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Torn Thread By Anne Isaacs Slide Show by Laurel and Adrianna Rations Death March Liquidation Medical Treatment Anti- Semitism Resistance Exposition Liberation.

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Presentation on theme: "Torn Thread By Anne Isaacs Slide Show by Laurel and Adrianna Rations Death March Liquidation Medical Treatment Anti- Semitism Resistance Exposition Liberation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Torn Thread By Anne Isaacs Slide Show by Laurel and Adrianna Rations Death March Liquidation Medical Treatment Anti- Semitism Resistance Exposition Liberation Conflict Resolution Rising Action Climax

2 Resolution Home Army troops walk down a street in Berlin after the fall of the city. Cutesy of: photos/811?hr=null photos/811?hr=null After Hitler was defeated, Eva and Rachel left Europe for Canada and continue their lives as Canadians.

3 Exposition Setting: Labor Camp in Parschnitz, Czechoslovakia and Poland. Situation/Climate: Book started out in a Ghetto with Eva and her family. Characters: Eva, Rachel, Papa (Samuel), Kayla, Dora, Rosie, Herr Schmidt, Frau Hawlik Parschnitz Ghetto during daytime. Cutesy of: http://www- Home

4 Conflict Home Cutesy of: s-what-really-happened-2.jpg s-what-really-happened-2.jpg Eva was stuck in a labor camp, and was forced to wind bobbins for the German’s army uniform. Eva was the protagonist, and the Nazis were the antagonist. Jews getting ready to go to a work camp.

5 Rising Action Home Cutesy of: Jews sleeping a barracks. Eva was sent to a labor camp in Czechoslovakia. Rachel was sick with typhus, and needles. The Soviet Army was getting close to the labor camp and to victory.

6 Climax Home Cutesy of: images/Guardian/About/General/200 9/6/25/1245957563295/October-1947- -Women-at-wo-001.jpg images/Guardian/About/General/200 9/6/25/1245957563295/October-1947- -Women-at-wo-001.jpg The climax was when Rachel passed out while working in the labor camp. When Eva was injured after getting her hair caught in a sewing machine. And when Rosie died so suddenly. Girls sewing German uniforms.

7 Liberation Home Curtsey of unst/Psychologie/lager/Images/wo ebbelin1.gif unst/Psychologie/lager/Images/wo ebbelin1.gif This picture of Nazis burying dead bodies. The Soviets came and saved the Jews from the Nazis. Eva, Rachel, Dora, and other women were saved by the Soviet Union. They were cared for and received medical attention, water, food, clothes, and supplies in which to live.

8 Resistance Two Jewish brothers pose with the adopted daughter of their German rescuer. Cutesy of: php/photos/9608?hr=null php/photos/9608?hr=null Herr Schmidt, who was German, was helping the Jewish people If a Jewish women were sick, Herr Schmidt would arrange for the rest of the Jews to take turns running her machine so she wouldn’t fall behind her daily quota of bobbins. Often times he take a turn himself. Czech Citizens, and Germans helped rescued many Jews from this camp. Home

9 Anti-Semitism Home Cutesy of: 670?hr=null 670?hr=null SA men put up a sign on the front of a Jewish business which reads: "Not one penny to the Jews." Eva, Rachel, Rosie, Dora, and other Jews were treated extremely unfairly compared to the Germans, and called filthy swines, lazy pieces of filth, and Jewish dogs. The Nazis would also make racial comments about them.

10 Death March Home Curtsey of: women/walking.jpg women/walking.jpg Eva, Rachel, Rosie, and Dora all participated in the death march. This march was very difficult for many Jews but was more difficult for Rachel. It was more difficult because it was hard for Rachel to not pass out. Eva and Rachel constantly witnessed the death of Jewish women during the march. Girls walking in the death march.

11 Liquidation Home Cutesy of: o16.jpg o16.jpg Jews riding in a liquidation truck. In the beginning of the book, Eva witnessed her sister Rachel being taken away by the Nazis. Watching her sister being taken away devastated Eva.

12 Medical Treatment Home Cutesy of: /web/web_060408-F-0000C-001.jpg /web/web_060408-F-0000C-001.jpg In the labor camp, when Rachel and Eva had needles, they weren’t sent to a hospital. The only thing that happened to them was that they were bandaged. In the camps, the Jews had infections, diseases, and disabilities that were never treated. A sick Jewish girl.

13 Rations Home Workers in the Lodz ghetto weigh out and distribute food rations. Cutesy of: /6815?hr=null Eva and her sister Rachel would combine their daily rations together. This was still not enough to keep Eva and Rachel full. While Rachel was sleeping, Eva would secretly give Rachel more food.

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