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Secluded By Lucy Montana Copyright © 2007 Lucy Montana.

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1 Secluded By Lucy Montana Copyright © 2007 Lucy Montana

2 Artistic Statement I was born into a world that lacked color and vibrance; gloominess surrounded me. The rain poured down unrelentingly for weeks straight and there were many long days of anticipation for the sun to come out and make the depressed feeling in the air vanish. After moving to California a few years later, I realized that the rain and cold weather weren’t as bad as I made them seem. There was a sense of beauty in the glistening rain drops and the occasional hail storm that fell from the dark clouds. Remembering life in that cold Seattle weather inspired me to take pictures that show the bittersweet life I had; not realizing that where I lived was actually beautiful even though it seemed lonely at the time. This body of work shows those mixed emotions of loneliness, with a sense of beauty through different people, animals and objects.

3 Static Copyright © 2007 Lucy Montana

4 Innocence Copyright © 2007 Lucy Montana

5 Life Copyright © 2007 Lucy Montana

6 Shattered Copyright © 2007 Lucy Montana

7 Wonder Copyright © 2007 Lucy Montana

8 Hungry Copyright © 2007 Lucy Montana

9 Lost Copyright © 2007 Lucy Montana

10 Caged Copyright © 2007 Lucy Montana

11 Biography Being born in Seattle, Washington, gloominess was always the feeling. Going outside was rare because of the cold weather and I didn’t really get the normal outdoor experience. I knew I had a creative side but I never got the chance to express it. When I moved to California, I finally realized how much I loved to take photos. Even though I loved to draw, I would also be the one holding the camera on vacations looking for exotic flowers and other unusual things to capture. In my sophomore year of High School at Canyon Crest Academy, I decided to try a new class; Digital Photography. I immediately loved it and it really gave me a chance to express my feelings through pictures. I became inspired from many different photographers and hopefully I can accomplish even half of what many of them did.

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