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Enhancing Partnership Among Africa RISING, NAFAKA and TUBORESHE CHAKULA Programs for Fast Tracking Delivery and Scaling of Agricultural Technologies in.

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Presentation on theme: "Enhancing Partnership Among Africa RISING, NAFAKA and TUBORESHE CHAKULA Programs for Fast Tracking Delivery and Scaling of Agricultural Technologies in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhancing Partnership Among Africa RISING, NAFAKA and TUBORESHE CHAKULA Programs for Fast Tracking Delivery and Scaling of Agricultural Technologies in Tanzania Annual Planning and Review Meeting Reduced food waste and spoilage Dr. Adebayo Abass Mr. Audifas Gaspar White Sands Hotel, Dar es Salaam July 4-5, 2016

2 Outline Summary description of key activities Summary of the Implemented activities Target Key activities Key results Partners Key achievements Challenges and Constraints Activities on progress Conclusion

3 Summary description of key activities o Establishing baseline conditions. o Increase utilization/ nutrition – SOYBEANS. o Mechanical Shelling/ Improved drying methods for MAIZE and LEGUMES. o Hermetic Storage of MAIZE and LEGUMES.

4 Summary of the Implemented Activities Nutrition As human beings we need to eat enough food to give us energy and also to meet our nutritional requirements in terms of micro and macro- nutrients. When this does not happen we face serious health consequences. This is especially grave for children because the damage is sometimes irreversible. Post-harvest In Africa between 20% and 40% of farmers produce is lost during harvesting, transportation, processing and storage.

5 Cont..

6 Summary The main intervention has been to: - Diversify their diets and to conduct trainings on fortification process and preparation of well-balanced meals for using appropriate and readily available foods. - Use simple tools and approaches for reducing post- harvest losses of grains and other crops existing.

7 Targets Indicator 2016 Targets Fy Achievement % Fy Achievement % Female % Male Number of farmers and others who have applied new technologies or management practices as a result of USG assistance 70071104852 Number of individuals who have received USG supported short-term agricultural sector productivity or food security training 430485112.844.555.5 Number of food security private enterprises (for profit), producers organizations, water users associations, women's groups, trade and business associations, and community-based organizations (CBOs) receiving USG assistance 1016160-- Number of rural households benefiting directly from USG interventions 300216723268

8 Locations The project component is operational in the following districts:  Kongwa,  Kiteto,  Mvomero,  Kilosa,  Kilolo and  Mbozi.

9 Key activities - To enhance the performance of community level service providers in delivering nutrition services for the target groups of under five children. - To identify interventions which will enhance the capacity of households to access and consume nutrient–dense foods through improved nutrition knowledge, perceptions and practices. - conduct farmers’ training to enhance the uptake and adoption of the use of simple tools and approaches for reducing postharvest losses.

10 Key Results Training of community care providers aimed at promoting pro-nutrition practices and feeding/eating habits. Training on post-harvest handling of cereals, grain legumes and groundnuts in Mbozi district. Promotion on post harvest management technologies.

11 Partners - Center for Counseling, Nutrition and Health Care (COUNSENUTH). - Consultants.

12 Key achievements Training:- - Fortification process. -Community care providers. -Increase knowledge, awareness and utilization of simples tools and approaches available for Post-harvest activities. - Guidelines for community level service providers on how to deliver nutrition services for the target groups.

13 Cont..  A booklet on recipes for complementary foods for under- five children was developed.  The recipe booklet was part of the training package; can also be used as a stand alone document.  It is expected that community nutrition workers will use this recipe book as a guide to support caregivers adequately feed children.

14 Cont.. Exhibition of Agricultural shows in Morogoro (Famous as nane nane). - Posters and Fliers have being prepared.

15 Key achievements



18 Challenges and Constraints  Low maize production - a challenge of warehouse storage in some locations.  Coordination – communication with other projects/organizations delivering PH kind of training in the locations where Africa RISING projects are found is important.

19 Cont..  High price of hermetic storage facilities.  Availability and access to simple tools and machines in small farmers’ locations is limited.

20 Ideas to address challenges Met to develop a strategy for scaling of post-harvest technologies with the aim to link farmers to the PH equipments. Availability is the key to scaling of technology, therefore a plan to scale up the technologies was vital.

21 The strategy Intensify the training and make a follow up to get needs of the farmers after a demand is worked out (Link the farmers to the suppliers thereafter). See the areas with potential e.g. VBAA and other associations in those village (in collaboration with NAFAKA) to enable availability/access of the technologies to all the farmers. Look for alternative source of the technologies/services that we offer to the farmers for better options to farmers considering issues such as cost and time. Form a rural retailer network if found workable to supply the technologies. - we have started some work in this direction and are in position to continue leading on this.

22 Activities-on progress Training of farmers on post-harvest handling through use of simple tools and approaches for shelling, drying and storage practices.

23 Conclusion The team will continue to implement the IR 6 to reduce food losses to improve the livelihoods of the smallholder farming communities in the project areas.


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