Fultondale
Form Factor 2.5” / AIC Capacity 2.5”: 200, 400, 800, 1.6TB & 2.0TB AIC: 200, 400, 800, 1.6TB & 2.0TB Performance 2800/1700MBps R/W sequential 450/150k IOPS R/W 4K random Power Write/Idle 25/10W Typical Security End-to-End Data Protection Power Loss Data Protection AES 256b encryption Endurance 10 drive writes Per Day over 5 yrs Warranty 5 years Consistent, Native-PCIe performance 5X throughput over SATA interface Lowest latency storage interface High Endurance Technology Product QS Product Availability DC P3700 Series 2.5“ 400, 800GB & 1.6TB Q1 ‘14 Q2 ‘14 DC P3700 Series AIC 400, 800GB & 1.6TB DC P3700 Series 2.5” & AIC 200GB, 2.0TB Q3 ‘14

49 Intel® SSD 750 Series - August Ridge
“Intel’s first Native PCIe SSD for Performance Client” Targeted Markets Enthusiast DT, Workstation, Notebook Opportunistic: Server Product FF: M.2 80mm (SS/ DS) & AIC – HHHL Capacities: 180, 240, 360, 480 & 600GB Intel® SSD 750 Series Form Factor M.2 80mm & AIC HHHL Capacity AIC , 240, 360, 480 & 600GB M , 240, 360, 480 & 600GB Performance: Seq R/W Rand 4K R/W 1500/1100 MB/s 180k/ 24k Active Power < 10W Warranty 5 year Product QS Product Availability 750 Series M.2 80mm 180, 240, 360, 480 & 600GB Q3’14 Q4’14 750 Series AIC HHHL 180, 240, 360, 480 & 600GB

50 First Time (Cold) Reads Existing (Back-End) Storage
Intel® Cache Acceleration Software Accelerating Performance of Existing Storage Server Application Intel® Cache Acceleration Software (Intel® CAS) Fully integrates with system memory Promoting data based on policy System cache avoided for non-hot dat a (read around) Saving memory and improving performance More IOPS, more memory Allows increased VM density Hot Reads Warm Reads Intel® CAS L1 READ Cache (DRAM Memory) First Time (Cold) Reads Intel® CAS L2 READ Cache (SSD Flash) Existing (Back-End) Storage


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